

Productivity Evaluation of Well Logging in Deep Glutenite Reservoir

【作者】 魏汝岭

【导师】 孙建孟;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 深层砂砾岩岩性复杂、低孔渗、纵横向具有极强的非均质性、孔隙结构异常复杂等特征制约着低孔渗储集层的压裂后产能预测研究。本论文以达西定律基础,借鉴Raymond和Binder模型结合平面径向稳态渗流原理进行压裂后产能预测研究。对油田某深层砂砾岩区块进行测井曲线标准化的基础上,探讨了压裂裂缝几何参数的求取及利用常规测井资料求取孔隙度、有效渗透率、粘度等一系列产能参数的系统化研究。针对有核磁资料的井,探讨利用核磁方法改进求取储层参数和压裂产能定量预测研究,总结出适合本研究区块孔隙度、束缚水饱和度、地层渗透率和流体粘度等参数的求取方法,最终对研究区块二十口常规测井资料井和五口核磁井分别进行了定量产能预测与分析,达到了该地区产能预测精度的要求。然后进一步完成了孔隙结构参数代表的物理意义和计算方法的整理工作,形成了一套利用核磁T2谱计算伪毛管压力曲线,并利用其进行定量计算排驱压力、中值压力、最大孔喉半径等孔径结构参数的定量计算方法。并通过求取这些参数,提出了反映本研究区块储层产能等级分类的综合指示参数,得到了较好的实际应用效果。最后在上述模型基础上,分别开发相应的软件,并挂接到FORWARD平台上。

【Abstract】 Prediction of the fracturing in the low-poroperm reservoirs have been restricted by the characteristic of the deep glutinite where the complicated lithology are very low permeable and aeolotropic in compressional and shear direction. Based on the basically conception of Darcy law, the research was carried on according to the model of Raymond and Binder combined with the theory of radial steady-state fluid flow.On the basis of curve calibration in the region of deep glutinite,Firstly, analyzing the method of calculating the geometric parameters of the reservoir after fracturing and using the conventional material to acquire some productivity parameter,such as effective porosity, effective permeability, viscosity, volume ratio,according to the nuclear magnetic logging in region of interest.focusing on improving the method of calculating the reservoir parameter and the prediction of productivity after fracturing.then raise a series of methods which are suit to the practical geoloy and apply those methods to 20 conventional wells amd 5 NMR wells and attend good effects.Secondly,based on the conception of the NMR,analyzing the methods of calculating capillary pressure curve with nuclear magnetic technology. Meanwhile,use this pressure curve to obtain all the pore throat structure parameter such as drainage pressure,mid-value pressure and the max-pore throat radius. We raised the composited index parameter which can reflet the productivity grade separation in our reservoir by acquiring those pore throat parameter and the application of those methods have made a ideal effect through the well processing. At last, on the basis, software which can be used with Forward was be developed.


