

The Environmental Management of Faw Toyota (changchun) Engine Co., Ltd

【作者】 董达

【导师】 李时;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工业工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代工业迅猛发展,导致了“资源短缺、环境污染和生态破环”日趋严重,影响和制约了社会进步和经济发展,也危及了人类赖以生存和发展的空间。解决这一问题的有效方法就是建立并运行ISO14001体系。ISO14001体系运行的宗旨与循环经济完全一致,即变传统的“资源→产品→废弃物”的开放型物质流动模式为“资源→产品→再生资源”的闭环型物质流动模式。所以说ISO14001体系有效运行也是实施循环经济的有效途径。本文通过详细分析一汽丰田(长春)发动机有限公司环境管理体系的建立、运行、绩效考核、评审实例来说明企业如何根据ISO14001来建立自己的环境管理体系、审核体系、周期评价体系、环境绩效评价体系等组织机构,并使这些组织机构有效的运行。从而得出ISO14001体系不仅仅适用于制造企业,而是广泛适的用于各行各业。也只有各行各业都建立并有效运行自己ISO14001体系,循环经济才能真正的实现。

【Abstract】 In the production process, factories will mainly produce seven pollutions : air pollution, noise, vibration, soil pollution, smells, the ground sinks. Air pollution can lead to human suffering from respiratory disease, reducing plants resistance eventually death; noise can impair the hearing, can damage the cardiovascular system, can affect neurological systems, and can make people impatient and irritable;vibration at long time can break the internal organs, position and concussion; soil pollution may result in grain output; soil pollution may result in grain output, no harvest, threatens the human’s survival; smells will cause effects for the breath, and cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous system. If serious, they will lead to failure smell pneumonedema, and even will be death of suffocation;the ground surface sinks can cause a worse waterlogging, environmental degradation of surface water, nicked, the houses collapsed and directly threat to the people’s life safety.Modern industry is highly developed greatly enriched our material life, but he had a negative impact on—the shortage of resources, environmental pollution and ecological damage "coming up before us. If we don’t face up to and solve these problems, then perish will wait for us. It is a problem before us in urgent need to solve that how can we alleviate the shortage of resources and protect the ecological environment and rapidly develop economy and to satisfy the people’s living material need.FAW Toyota (Changchun)Engine Co., Ltd. has found the ways to solve the problems. It is by ISO14001 environment management systems. FAW Toyota(Changchun)Engine Co., Ltd. was found on March 25th, 2004, and it is combined form from FAW Group Company and Toyota Company. It mainly produces new series v6 engines with high technology contents, such as 24 valves, a double top to the camshafts, fuel jet systems by electrical controlling. It has variable intake and exhaust in phase to adjust features, and good performance, steam, largely for the new crown series and facilities of top of the car, for one’s ability 130000. To save energy, to reduce consumption and to reduce pollution, in 2006, the environmental management has been done. To ISO 14000 ( Environmental Management of International Standard ) as a template, FAW Toyota (Changchun)Engine Co., Ltd. has constructed itself environmental management system, audit and evaluation system, the environmental performance appraisal system and other organizations. To stimulate the enterprises need to comply with environmental laws and regulations, and to enhance the environmental consciousness of all the employees, to reach the targets to save resources and waste to use, cutting costs and reduce the burden of the environment. In September 2007, it obtained the certificates from Centre of Environmental Management System Certification, British UKAS Environmental Management System Certification.About which we live in the present situation and conditions of the human race. The international communities actively seek solutions and we Chinese enterprises seek the ways how to face the problems of environmental contamination growing worse. Introduce ISO14001 standards and contents. The emphasis is what on FAW Toyota (Changchun)Engine Co., Ltd. for environmental management systems establishing and running, performance and review. To function efficiently ISO14001 system is effective way to implement the recycling economy and methods. In the end of the article about the process system of some problems, and made suggestions for FAW Toyota (Changchun) Engine Co., Ltd.. In conclusion, ISO14001 standards are flexible in other industries.As ISO14001 standards combined with national environmental laws and regulations, very cleverly fenced with the countries of the environment legal systems and statutes that require differences, thereby ISO14001 standards have widely applications. It provides for environmental management systems and environmental management systems are applicable to all the organizations of types and sizes, and all geographic and cultural and social conditions. In the management objects, it applies to anyone with implementing and maintaining and improving environmental management systems of organizations. There are no requests in the standard for organizing the must in the whole company or group level of environmental management system, instead, you can choose specific facilities and a department or some of the selected operation of the unit to implement ISO1400 standards, the prerequisite is the selection of the organizations should have its functions and administrative managements. ISO1400 standards apply to organizations with any types of products. Products category includes the hardware, software, the flow of materials and services, any organizations with product types can establish environmental management systems according to ISO14001 standard. ISO1400 standards apply to the organizations with any scales. Organizations in the scale can be divided into big and small organization, for same type of products, in large groups of environmental factors are complex, and environmental factors in medium or small organizations are relatively simpler, but any sizes of the organizations can establish environmental management systems according to ISO14001 standard. ISO14001 standards apply to any the organizations of environmental performance. No matter what are the organizations with culture, or the ones relatively backward;whether the organizations in the eastern or in the western hemisphere; as long as they have the wishes of the establishment and implementation and maintaining and improving environmental management systems, which can be implemented environmental management system standards.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】F426.4;X322
  • 【下载频次】114

