

The Ways to Improve Our Government’s Response Capacity

【作者】 陈勇

【导师】 刘学民;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放三十多年来,我国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,与此同时,我国的政治民主化也在不断向前推进。在经济现代化、政治民主化的大环境下,我国的公共行政经过不断地适应变革,其政治管理、社会服务的能力和水平都达到了一种新的高度。这其中,作为评价政府执行力的一个重要指标——政府的回应能力,受到了越来越多的关注。经过几轮行政体制改革,当前,我国政府的回应能力有了很大的提高。但由于种种原因,我国政府的回应性仍然存在很多的局限,这些局限在民主宪政的今天,不仅影响我国政府管理的效度,长期的回应不足,还会降低我国民众对政府的信度,影响政府存在的合法性。因此,分析现代民主政府的回应性,探讨当前实践中我国政府回应能力不足的原因,找出解决问题的对策,构建提高我国政府回应能力的途径就具有重要的理论和实践意义。基于新公共服务理论基础上的政府回应是建立在公民权理论的基础上,在充分认识公民角色的前提下,以实现公共利益为价值取向,通过政府与公民之间的直接对话来实现政府对公众的有效回应。它有三个主要特征:一、目标导向是社会公共利益;二、主导模式是政府和公民社会之间的积极协商对话;三、强调责任性。基于新公共服务理论基础上的政府回应是现代政府回应发展的主流趋势,它是民主政治发展的产物,是现代民主国家政府应该追求的目标。在本文中,笔者从新公共服务理论的视角进行研究,然后结合案例分析现阶段我国政府回应能力的现状,指出当前阻碍我国政府回应能力提升的主要因素,在此基础上构建提升我国政府回应能力的路径选择方案:一、树立新公共服务理念;二、强化政府回应制度建设;三、建设公民社会;四、推进学习型政府组织建设;五、完善电子政务建设。

【Abstract】 In thirty years of reform and opening up, China’s economic development has made remarkable achievements. At the same time, China’s political democratization are also moving forward constantly. In the economic modernization and political democratization of the environment, the ability and level of the political management and social services have reached a new height with our country’s public administration adapting to change constantly. Among these, the Government’s response capacity, as an important index for the Government’s executive ability evaluation, has been paid more and more attention. After several rounds of administrative reform, now our government’s response capacity has been greatly enhanced. However, due to various reasons, there are still many limitations about our government’s response capacity. At today’s constitutional democracy, these limitations will not only affect the validity of our government administration, with long-term inadequate response, but also reduce the government’s reliability to our citizens and influence government’s political legitimacy. Therefore, analysing modern democratic government responsiveness, exploring the reasons of inadequate response to our government in current practices, finding solutions to this problem and building the way to improve our government’s response capacity would have important theoretical and practical significance.The Government’s response based on the new public service theory, which is on the basis of citizenship theory and premise with full awareness of the role of citizens and taking the public interest as value orientation, achieve the Government’s effective response to public through direct dialogue between government and citizens.It has three main features. First,its goal orientation is social and public interests.Second,its dominant mode is active consultation and dialogue between government and civil society. Third,it stresses the responsibility.The Government’s response based on the new public service theory is the modern mainstream of the development trend and it is the product of democratic political development. The Government’s response based on the new public service theory should be the target for modern democratic state government.In this article,the author research from the new theory of public service as visual angle. Then Analysing our government’s response capacity status quo combined with case and identifying the main factors of preventing our government’s response capacity upgrading,based on these, the article build the selection scheme to enhance our government’s responsiveness. First,establish the new public service concept.Second, improve the response system. Third, foster civil society.Fourth, build learning government.Fifth,perfect E-government.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

