

Study on Quality Management Based on Consumer Value in Toothpaste Industry

【作者】 刘震

【导师】 莫玲娜;

【作者基本信息】 广西工学院 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高露洁、佳洁士两大品牌在中国牙膏市场上已形成霸主地位,国产牙膏品牌在与外资牙膏品牌竞争中明显处于下风,因此本土牙膏企业必须寻找新的途径来提升整体竞争实力。显然,牙膏产品质量已成为决定牙膏企业在国际国内市场竞争中能否成功的重要因素之一。中国牙膏企业要想在竞争中处于有利地位,就要不断地提高牙膏产品的质量,提高顾客满意度,扩大市场占有率。因此牙膏企业必须应用顾客价值理论指导质量管理来提高牙膏企业的竞争力。顾客价值理论是能够持续地为牙膏目标顾客创造卓越的顾客价值来不断地吸引、开发和保持顾客并使之为企业创造最大价值的理论。本文将顾客价值理论和质量管理理论整合在一起,在结合牙膏企业生产经营特点的基础上提出了基于顾客价值的牙膏企业质量管理。本文首先论述了顾客价值理论和质量管理理论,以及他们之间的关系,即实现卓越的顾客价值的是质量管理的目标,质量管理是实现顾客价值的基本保障。接着阐述了基于顾客价值的牙膏企业质量管理框架、流程,从研发设计、生产制造、销售及售后服务三个阶段介绍了基于顾客价值的牙膏企业质量管理。本文的思想:通过对牙膏产品顾客价值分析,从而明确顾客看重的关键顾客价值因素,牙膏企业通过质量顾客价值屋将顾客价值因素需求转化为功能需求,将功能需求转化为质量需求,将质量需求转化为技术需求,将技术需求转化为构成牙膏产品的各个因素特性。从而找出能显著提高顾客价值的牙膏因素特性,加强这些方面的质量管理,既提高了牙膏企业质量管理的效果和效率,又提高了牙膏产品的顾客价值。本文的创新点:(1)从理论上确定顾客价值最大时的质量投入即最佳质量水平的质量投入。(2)牙膏企业如何利用顾客价值理论来进行质量管理,提高顾客价值。本论文在研究质量管理文献和顾客价值文献及其相关文献的基础上,利用文献研究、系统研究、对比分析、实证分析等研究方法进行基于顾客价值的质量管理理论和实践探讨。目标是所做的研究能够给牙膏企业的经营以启发。

【Abstract】 In Chinese market, the Colgate, Crest toothpaste brand have formed a dominant position, Chinese toothpaste brands are obviously disadvantage in competition with foreign brands of toothpastes. The local toothpaste companies must find new ways to improve the overall competitiveness. Obviously, toothpaste product quality has become one of the important successful factors to compete in international and domestic markets. If Chinese toothpaste companies want to gain a good position, we must continually improve the quality of toothpaste products, improve customer satisfaction, expand market share. Therefore, toothpaste enterprises must apply customer value theory to guide quality management to improve the competitiveness of toothpaste enterprises. Customer value theory is a theory that can be sustained for toothpaste target customers to create superior customer value and sustained to attract, develop and maintain customers and make them create the greatest value for the enterprise.The page will unite customer value and quality management theory together, combine the characteristics of toothpaste production and operation, and propose Quality Management Based on Customer Value in Toothpaste Industry. This paper discusses the customer value theory and the theory of quality management and their relationship. To achieving superior customer value is the goal of quality management, and the quality management is the fundamental guarantee of achieving customer value. This paper discusses the framework, process in Toothpaste Enterprises Quality Management Based On the Customer Value, and introduces Toothpaste Enterprises Quality Management Based On the Customer Value from three stages of research and development, manufacturing, sales as well as after-sales service.The thought of this article is: to understand the key factors of customer value through analyzing the toothpaste products customer value. The toothpaste enterprise will translate the key factors into functional requirements through housing of quality customer value;and translate functional requirements into quality requirements; quality requirements into the technology needs;technology needs into the factors that constitute the characteristics of toothpaste products .To identify areas that can significantly improve the customer value factors characteristics of toothpaste, to enhance the quality management in these areas, both to improve the toothpaste business effectiveness and efficiency of quality management, and also enhance the customer value of toothpaste products.The innovation of this paper: (1) Determining the best inputs of quality when the customer value is at the maximum level. (2) The way for the toothpaste businesses using customer value to guide quality management and improve customer value through quality management.The thesis is on base of researching literature of quality management and customer value and to explores the theory and practice of Toothpaste Enterprises Quality Management Based On the Customer Value by the researching literature , system, comparative analysis, empirical analysis methods. The goal of the paper is to give the toothpaste companies an inspiration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西工学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

