

The Research on Moral Reconstruction of the Settled Community Tesidents

【作者】 沈雕

【导师】 杜斗恒;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 重庆市作为统筹城乡综合配套改革实验区,将在消除城乡二元结构,实现城乡一体化发展道路上探索积累经验。其中,城镇化和工业化是我们必然的选择,按照《重庆市城市总体规划(2005—2020年)》,在短短10年内,我市将净增545万城镇人口,而这些新增人口中主要以城乡结合部的失地安置农民为主。然而,通过对目前已安置的失地农民道德状况调查,发现其道德有失衡或失范现象,且有愈演愈烈之势。2004年9月,党的十六届四中全会就提出要“构建社会主义和谐社会”,如果不能实现安置社区居民道德重建,不能积极引导社区居民道德向善变化,不仅将影响统筹城乡发展,而且还会阻碍我们构建和谐社会的伟大事业。本论文在对陈家桥桥东社区深度访谈调查的基础上,展开对安置社区居民道德及道德体系问题的研究。文章分析了安置社区居民安置前后生活特征的变化,包括谋生方式、生活方式、居住环境、生活成本等方面,有助于从不同层面、不同角度了解其基本情况和生活环境,为道德变化研究做了铺垫。同时,文章重点阐述了安置社区居民道德现状及其成因。安置社区居民在新、旧道德体系维系力的交替作用和一些社会腐朽思潮的影响渗透下,其传统美德逐渐消解,而新的市民道德又严重缺位,所以出现了道德失衡和道德冲突现象,诸如个人品德滑坡、家庭美德淡化、交往关系功利化等。诱发这些道德问题的原因很多,包括居民居住方式、交往方式的变化,安置利益补偿不公平,社会保障体系不健全以及居民精神文化生活匮乏等。在此基础上,文章提出了实现安置社区居民道德重建的主要举措,包括改革征地制度和补偿方式、加强基层民主政治建设、积极引导扶持就业、健全社会保障体系、加强社区科学文化建设、强化道德教育引导等措施,从决定道德的经济基础以及影响道德的政治、文化等其它上层建筑方面着手,系统地分析了道德重建的路径和举措。安置社区居民出现的道德失衡或道德失范问题,已经影响了居民自身生活质量和社会和谐稳定,而要加强其思想道德建设使之符合社会主义荣誉观的基本要求,不是简单的思想道德教育,而是要对影响道德的若干要素进行系统分析,即实现其道德体系的重构。本文的研究将对解决安置社区居民的思想道德问题以及促进社会和谐稳定具有一定的理论和实践价值。

【Abstract】 As an experimental region to balance urban and rural comprehensive development, Chongqing is going to explore and accumulate experience in eliminating the dual structure in urban and rural economy and realize integral development of urban and rural areas. Among them, urbanization and industrialization are our inevitable choices. According to the Overall City Plan of Chongqing(2005-2020), there will be a net increase of urban population of 54,500 people in Chongqing in 10 years, among which are mainly landless peasants in rural-urban fringe zone. However, through a survey on morality of the landless peasants who have been settled, it is discovered that personal disorganization exists increasingly. In September,2004, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Party Central Committee has put forward the building of a harmonious socialist society. If we can not realize the reconstruction of the moral system of the settled community residents, it will not only affect the development of balancing urban and rural areas, but also hinder the great cause of building a harmonious society.On the base of deep investigation in the Qiaodong community of Chenjiaqiao, This thesis attempts to analyze the problem of the morality and the moral system. This thesis analyses living changes of the community residents before and after they have been settled, including means of making their living, their lifestyles, living conditions, living costs and so on. Moreover, it states the dominant and recessive problems of the settled community, contributing to the understanding of their fundamental information and living environment. Meanwhile, this thesis mainly analyses the current moral situation and its reasons of the settled community residents. The current moral situation of the settled community residents has been affected by the old and new moral systems and decaying trend of thought. Their traditional morality gradually disappear and the morality of being a citizen has not shape, so the signs of moral disorganization and corruption have come out, such as the decline of personal morality, the decay of family morality, and the relationship of communication getting utilitarian, etc. There are many reasons of inducing these moral issues, including those changes of way of living and communication, unfair compensation for resettlement benefits, the social security system is not perfect, and it’s lack of spiritual and cultural life, etc. On this basis, This thesis puts forward the main moves of how to realize the reconstruction of the moral system of the settled community residents, including reforming the present system of purchasing land and ways of compensation, strengthening democratic political power at the local level, actively guiding and supporting employment, building a sound social security system, strengthening scientific and cultural development of the community and intensifying education in ethics.In addition, it systematically analyses ways and means of reconstructing the moral system from the perspectives of the economic fundamentals, politics and cultures.The problem of the personal disorganization of the settled community residents has affected their quality of life and social harmony and stability. And the basic requirements to promote ideological and ethical progress, making it adjust to the socialist honour, is not simple ideological and moral education, but systematic analysis of the factors which affect morality, that is, the realization of reconstructing its moral system. This research attempts to contribute to the theoretical and practical values on the resolution of the ideological and ethical problem of the settled community residents and the promotion of social harmony and stability.


