

Study on Education Countermeasures of College Students’ Common Psychological Problemsinthe New Period

【作者】 张瑜

【导师】 郑华萍;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大量调查表明,大学生自身的特点和所处的社会环境等因素决定了他们需要面对各种矛盾和压力,如就业竞争、学习的适应、人际关系的压力、抑郁焦虑情绪的困扰、爱情的困惑和家庭的贫困等。这些问题和压力都易成为大学生心理问题的诱因。2002年,教育部办公厅印发的《普通高等学校大学生心理健康教育工作实施纲要(试行)》(教社政厅[2002] 3号)文件要求,高校要帮助大学生处理好学习成才、人际交往、交友恋爱、求职择业、人格发展和情绪调节等方面的困惑,并且“要特别重视经济困难学生等特殊群体学生的心理健康教育工作”。十七大报告也明确指出,“加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,用正确方式处理人际关系。”2010年2月新出台的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》又一次要求“加强心理健康教育”。因此,积极研究大学生常见心理问题具有重要的现实意义。本文主要通过文献法、抽样问卷调查法进行分析研究。采用文献法收集国内外在本研究领域的成果、专著、文献,并对所收集资料进行研究、对比和筛选,从而总结归纳出目前大学生常见心理问题的理论与方法的现状及发展趋势。采用抽样问卷调查法对西北大学、陕西师范大学、西安建筑科技大学、西安科技大学、西安财经学院五所高校大学生的常见心理问题进行了调查、统计和分析。调查显示新时期大学生常见心理问题主要表现在就业、学习、人际关系、情绪、恋爱和贫困等六个方面。针对以上问题分析其影响因素包括:社会环境因素、高校教育因素、家庭教育因素和大学生自身因素。综合上述理论分析及国内外研究,提出大学生常见心理问题的教育对策。针对就业问题,提出注重政策引导、树立正确的择业观、加强社会实践锻炼;针对学习问题,提出加强思想政治教育和职业生涯教育、树立现代教育思想、创新教育方法;针对人际关系问题,提出加强自我教育、加强校园环境建设、树立正确的家庭教育观念;针对情绪问题,提出注重体育锻炼、加强社会支持、培养健全人格;针对恋爱问题,提出加强社会主义核心价值观教育、婚恋伦理道德教育、净化大众传媒、加强家庭恋爱教育;针对贫困问题,提出提供经济资助、加强思想政治教育、运用心理健康教育。同时,为了确保新时期大学生常见心理问题的教育对策的有效实施,本文还提出具体的实施保障:(1)更新观念,即树立以人为本、全面、协调的大学生心理问题教育观念;(2)构建大学生常见心理问题教育组织体系。

【Abstract】 A lot of research suggests that the characteristics of college students and the socialenvironment factors determined that they needed to face all kinds of contradictions and stress,such as employment competition, adaptability of study, pressure of interpersonal relationship,the obsession of depression and anxiety, the bewilderment of love and poor family, and so on.These problems and stress were prone to become the incentive which produced psychologicalproblems. In 2002, the file which issued by the ministry of education in "higher normal schoolstudents’ psychological health education work implementation summary (trial implementation)" requested that universities should help college students to handle the troubles of study,interpersonal communication, love, employment, the development of personality and moodregulation, and "to pay special attention to the education work of the special group’spsychological health, such as college students from poor family ". The report of the 17thNational Congress also explicitly pointed out that, "to strengthen and improve the ideologicaland political work, pay attention to the humane care and psychological counseling, usingcorrect way to handle interpersonal relationship." "the national education reform anddevelopment of long-term program (2010-2020) "which published in February 2010 requestedagain that " strengthen psychological healthy education". Therefore, researching collegestudents’common psychological problems actively had important realistic significance.This paper used literature, a sampling survey to analysis and research. It collecteddomestic and foreign literature in the field of the results of this study, monographs, literatureand data collected by research, comparison and selection, which summarized the status quoand the development trend about the theories and methods of students’common mentalproblems at present. And it used the sampling survey method to conducted a survey of thestatus, statistics and analysis for students’common mental problems that five Universities:contain the Northwestern university,the Shann’xi normal university, the Xi’anUniversity of Architecture and Technology ,the Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an Institute of Finance and Economics. The survey showed that common psychologicalproblems in the new era of college students were employment, studies, interpersonalrelationship, emotion, love and poverty problems. In view of the above analysis, the impact offactors for that issues including: social environmental factors, higher education, Familyeducation and its own factors of students themselves. According to the above theoreticalanalysis and researches at home and abroad, the paper proposed the education countermeasuresof college students’common psychological problems. According to the problem ofemployment, put forward the policy guiding, to set up the correct concept of choosing a job, tostrengthen the social practice; for study problems, proposed strengthen ideological andpolitical education and career education, established modern education thoughts, innovateteaching methods;in interpersonal relationship problems, proposed strengthening egoeducation, strengthen construction of campus environment, and set up the correct concepts offamily education; for emotional problems, this paper put forward to notice exercise, tostrengthen the social support and develop a perfect personality; about love problems, toenhance college students’ education of the socialistic core value, marriage ethics education,purification of mass media, and strengthen Family education about love; against povertyproblems, provide economic aid, strengthen ideological and political education and theapplication of mental health education. At the same time, to education countermeasures ofcollege students’common psychological problems can be effectively implemented in the newperiod, but also put forward to many specific measures to protect:(1)update the conceptthat the concept of the education of college students’common psychological problems werepeople-oriented set, comprehensive, coordinated;(2)build a organizational system of theeducation of college students’common psychological problems.


