

Research on Fan Delta Deposition and Reservoir Heterogeneity in the Intrabasinal Low-upwelling Area

【作者】 高亮

【导师】 王冠民;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地质学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 虽然前人对扇三角洲进行了大量的研究工作,但对盆内低隆起区的扇三角洲涉猎不多。沾化凹陷的孤东低隆起区桩120一带,在经历了沙二段沉积早期的暴露剥蚀以后,围绕隆起区发育了沙二段的扇三角洲沉积,已经成为该井区的重要油气储集层。近年来,随着勘探的逐渐深入和油田开发过程的产生的矛盾,对该地区沙二段扇三角洲的沉积特征及储层非均质性研究,就显得日益迫切。本文充分利用区域地质、地震、钻测井、岩心、油田开发、注采等资料,运用沉积学、层序地层学等理论知识及小波分析等数学方法,综合分析研究区沙二段的盆内扇三角洲沉积及储层非均质性特征。通过分析取芯井段的岩性特征,结合相应的测井资料,理清了研究目的层的岩电关系,建立了测井相。然后根据测井相外推至无取芯井,在全区范围内进行小层与单砂体的细分与对比,并结合岩心、地震、测井资料,参照所在井的平面位置,绘制研究区各旋回的沉积相图,并总结了盆内低隆起区扇三角洲的沉积模式:扇三角洲的规模较小;分流河道迁移频繁,导致分流河道间的泥质沉积较少,主要以砂岩、粉砂岩为主;席状砂大量发育,其中可见大量的螺化石。在此基础上,利用研究区比较丰富的测井资料,在岩心测试基础上,以FORWORD软件为手段,获得研究区各旋回比较丰富、准确的孔渗资料,并对其进行分析,总结出不同旋回和不同相间的孔渗特征;通过相关的非均质参数的统计,利用层序地层学等理论知识及小波分析等方法,综合研究桩120隆起区扇三角洲相层内、层间及平面非均质性特点及主控因素,总结低隆起地区同类相储层的一般规律:储层非均质性普遍存在,且整体上受控于基准面旋回的升降。在非均质性研究的基础上,本文还对研究区的流动单元做了简单的划分,并分析了其主控因素。本论文对盆内低隆起区扇三角洲的研究成果,除了具有一定的理论意义外,还对油田相关储层的开发具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 While the predecessors did a lot of research work of the fan delta, they seldom work the fan delta in the intrabasinal low-upwelling Area. There are the Member 2 of Shahejie Formation fan deltas around the uplift, after the early Shahejie exposure and denudation, along the zhuangxi 120 of the gudong low uplift pile in zhanhua sag, which has become a major oil and gas well reservoirs. In recent years, with the gradual in-depth research and oilfield development process arising conflicts, research of fan delta about deposition and reservoir heterogeneity in the intrabasinal low-upwelling area becomes increasingly urgent. In this paper, I full used regional geological, seismic, drilling, logging, core, oil field development, injection-production, etc. The use of sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy theories and wavelet analysis methods, I comprehensively study fan delta about deposition and reservoir heterogeneity in the intrabasinal low-upwelling area .By analysis of rock characteristics of the well, combined with logging data, I can clarify the bed of interest relations between the rock and electricity, and establish electrofacies. Then extrapolated according to the non-sampling wells according to log-phase, subdivided and contrasted about member and single sand body in the region. And by uniting core, seismic, logging data, confering plane where the location of wells are, I can draw up the sedimentary phase diagram of each cycle for the study area. And summarized depositional model about fan delta in the intrabasinal low-upwelling area: small fan delta; frequent migration of distributary channel, leading to less muddy sediments and mainly sandstone, siltstone between distributary channel; a large number of sheet sand, which shows a lot of snail fossils.On this basis, the use of more extensive logging, core test data, I can obtaine the rich and accurateporosity and permeability data, by the FORWORD software. I can summarizes porosity and permeability characteristics of the different cycles and microfacies by analysis. Through the relevant statistical parameters of the heterogeneity, the use of sequence stratigraphy theory and wavelet analysis method, I comprehensively study the distinguishing feature of endostratic heterogeneity, interlamination heterogeneity and areal heterogeneity about the 120 uplift fan delta phase , and summary the general law of the same phase reservoir on the lower uplift: common reservoir heterogeneity is generally controlled by the movements of base level cycle.On the basis of heterogeneity study, I also do a simple division about flow unit on this paper, and analyse its controlling factors.The research results about the fan delta in the intrabasinal low-upwelling area in this paper has in addition to some theoretical significance, and has some guidance of the development of relevant oil field reservoir.


