

Ma Yinchu Thought of Social Integration

【作者】 吴小刚

【导师】 沈双一;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 生活在近代中国社会转型时期的马寅初为了实现中华民族的国富民强,殚精竭虑,艰苦奋斗。他和同时期的爱国人士们一样,都围绕着中国所面临的“救亡与复兴”两大社会难题而提出各自的解决方案,都在试图找出一条既能挽救国家危亡,又能实现国家富强的拯救方案。他有着多年的海外求学经历,同时他对中国的现实社会也进行了深入的调查研究。马寅初是中华海外回来的第一位经济学家,他对中国社会的发展产生过重要的影响,他的国家建设思想对我国的现在和将来都有着一定的借鉴意义。他借鉴西方先进的经济学理论,结合中国社会现有的实际现状,从多方面对中国社会进行改造,并在此基础上逐渐形成了系统的社会整合思想。马寅初的“国富民强”思想,是在中国近代民族危机不断加深,西方先进文化的影响下,中国先进知识份子和中国民族资产阶级的多重熏陶下确立的。他对中外的社会进行了深入的考察,他系统的分析了近代中国为什么没有进步的原因。他批判了中国政府的专制统治。同时,马寅初批判了近代中国的经济政策。作为民族资产阶级的代言人,在不断引进西方经济思想下,他针对近代中国社会面临的实际问题,系统的在贸易、税收、金融等方向进行了社会批判。面对严重的民族危机和社会危机,马寅初主张从经济、教育和人口等方面入手加以应对。马寅初的经济整合方面主要包括财政整顿、税收改革、关税保护以及中央银行金融统制等内容。他的财政整顿思想在一定程度上影响了政府的决策,尤其是关于预算的基本程序和相应的主体结构,体现了他试图把西方国家“三权分立”的政治学说,引入中国预算程序中。与此同时,他指出中国社会的进步需要有创设一个良好的人口环境。而实现人口整合目标也是中国当前的必由之路。因此必须打破愚昧落后的生育观念,为我国实现人口整合创造有利条件。马寅初不断提醒国人,人口控制是一项长期、渐进的工程,它需要我们全社会的密切的配合,更依赖于社会全体成员的积极参与。通过实施计划生育的手段来改善人口结构,以增加人的受教育机会和缓解经济改革的难度,以促进国家整合的速度。在教育方面,马寅初采用学校教育和实践教育等方式去凝聚社会力量,整合社会资源。他认为学校的振兴是关乎国家由弱到强,由落后走向先进的重要条件。要想从根本改变国家落后的局面,就应当重视学校的建设。如果国家不重视教育,那么人才就会出现匮乏,社会秩序就会出现混乱,国家的实力就会出现衰弱。再者学校对于一个人的成长也有着重大的影响,所以要大力兴办学校。他希望通过这些途径能够使国民具有一定的向心力,从而促使社会良性运行和协调发展,最终能够实现国富民强的目标。全文以社会学的理论与方法为框架,从历史学、教育学、人口学、社会学和经济学等多方面入手,探究了马寅初的社会批判思想和社会整合思想,再现了他以社会变迁为基础、改造社会和重塑个体思维模式。因此,研究马寅初的思想有助于我们了解近代中国经济发展及现代化进程。他的社会整合思想也是中国国家建设中非常宝贵的财富,他为社会的良性发展提供了重要的参考,对当今社会的发展也具有一定的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Ma Yin-chu to live in modern Chinese society in transition, when social forces are focusing on China’s face a "rescue and rehabilitation," the two major social problems and present their solutions, are both trying to find out a save the country from peril, can save the program to achieve national prosperity. And Ma Yin-chu in order to achieve the Chinese nation wealthy and strong country, they racked their brains and hard work. He has many years of experience studying abroad, while China’s social reality, he also conducted in-depth study and investigation. Ma Yin-chu is the first one to come back from overseas Chinese economist, he was the development of Chinese society exerted an important influence, and his nation-building ideas to China’s present and future all have a certain degree of referential significance. He learn advanced Western economic theory, combined with the actual status of the current Chinese society, from various aspects of Chinese society to reform, and on this basis, gradually formed a system of social integration ideas.Ma Yin-chu’s "wealthy and strong country," ideology is in China’s modern national crisis deepened, the West’s advanced culture under the influence of China’s advanced intellectuals and the Chinese national bourgeoisie under the influence of multiple established. As a spokesman for the national bourgeoisie, in the constant introduction of Western economic thought, he is against the modern Chinese society, the practical problems facing the system of trade, taxation, and financial direction of social criticism. The face of grave national crisis and social crisis, Ma Yin-chu advocated to be addressed from an economic aspect. Ma Yin-chu’s economic integration include fiscal consolidation, tax reform, tariff protection, as well as the Central Bank of Financial Control and so on. His thinking on fiscal consolidation to some extent affect the government’s decision-making, especially with regard to the budget basic procedures and the corresponding main structure, reflects his attempt to Western countries, "separation of powers" political theory, introduce the budget process. At the same time, he noted that China’s social progress requires the creation of a favorable population environment. The target is to achieve integration of China’s current population, the only way. Therefore, ignorance and backwardness of the birth must break the concept of integration of our country to create favorable conditions for achieving population. Ma Yin-chu to keep reminding people, population control is a long-term, progressive project, it requires our close co-ordination of the whole society, but depend on the active participation of all members of society. Through the implementation of family planning methods to improve the population structure, in order to increase people’s access to education and to ease the difficulty of economic reforms in order to promote national integration speed. In education, Ma Yin-chu school education and practice of education, use of such means to pool together all the social forces, integration of social resources. He believes that the revitalization of the school is a matter of state from weak to strong, from backwardness to an important condition for the advanced. To fundamentally change the situation in backward countries, they should pay attention to the school building. If countries do not attach importance to education, then there will be shortage of qualified personnel, social order, there will be chaos, the country’s power appears weak. Furthermore, the growth of the school for a person also has a significant impact, so we should vigorously set up schools. He hoped that through these means enable people with a certain amount of centripetal force, and thereby promote social benign operation and coordination of development, and eventually be able to make the country wealthy and strong goals.The full text based on the perspective of history, to sociological theories and methods as a framework, from the history, education, demography, sociology and economics multi-pronged approach to explore the idea of Ma Yin-chu’s social criticism and social integration of thought, He reproduced the basis of social change and transform the social and reshape individual way of thinking. Therefore, the study helps us understand the ideological Ma Yinchu modern China’s economic development and modernization process. His idea of social integration is also a very valuable building China’s national wealth, his healthy development of society provides an important reference on the development of today’s society too has a certain reference value.

【关键词】 马寅初社会批判社会整合思想
【Key words】 Ma Yin-chuSocial CriticismSocial IntegrationMind

