

The Tectonic Characteristics and Its Structural Reason in the .nan Baxian-hai Belt of the North Margin of the Qaidam Basin

【作者】 马长玲

【导师】 侯恩科;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 柴北缘南八仙-马海构造带位于柴北缘西段中部,由于受多期构造运动的影响,构造极为发育,油气勘探难度大,但研究区自20世纪以来,已发现多个油气藏,成为了柴达木盆地目前勘探的热点和重点地区,因此,进行该区构造特征及其成因分析研究,不仅有利于研究区的油气勘探工作的部署及开发,同时也对整个柴北缘大区域的油气勘探研究有实际意义。在简要分析研究区区域构造演化背景的基础上,编制了构造纲要图、地质剖面图,总结了南八仙-马海构造带褶皱构造、断裂构造的基本特征、平面展布规律和剖面组合样式,认为研究区背斜开阔,平面展布为“右列式”,断裂多为南倾逆冲断层,马仙断裂是研究区具有左行走滑特征的骨干走滑逆冲断层,构造样式可划分为压缩构造样式、走滑构造样式和伸展构造样式三大类型。以柴北缘西段地层残余厚度图为基础,对研究区中生代和新生代古近纪、新近纪的古构造进行了分析,认为中生代研究区总体为一古凸起(马海古凸起),且该凸起一直延续到古近纪渐新世早期,马仙断裂是在印支运动末期形成的断裂,它对研究区(该断裂上盘)及其以北地区(该断裂下盘)的中生界至新生界古近系沉积具有明显控制作用。根据地层接触关系以及构造的展布方位、切割关系,分析了研究区主要断裂、褶皱构造的形成时代和构造应力方位,认为马海古凸起的形成是古特提斯洋关闭所引起的印支运动与基底岩性和刚度差异联合作用所产生的,马仙断裂以逆冲为主的左行走滑冲断活动是由上新世末印度板块快速持续的推挤所产生的近南北向挤压应力作用的结果。

【Abstract】 Nan Baxian-Hai belt is in the central western part of the North Qaidam. Due to tectonic movement over, the impact of construction is well developed, it is difficult to explore oil and gas. But, since the 20th century, the study area has been found more oil and gas reservoirs and it have been the current hot key areas of exploration of the Qaidam Basin, therefore, the analyze of structural characteristics and its causes is not only beneficial for exploration of oil and gas but also important and significant for oil and gas exploration in the entire northern margin.Paper analysis of the regional tectonic evolution in a brief, and then , made a structure outline map, geological cross section, summed up the basic characteristics of fault structures, flat distribution rules and profile combination style in the study area.we think that the plane distribution of fold is the "right column type".faults are dip to the South, and also the ma xian fault which is the cents sinistral of the study area is a strike-slip characteristics. Structural styles of the study area can be divided into three major types, they are structural style compression, strike-slip and extensional tectonic style. Based on the residual thickness of the western part of North Qaidam,we analyze the old structure of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Paleogene and Neogene.We think that the study area was a whole the ancient hill in the Mesozoic, and that the bulge has been extended to the early of Oligocene,Ma Xian fault is turn up in the end of Indo moment, it control the Mesozoic to Cenozoic Paleogene deposition of study area and its north area. According to stratigraphic contact and distribution structure orientation, cutting, analyzes the the main fault, fold formation age and tectonic stress orientation in study area. It is conclude that ,the Tsushima ancient uplift is caused by the combined effects of closure of Paleo-Tethys role of Indo-Chinese movement and differences arising.Ma left-lateral strike-slip fault cents to thrust based activities by the end of the Pliocene of the Indian plate pushing rapid and sustained, resulting in nearly a north-south compressive stress results.


