

Design and Implementation of Guizhou Pu’an Mining-land-reclamation Information System

【作者】 赵欣

【导师】 刘昌华;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 测绘科学与技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 矿区土地复垦是一个交叉学科,所需处理的数据涉及采矿、地质、地理、土壤、农林、生物社会经济等众多领域、具有数据信息量大、相互关系复杂等特点。传统的数据处理方法已难以适应土地复垦发展的要求。本文在分析我国土地复垦工作的紧迫性和目前GIS在土地复垦中的应用情况的基础上提出了县级煤矿区复垦及信息化的迫切性。本文旨在对普安县煤矿区复垦和待复垦土地的统一协调、综合管理。首先对普安县煤矿区土地复垦信息系统的内涵和功能需求进行了界定,然后分析了普安县煤矿区土地复垦信息系统数据的组织形式,建立了系统的空间数据模型和属性数据模型,确定了数据库的建立和系统实现的详细步骤。系统数据采用多平台数据管理模式,空间数据采用MapInfo表的形式进行管理,而属性数据采用关系型数据库Access进行管理。本系统基于MapInfo软件平台,应用可视化编程语言Visual Basic6.0,结合MapInfo提供的二次开发控件MapX5.0进行GIS的二次开发,数值计算采用在后台调用Matlab软件的方法进行,建立了普安县煤矿区土地复垦信息系统。本系统具体实现的功能模块有:数据录入、数据编辑、图形管理、查询统计、空间分析、土地复垦辅助、文档管理和成果输出。本系统为土地复垦制定科学的规划方案提供了有效的工具,并能辅助县级土地管理人员对矿区土地进行统一管理。

【Abstract】 Mining land reclamation is an interdisciplinary. The data that needs to deal with involves mining, geology, geography, soil, agriculture and forest, biology, society, economy, etc, with the characteristic of plenty of data and complicated relationship. The traditional data processing cannot meet the demand of land reclamation .Based on the urgency analysis of Chinese mining land reclamation and the GIS application in land reclamation, this dissertation puts forward the urgency of the county-level mine area land Reclamation and Informatization . This dissertation aims at united coordination and comprehensive management of Pu’an country mining reclamation and reclaimed Land.This dissertation firstly prescribes the connotation and demand of function of Pu’an country mine land reclamation information system. Then it analyzes systematically data organizing pattern, establishes the system’s spatial data model and attribute data model and determines the detail steps of establishing the database and system .Multi-platform data management model is taken, spatial data is managed in the form of MapInfo tables, while the attribute data using a relational database Access to manage. The Pu’an country mining land reclamation information system is developed based on visual programming language Visual Basic6.0, with MapX5.0 the secondary GIS development control that provide by MapInfo and Matlab. Function modules developed by this system include: data input, data edit, map management, inquiry and statistic, space analysis, aiding reclamation plan, document management, result output. The system provides an effective tool for developing scientific land reclamation plan and can support mine area land’s unified administration by county-level land management personnel.

【关键词】 矿区土地复垦数据库GISMapXVisual Basic
【Key words】 mining-land-reclamationdatabaseGISMapXVisual Basi

