

Normal University Students’ Status of Contemporary Political Beliefs and Educational Countermeasures

【作者】 王苑岭

【导师】 税强;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 政治信念是社会聚合、稳定的重要精神纽带。师范大学生是未来的人民教师,将担负传道授业的神圣职责。师范大学生的政治信念将直接影响着一代代人的政治价值取向,甚至影响和决定着中国未来的发展方向。伴随着改革开放的伟大进程,师范大学生深切感受到中国在政治经济文化社会等方面取得的巨大进步,他们拥护中国共产党的领导,认可中国特色社会主义道路。但是随着经济全球化的深入和社会生活的深刻变化,大学生的政治信念也受到很大的影响。本文通过对重庆主城范围内的三所师范院校400名师范大学生的问卷调查和部分学生的个案访谈,从政治认知、政治情感和政治行为倾向三个方面考察了其政治信念的基本状况。基于问卷调查和统计分析,本研究认为师范大学生的政治信念总体是符合社会主导政治信念的,具有正确的政治认知,积极的政治情感,较为成熟的行为倾向,但是也存在政治认知模糊、政治情感淡漠、政治行为偏激,以及知行不统一等问题。针对师范大学生在政治信念方面存在的问题以及影响的因素,本文从明确分层目标、丰富内容、改进方式、强化队伍、改善环境等方面,对当代师范大学生政治信念教育的创新性策略进行了初步探索,以期对师范大学生政治信念教育提供可行性参考。

【Abstract】 Political beliefs are social cohesion, and stability of the bond. As a teacher moving toward education and teaching position, college students will be held an important social responsible for Tuition FAQ, in particular need to set a good example, raise their own political and ideological quality, strengthen the mainstream of Political belief.With the economic globalization and the process of reform and opening up, their political belief has changed greatly. Although they supporting the leadership of the CPC and approving the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To set up and strengthen political beliefs by contemporary college students is the important expression of the degree of political socialization, Directly affect their political support and the choice of political behavior. Based on questionnaire of 400 students of three normal universities in Chongqing and interview of some teachers’individual-cases, this paper do the study on the general situation of its political conviction through three aspects, including political cognition, political affections, and political behavior deviation. Furthermore, combing the relative theory, this paper analyzes the concerned factors. Finally it do the initial exploration on innovative stage of political belief education learned by nowadays’students from normal universities.For Normal University students in the problems of political beliefs and the factors affecting, the paper targeted, detailed objectives, rich content, strengthen teams, improve methods, and improve the mechanism of six aspects of contemporary political beliefs University Health Education Innovation Strategy conducted a preliminary exploration to the political beliefs of students on the University refer to the feasibility of education.


