

The Characteristics and Prevetion of Geologcial Hazaders in the Key Areas of Coal Mining of the Northern Shaanxi

【作者】 任永贤

【导师】 赵晓光; 袁建华;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以陕北煤炭开采重点区——榆神府矿区为研究区域,在广泛调查研究区水文、地质、采矿、环境等因子的基础,结合矿区煤炭资源赋存特点,对研究区地质灾害特征及其致灾机理进行分析,并对其防治技术进行研究总结,主要结论如下:(1)陕北煤炭开采重点区地质灾害以崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷为主要形式,人类资源开发活动是直接动因,崩塌是地质灾害的主导类型,地面塌陷危害最为严重。(2)对研究区几种主要地质灾害类型的发育特征(频率、规模、空间分布、类型构成及危害程度等)进行了分析。结合研究区内典型的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷等地质灾害实例,剖析了其致灾机理,分析了主要地质灾害发生发展的影响因子。影响崩、滑、流等地质灾害的主要因素是地形与斜坡形态、地层岩性、构造运动、人类工程活动及水文、气象条件等自然因素;影响地面塌陷的主要因素为埋藏深度、松散层厚度、断层、倾角等资源自身赋存条件和开采时间、开采强度、采厚等人为开采设计条件。(3)运用定性与定量相结合的方法,以MAPGIS软件为平台,以灾害发生的密度、类型、危害程度为依据,对研究区地质灾害危险性进行分区。得到地质灾害高易发区11个、中易发区12个、低易发区8个和不发育区3个。并对每一级分区所涵盖的范围、面积、地质灾害类型、数量、分布特征等做出评价。(4)基于上述结果,对于斜坡类地质灾害和地面塌陷类地质灾害分别提出了技术防治措施。对斜坡类地质灾害和地面塌陷类地质灾害分别提出了防治措施,对于斜坡类地质灾害而言,可因地制宜采取抗滑工程、排水工程、减重与加载、护坡工程、搬迁避让等措施进行防治。对于地面塌陷类地质灾害而言,可采取预测预报、搬迁避让,合理设计采煤方法、控制采高和开采强度以及区域综合治理等措施。同时在宏观的角度提出地质灾害防治工作管理技术与措施。

【Abstract】 This article takes YuShenFu mining area which is key areas of coal mining in the northern Shaanxi as study area. On the basis of collecting materials of several fields such as hydrology, geology, environment, this paper studies characteristics and prevention of geological disasters combined with the characteristics of coal resources in the study area. Main contents and conclusions are as follows:(1) This passage analyzed and summarized seriously geological conditions and characteristics including topography geology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, and environmental geology in YuShenFu mining area. On this basis, it analyzed development features of five kinds of geological hazards which are collapse, landslide, debris flow, ground subsidence and unstable slopes. The development features includes frequency, size, spatial distribution, type composition and harmful levels.(2) Based on the characteristics of this area, this paper analyzed and elaborated formation mechanism of five kinds of geological hazards with typical instance deeply and specificly in the study area. On this basis, it proposed impact factors of the development of geological disasters. The main impact factors of the development of collapse, landslide, and debris flow are topography and slope morphology, lithology, tectonic movement, human engineering activities and natural factors such as meteorological, hydrological, etc. The main impact factors of the development of ground subsidence are from two aspects. The one hand, impact factors come from the characteristics of coal resources in the study area such as depth, loose thickness, fault, dip, etc. On the other hand, impact factors come from mining design conditions such as mining time, mining intensity, and mining height.(3) The study used qualitative and quantitative methods to divide the study area to several regions with MAPGIS as a platform. The results show that there are 11 high-prone areas, 12 medium-prone areas, 8 low-prone areas and 3 no-developed areas. This study drawn map of prone areas and assessed the characteristics of every level area including range, area, type, quantity, and spatial distribution.(4) Based on these results, the essay presents different types of engineering measures for slope and ground subsidence type of geological disasters respectively. As the same time it presents management techniques and measures of prevention and control of geological disasters from the macro perspective.

【关键词】 煤矿区地质灾害特征措施
【Key words】 Coal Mining AreaGeological HazardsCharacteristicMeasure
  • 【分类号】P694
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】396

