

The Design and Realization of the One-stop Online Administration

【作者】 张冬

【导师】 李雄飞;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国信息技术的迅猛发展和人们自身信息意识的增强,行政部门为了更好的实现其管理职能和服务于社会公众,必须加快信息化的步伐,以适应新形式的要求。当前,电子政务建设在全国已经得到广泛推广,这为行政部门的信息化建设提供了有力的支援,随之而来的是行政部门对于信息化网站的建设需求变的更加的迫切,实现政务公开、各部门网上交互式、可视式办公以及信息化是新形势下建设电子政务网站的首要目标。电子政务网站的建设,有利于加速行政职能转变,提升办事效率,增强行政服务和行政监管能力。电子政务是指政府机构将现代信息技术与政务工作相结合,实现政务和工作流程的信息重组优化,解决了工作流程中时间上、空间上的制约,由此而创建的一个精简、高效的电子政府模式。其本质是利用计算机信息技术(特别是时下广泛应用的internet技术)进行行政管理职能。随着中国加入世贸,参与世界范围内行为的增多,各行各业都在积极提高自身的竞争力和社会参与的能力,大量企业的重组、政府和企业信息化进程的加快都在说明一个问题:政府机构中传统以纸质文件为主的、强调公文处理的政府办公模式将从主导地位逐渐减弱衰退,以强调信息服务、计算机技术应用为主的数字化信息化服务将逐渐代替原有的办公方式。电子政务系统具有传统公文处理的能力,同时赋予了新的计算机内容,融信息查询、信息发布、账户管理、流程监控等功能为一身。其中网上审批又是最重要的一部分,其现实作用愈加明显,对现代政府提高服务质量、提高工作效率、规范办公制度,增强办公的透明性,作为逐步实现无纸化办公的重要工具作用愈加突出。所谓的“一站式”(One-stop)电子政务是指将传统的需要手工办理的业务迁移到网上,政府各个部门的信息和服务聚集到一起,这样一来,需要电子政务服务比如申请审批业务的用户只要登录到电子政府的网站,就可以得到所需要的各个部门的完整服务和综合事务处理,从而避免了每次申请一个部门时单独登录该部门网站进行审批的繁杂过程。其实质就是服务的集合、整合。本文以净月经济开发区管委会一站式政务审批系统建设为例,给出了基于JSP的网上一站式审批系统的需求分析、总体设计以及系统的实现。通过一站式网上审批系统,为行政部门的网上审批提供了有利的平台,实现了信息的公开化以及交互性。通过实际体验表明,我们的系统具有很好的兼容性和可扩展性,针对客户提出的问题,我们给出了对功能进一步扩展的可行性方案。管委会通过政务大厅,建设全程办事代理系统、许可审批系统、办公自动化、企业申报平台系统,为企业、公众提供便捷的服务,同时将管委会内部与外部的管理和服务职能通过精简优化后转移为网络化办公模式,实现政务窗口公开、网上交互式办公以及开放式、可视化、信息化的管理模式。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of IT in our country and enhancement of the awareness of people’s private information and in order to better bring its function into play and serve the publics in our society, the administrative departments in government must speed up the pace of informationization to adapt the requirement of new situation. At present, the construction of e-government is popularized throughout our country, which supports the informationization construction of administrative department in government and following task is the administrative department’s urgent need of construction of information-based websites to help provide realization of making government affairs transparent, interacting among the websites of administrative departments, picture work. The construction of e-government websites is propitious to accelerating the transformation of administrative functions and enhancing the work efficiency and strengthening the ability of administrative service and administrative supervision.E-government is that the government apparatus combines the modern IT and government affairs, which realizes the optimized reorganization of government affairs and work flow and resolves the problem of the restriction on time and space in work flow. Therefore, a simple and efficient e-government mode has been established, whose essence is to use the computer IT (esp. the currently widely used internet technology) to conduct its supervision function. With the China’s entry of WTO, we are evolved in world activities and people in all walks of life actively enhance their own competitiveness and social participant ability. A great many of reshuffled enterprises and the acceleration of informationization process of both the government and enterprises are all accounted for this. The traditional government working mode which mainly uses paper files and emphasizes the document treatment will be gradually declined and replaced by digital information service mainly based on emphasized on information service and application of computer technology.E-government system is of the ability of the traditional document treatment and in the mean time endowed with new computer content, which can provides the information inquiry, information release, account management, flow supervision in the system, among which online examination and approval is another most important part whose action is more and more distinctive and gives predominance to enhancing government service quality and work efficiency, regulating office system, and helping making government work transparency, and as an important tool for the government gradually going paperless.So called“one-stop”e-government is to remove the traditional government affairs onto the network for dealing with, on which the information and service from all the departments of government are gathered there on the network, so that the all that needs e-government service such as users applying for examination and approval just log on the e-government websites and can get the full service and general affairs processed, so avoiding miscellaneous process of logging on the website for applying for only one department’s service, whose essence is the aggregation and conformity of service.Taking the construction of one-stop e-government examination and approval system of Changchun Jingyue Economic Development Zone as an example, this article presents the requirement analysis, general design of the online one-stop examination and approval based on JSP and the realization of the system. Through we provide a favorable platform for administrative department’s online examination and approval and realize making the information public and interaction. The practical experience indicates that our system possesses excellent compatibility and expansibility and for the question raised by the users, we present a further expansible feasible plan in system function.Through the government hall, the Management Committee build a complete set of proxy system for government work, examination and approval system, office automation, enterprise reporting platform system and provides the enterprises and the public with convenient service and in the time, transfer the internal and external management and service functions into a network office mode through be simplified and optimized, which makes the government service window public, finishes online interactive work and an open, picture and information-based management mode is well operated here.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP317.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】123

