

The Research on the Basic Pattern of Team Defense between Chinese Men’s Basketball Team and Competition Team in the 29th Olympic Games

【作者】 何百山

【导师】 范民运;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 防守战术基础配合的质量已经成为决定全队防守战术的重要因素。防守战术基础配合运用的效果,直接反映全队防守战术的质量,只有在熟练掌握和灵活运用各种防守战术基础配合的基础上,才能增加组成全队防守战术的数量和提高全队的防守战术的质量。本文采用文献资料法、数理统计法、录像分析法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等研究方法对第29届奥运会我国男篮和与赛队的6场比赛中防守战术基础配合运用的相关指标进行统计分析,总结我国男篮在防守战术基础配合运用方面的不足和与赛队的差距,能对我国男篮水平的提高提供理论参考,同时也为正确认识我国男篮和世界高水平球队的差距提供数据支持,得出如下结论:1、在北京奥运会篮球比赛中,我国男篮的整体防守水平和以往相比有了较大幅度的提高。无论防守战术的灵活运用还是防守战术基础配合的实施,都给对手带来了一定的压力。防守的积极性有了质的提高,但是在防守配合运用的时机、应变、默契方面与世界强队相比仍有一定的差距。2、我国男篮队员在比赛中大量运用灵活多变的防守战术基础配合,防守战术基础配合运用的层次与重点更加突出,体现出现代篮球运动防守的新理念。当前世界高水平篮球队在比赛中“以球为主”的防守理念更加突出,在防守中始终贯彻“以球为主,球、人、区、时”兼顾的原则,我国男篮在各个区域运用战术基础配合的数量和与赛队差异不明显,能很好的贯彻这一原则。3、我国男篮能针对对手的特点作出调整,对外线队员的防守大量运用挤过、绕过、穿过、交换防守、抢前延误回防配合,对内线队员采用大量的协防、关门、夹击、围守中锋等配合。但是,我国男篮在协防、关门、夹击等配合的运用效果不够理想,成功率低。另外我国男篮不能很好的把防守外线与内线有机协调起来,总是顾此失彼,捉襟见肘。4、抢前延误回防是国际上最新的防守挡拆的方法,能够非常有效的制约挡拆配合,在此次奥运会中被大量的采用。通过比赛分析,欧洲球队和美国队已经运用的相当娴熟,而我国男篮这一配合运用的不够熟练,出现延误不及时,回防速度慢等现象。

【Abstract】 The quality of basic pattern in team defense has become an important factor which decided the team’s defensive tactics.The basic pattern effect in defensive tactics directly reflects the team’s defensive tactics quality.Therefore, only on the basic of use the defensive tactics masterly and flexibly, we could better the amount of the team’s defensive tactics and the quality of the defensive tactics.This article intends to analogy the basic pattern index of team defense between Chinese men’s basketball team and competition teams in the 29th Olympic Games by use literature reading, statistical analysis, game tapes statistics,questionnaires and expert interviews,aims to summarize Chinese men’s basketball team’s shortcomings and gaps between the competition teams.It’s not only able to provide a theoretical reference for raising the level of Chinese men’s basketball,but also for the correct understanding the gap of Chinese men’s basketball and the world high-level team to provide supporting data, Draw the following conclusions:1.Compared with the world high-level teams,whether using defensive tactics or cooperating with other players has vastly improved, also brought certain pressure to the opponents. Our team’s defensive enthusiasm has been qualitative improvement.But in the basic team defense’s pattern still had certain disparity.Such as:opportunity, the strain, and the tacit understanding aspects.2.In the current world high-level basketball teams,"ball-based" defensive idea is more prominent,which is consistently applied the principles of "ball-based, ball,people, area, times" in the defense.There is not obvious difference in various regions of the basic pattern of team defense’s quantity both our country men’s basketball team and the race teams.China’s men’s basketball can be a very good implementation of the above principles,and they can use lots of basic cooperation in defensive tactics massively and flexibly,which is more prominent in its level and emphasis.So, all of those show the new ideas in modern basketball.3. Chinese men’s basketball team according to the opponent’s characteristics make much adjustment:to the outside area players who extensive use of fight over、bypassing, slide through,switching, delay defense etc.To the inside area members who use double-team, helping defense,shut the door, encircle defends center and so on.However,the Chinese men’s players can not use the method better, and get the ideal effect,so the success ratio is also low. Besides,our country men’s basketball team cannot coordinate the outside and the inside area defense organically.4. Delay defense is the international newest method of defending screen and rolls,which can be very effective constraints screen and rolls, and in the 29th Olympic Games also had extensive use.Through competition analysis,the European teams and the U. S.team had used considerable adept, but our men’s basketball team is not better, still have some problems, such as:delay defense is not timely, and return to defense is slow and so on.


