

The Study of Wap Site Management in China

【作者】 周建磊

【导师】 颜景毅;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上手机用户第一大国,目前国内的移动WAP网络用户和规模都居世界首位,强劲的手机上网需求催热移动WAP网站的建站潮。然而,目前手机WAP网站在运营中存在的较多的问题,如内容同质化、站内色情泛滥、面临反盗版的巨大压力、至今没有寻找到有效的收益体系等等。解决手机WAP网站的问题实质上是建立WAP网站的核心竞争力问题,在取得合法、有效的赢利模式之后,手机WAP网站遭遇的危机便能一一化解。WAP网络的出现某种意义上是为了填补传统互联网在移动环境下的不足,广大的WAP上网用户也是看中的手机上网的随身性与碎片性。移动WAP网络与传统互联网相比较有优势,也有先天不足,如移动WAP网络受屏幕的限制,受用户浏览时间的限制,如何在用户短暂的上网浏览时间内实现WAP网站对用户吸引力的建立并实现广告赢利或内容贩卖,成为众多WAP站点需要解决的问题。顺应互联网营销传播的趋势,关注网民WAP网上活动的“微内容”。本文解决的关键问题是手机WAP网站如何吸引用户对其产生黏性,形成站点独特的核心竞争力,并在此基础上实现盈利与未来长足的发展。WAP网站重视手机“微内容”,积极地利用“微内容”赢得用户的认可并创造企业新的赢利点,在经营内容的基础上,实现对用户的经营。内容经营与用户经营是相辅相成的。优良的内容是吸引用户的前提,忠实的用户是赢利的基础,有效的赢利手段是实现优良内容持续提供的必要条件。本文引入一件利器无线互联网——手机客户端软件。“微内容”背景下手机客户端软件究竟在WAP网站经营中扮演什么样的角色,文章具体以3G手机门户的客户端软件群为例进行分析,指出手机客户端软件维系用户关系方面的作用以及在其在创新收益方面做出的贡献。本文使用内容分析的方法比较手机人人网、3G手机门户网、手机新浪网、手机腾讯网等站点在内容设置、盈利环节等方面的优劣势,研究在“微内容”背景下如何对WAP网站的内容、用户进行经营,如何形成WAP网站的有效盈利模式。相对传统互联网依靠广告收入作为支撑的赢利模式,WAP网站需要根据现实条件做出革新。一方面手机天生的局限性成为其广告用途发展的桎梏,尽管经过不断地革新技术,不断地丰富广告形式,手机WAP仍需创新赢利模式以规避移动互联网依靠广告生存的现状。另一方面手机特殊的媒体形式使对用户收费成为可能。未来手机WAP的赢利方式多种多样,发展前景广阔,其中内容、服务收费将成为WAP的最大收入。

【Abstract】 Mobile phone users in China is the world’s superpower, the domestic WAP network users and the scale in the world strong demand for mobile Internet WAP sites reminder of siting heat wave. However, the current WAP sites exist in the more operational issues, such as the contents of Similarity, the station’s sex, face tremendous pressure against piracy, there has been no looking to the benefits system so effective. WAP site problem solving is essentially a WAP site to establish the core competitive power, in obtaining legal and effective profit model, the mobile phone WAP site can encounter had overcome the crisis.The emergence of WAP network is to fill the traditional sense, the Internet’s lack of mobility, the majority of mobile phone WAP mobile Internet users also saw in the portable nature of the Internet and the debris of. WAP network compared with the traditional Internet has advantages, there are inherent. Such as mobile WAP network restrictions by the screen by the user browsing time constraints, how users surf the Internet a short time to achieve attractive WAP site for users to establish and achieve profitability or the content of ads selling as many WAP sites need to be resolved.Conform to the trend of Internet marketing communications, WAP users online activities concern the "micro-content." This key problem is how to attract mobile phone users on its WAP site generated viscous, the formation of the site’s unique core competencies, and on this basis to achieve profitability and future leaps and bounds. Attention to WAP site "micro content" active use "micro content" to win user acceptance and to create new profit point of business, in operation on the basis of content, in user management. Content management and user management are mutually reinforcing. Good content is a prerequisite to attract customers, loyal customers are profitable basis, effective means to achieve good profits continue to provide the necessary conditions for the content. This paper introduces a tool for wireless Internet-Mobile client software. "Micro-content" the context of mobile client software, whether operating in the WAP site what kind of role play, the article specific to 3G mobile portal client software group as an example of that mobile client software to maintain customer relationship and the role of innovation in its contribution to earnings.This article uses content analysis compares the mobile phone for all networks,3G mobile portal, mobile phone Sina, Tencent mobile phone network, and other site content, links, etc. profitability advantages and disadvantages of the "micro content" on how the context of WAP Web site content, user management, such as WAP sites and the formation of an effective revenue model.Compared with the traditional Internet advertising revenues depend on the profit model as a support, the need for innovative mobile WAP sites. Special forms of media to mobile phone user fees possible. Inherent limitations of mobile phone use development to become the shackles of their advertising, despite continuous technological innovation, constantly enrich the forms of advertising, mobile phone innovation and profitable WAP needed to circumvent the survival status of the Internet on advertising. WAP profitable future a variety of ways, development prospects, including content, WAP service charges will become the largest income.

【关键词】 WAP网站内容经营微内容用户经营
【Key words】 WAP SiteContent ManagementMicro ContentUser Management
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

