

Huangshatuo Volcanic Reservoir Geology and Development Design Study

【作者】 耿力

【导师】 王夕宾; 景峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黄沙坨油田发现于1999年,地理上位于辽宁省台安县黄沙坨镇东北约3Km处,其构造位置属于辽河盆地东部凹陷中段黄沙坨构造带,整个区块被于家房洼陷所围陷。整体构造形态为被界西断层的黄沙坨断层两条断层所夹持的鼻状构造,主体含油层系为沙河街组沙三下段火山粗面岩,含油井段较深,介于2800-3300m之间。含油面积9.3km2,探明石油地质储量2171×104t。这样的储量规模仅次于新疆的石西石炭系(6318×104t)与一区石炭系(2984×104t),为国内第三大火山岩油藏。该油藏产层为粗面岩,迄今为止粗面岩作为油气储层在国内外都十分少见。本课题依据黄沙坨油田的地质、开发资料,通过对油藏地质特征、开发工程以及开发效果评价,为该油藏实现高效开发提供了依据,不仅为油田的稳产发挥了重要作用,而且为同类型火山岩油藏的开发积累了丰富的经验,具有很高的借鉴作用。研究的主要结论如下:①黄沙坨油田具埋藏深(3000m)、油柱高度大(300m)、原油性质好(0.4mPa.s)、原始能量丰(弹性能、溶气能、底水能量)、孔渗条件不错(有效孔隙度11.0%,在同类型油田中较高;分析渗透率0.994×10-3μm2,但有效渗透率较高20-45×10-3μm2)的特点。②黄沙坨油田具油井产能较高、产能差异一般、高产井比较连片、300m井距井间干扰弱等显示相对较均质的油藏动态特征,并具有底水锥进快、调层又很快水淹的高角度裂缝发育的块状油藏特征。③黄沙坨油田具有以下适宜于注水的优点:油层岩石强亲水;原油粘度极低(0.4mPa.s);横向裂缝以细小曲折的网状缝为主;裂缝延伸不长、300m井距井间干扰弱;已有3口井试注5个月,日注水200-400m3而周围油井并未出现水窜先兆。④黄沙坨油田综合条件优于国内注水效果较好的内蒙阿北安山岩油藏、辽河齐家潜山混合花岗岩油藏、和新疆一区石炭系玄武岩油藏,预料其注水采收率可达18%-20%左右。⑤黄沙坨油田应当进行注水,其注水强度和采出速度应当加以控制,采用温和注水加油井深抽的方式来获取18%-20%的采收率。油藏投入注水开发后,取得明显效果。UnRegistered

【Abstract】 Huangshatuo Oilfield discovered in 1999. It is located about 3km north-east of Taian Huangshatuo Town of Liaoning Province. Its structure location lies in the western area of Middle Tiejianglu structure of the eastern depression in the Liaohe basin,and its southern part borders on the Oulituozi Oilfield.,the entire block has been at home by the Housing besiege the sag. The main producing horizon is Shasanxia section of Shahejie. Construction sector as a whole form the West as being the fault Huangshatuo fault 2 faults are gripping the nose structure,the main oil-bearing layer of sand line from Shahejie 3 Lower volcanic trachyte,Segment with deep wells, ranging between 2800-3300m.Oil-bearing area 9.3km2,proven geological oil reserves of 2171×104t.The well section 2800~3300.Such reserves were second only to Xinjiang’s western Carboniferous rock (6318×104t) with an area of Carboniferous (2984×104t),a domestic third-largest volcanic reservoir. Middle layer of the reservoir trachyte,trachyte so far as the oil and gas reservoirs are very rare at home and abroad.Huangshatuo this issue based on the geological field, development of information,through the reservoir geological characteristics,development projects and the development of effective evaluation,the reservoir provides a basis for efficient development,not only played an important role,but also the development of the same type of volcanic reservoir has accumulated rich experience,a high for reference. The main study conclusions were as follows:①Huangshatuo a deeply buried reservoir (3000m),a high degree of large reservoir (300m),crude nature of the good (0.4mPa?s), ,the original abundance of energy (elastic energy, dissolved gas can,bottom water energy), porosity and permeability in good condition ( effective porosity 11.0%, in the same type of oil fields is higher; analysis of permeability(0.994×10-3μm2),but effective permeability higher 20-45×10-3μm2) characteristics.②Huangshatuo oilfield production wells with higher productivity differences in general, relatively high-yielding wells contiguous, 300m spacing and weak interference between wells show relatively homogeneous reservoir dynamic characteristics, and has UnRegister bottom water coning quick adjustment layer again soon flooded high angle fracture characteristics of the massive reservoir.③Huangshatuo suitable for oil field water injection has the following advantages: strong hydrophilic reservoir rocks; extremely low viscosity of crude oil (0.4mPa?s); transverse crack to a small network of twists and turns the main seam; crack extension is not long, 300m spacing weak interference between wells; has three wells Test Note 5 months, on 200-400m3 and the surrounding water wells did not show sign of water channeling.④General terms of Huangshatuo oilfield injection is superior to the domestic effects of a good North andesite reservoir within Menge, Liaohe Qijia mix of granite buried hill reservoir, and a district of Xinjiang Carboniferous basalt reservoir is expected that the water recovery up to 18% -- about 20%.⑤Huangshatuo oilfield injection should be conducted, its strength and taken out of injection speed should be controlled, using a moderate depth of water fuel pumping means to obtain the 18% -20% of the recovery. Reservoir water injection into the development, and achieved obvious results.


