

Villagers Committee Bribery of Criminal Law

【作者】 赵雷

【导师】 刘德法;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从现行刑法及有关立法、司法解释的规定来看,村民委员会成员,在协助政府从事规定的七项行政管理工作时,被视为“国家工作人员”,其利用职务上的便利,索取和非法收受他人财物的行为,以受贿罪定罪处罚;对于村民委员会成员从事属于村民自治范围内的事务时发生的索贿、受贿行为,以非国家工作人员受贿罪定罪处罚。但是,“七项”事务的贿赂犯罪又有许多新的客观表现形式,在司法实践中需要认真分析研究;同时,新型受贿犯罪是否也适用于村民委员会成员的贿赂犯罪和村民委员会成员通过其他村民委员会成员的斡旋受贿行为是否也构成贿赂犯罪,目前尚没有相关的立法和司法解释。根据相关刑法学理论和主客观相统一的刑法原则,行为人只要实施了相关的贿赂行为,在其他犯罪构成要件具备的条件下,可以认定为受贿罪或者非国家工作人员受贿罪。当然,按照罪行法定的原则,在立法或者相关的司法解释出台之前,这一点尚需要探知。本文通过对村民委员会成员受贿行为的刑法规制研究和与相关罪名的比较分析,希望能够对理清和研究村民委员会成员受贿行为的刑法规制和解决司法实践中在认定村民委员会成员贿赂犯罪过程中所遇到的困惑起到一定的参考作用。

【Abstract】 According to the provisions of the existing criminal law, relevant legislations and judicial interpretations, the members of village committees and other primary-level organizations, in assisting the government to undertake the seven specified administrative works, are regarded as "other persons engaged in official business in accordance with law". If they take advantage of their positions to ask for and illegally take other people’s property, they will be convicted and and punished for accepting bribes.But for the briberies that occur when the members of village committees and other primary-level organizations engage in collective operation and administration within the self-governing scope of the villagers, they should be convicted and and punished for accepting bribes in their capacity as the staff of companies, enterprises or other work units, namely, "non-state worker" bribery. However, due to the particularity and complexity of the autonomous system of the village committee, in the judicial practice, and the identification of specific cases, we often encounter the confusion of whether the case is "non-state worker" bribery or not, the confusion of this crime and bribery, the crime of duty encroachment and other accusations, the puzzles about the dertimination of the components and the filing criteria for this crime. Moreover, with the increasing development of the socialist market economy, the subjects commiting crimes of corruption are presenting the style of two poles and multiformity. In the context of accepting bribes, the public attribute of the word "unit" is gradually fading. It is more of an economic entity free from the control and dominaiton of public power and survives in civil society, which thus makes it possible to encounter diverse new problems in the determination the specific cases in the judicial practice.This thesis studies the regulations of criminal law on the members of village committees and makes a comparative analysis of the revelant accusations.It is expected that the thesis would be helpful to resolve these puzzles.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】D924.392
  • 【下载频次】87

