

The Analysis and Evaluation of Geological Structure About Xingdong Coal Mine

【作者】 李鹏

【导师】 樊怀仁;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 资源对一个国家的经济发展至关重要。在未来几十年里,我国煤炭资源供求关系总体上仍然偏紧,煤炭资源的开采力度还会加大。邢东井田地质构造条件特殊、复杂。因此,深刻认识矿井构造的客观规律,准确评价矿井构造复杂程度,为煤矿合理选择适合于机械化采煤的开采区域以及资源高产高效的开发利用提供科学依据。论文通过分析研究区区域构造背景,总结矿区断层构造、褶皱构造以及岩浆活动和陷落柱发育规律。在此基础上进一步分析邢东井田地质构造的发育特征及发育规律。然后应用模糊综合评价,评价邢东井田已采区构造发育程度;应用灰色理论预测未采区评价参数值,并对未采区进行评价。论文研究工作取得以下成果:(1)邢东井田地质构造复杂,属于伸展构造区,断层构造全为张性或张扭性正断层,至今未见有逆断层发育。井田揭露的落差大于20m的大中型断层达59条之多。断层按走向可以分为两组,一组为NNW走向,另一组为NE走向。其中,NNW走向的断层构成井田的东、西边界;NE走向的断层是井田内各级断层构造的主体。断层的平面组合型式主要表现为“入”字型、树枝状、网络状和雁列式等类型,剖面组合型式主要表现为阶梯式、地堑式和地垒式三类。(2)利用模糊综合评判,对邢东井田已采区142个单元进行了构造复杂程度的定量评判,属于Ⅳ类的有18个单元,属于Ⅲ类的有46个单元,属于Ⅱ类的有38个单元,属于Ⅰ类的也有38个单元。评价结果与实际揭露情况基本吻合。通过灰色建模预测未采区各项评价参数值,对未采区各单元的构造复杂程度作出了综合评判,评判结果为:中部未采区各单元的构造等级为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ类,且Ⅰ、Ⅱ类所占比例较大,故整体中部未采区的构造复杂程度较低;西部未采区各单元的构造等级全部为Ⅳ类,构造复杂程度高;东部未采区单元的构造等级为Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ类,且以Ⅲ和Ⅳ类居多,构造复杂程度较高。

【Abstract】 Resources is important for a country’s economic development. In the coming decades, the supply and demand of coal resources is still tight in China, so, the intensity of coal resources exploitation will increase. The tectonic conditions of Xingdong Minefield is unique and complex. Therefore, a profound understanding of the mine’s tectonic objective law and accurate assessment of the complexity of the mine structure, Its purpose is to choose reasonable areas for mechanized coal mining and to provide a scientific basis for high efficient utilization of resources.The thesis analyze the regional tectonic setting of the study area and sum up the mine’s development of fault, folding,magmatism and collapse columns in further. Analyze the tectonic development degree of Xingdong Minefield in Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; forecast evaluation parameter values of un-mining area in gray theory, and evaluate the un-mining area. Thesis work to achieve the following results:(1) Xing Dong Minefiled geological structure is complex and extensional tectonic zone, fault structures are all sheets or transtensional normal fault, so far there is no reverse faults. The large and medium faults which gap greater than 20m are as many as 59 in the filed.The fault can be divided into two groups, one group NNW direction, the other for the NE direction. In which, the NNW direction fracture constitute the Minefield’s eastern and western borders; NE direction fracture constitute the Minefield’s main fault structure at all levels.The plan ecombination of fault mainly are "into" shape, dendritic, network-like ,echelon and so on, the profile combined type mainly are type of ladder, Graben and horst-type.(2) Use Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, study the eastern and western 142 unit of Xingdong Mine which has been mining area, the result are: 18 units of classⅣ, 46 units of classⅢ, 38 units of classⅡand 38 units of classⅠ. Evaluation results are consensus with the actual exposed exploitation situation.Forecast evaluation parameter values of un-mining area in gray theory and evaluate the un-mining area. Evaluation results: the construction of every units of un-mining in the central areⅠ,Ⅱ,ⅢandⅣ, and the proportions ofⅠandⅡtype is larger, so the complex degree of whole structure of un-mining central is lower.The construction of every units of un-mining in the west are allⅣ, and with a higher complex degree of structure. The construction of every units of un-mining in the east areⅡ,ⅢandⅣtype, most areⅢandⅣtype, and with a higher complex degree of structure.


