

Logging Evaluation Study on Fractured-Reservoirs of Su Deerte Area

【作者】 田艳

【导师】 孙建孟;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 裂缝性储层具有许多特殊性,就其物理-岩性性质和泥浆滤液侵入孔隙的深度方面来讲,剖面上有明显的差异和不均匀性,存在不同裂口的裂缝和溶洞,所以岩石的声、电、放等特征的变化范围大,且具有不确定性。因此裂缝性储层的识别和开发具有一定的难度,深入研究及定量评价裂缝性储层十分必要。本文紧密结合大庆苏德尔特地区测井、岩心、钻井取芯及试油等基础资料,通过对本地区200多口井的详细分析与研究,阐明了该区储层的基本地质特征与测井曲线特征,分析了该区裂缝性储层的四性关系;利用常规测井与数理统计方法相结合,对大庆苏德尔特地区裂缝性储层的岩性进行了识别研究。针对该研究区裂缝性储层的发育程度,对其影响因素进行了研究分析,总结了三种裂缝的测井响应模式:低角度、高角度和孔洞储层的测井响应模式;在此基础之上,构建了基于三孔隙度比值法、电阻率侵入校正差比法和曲线变化率法的裂缝综合概率指示法,对该研究区裂缝发育程度进行了分类,并与产液能力进行了相关分析。在借鉴大庆勘探开发研究院前期研究成果的基础上,利用常规曲线定量计算裂缝性储层参数的方法,对该研究区有效孔隙度、含油饱和度和储层渗透率解释方法进行了研究,达到了对该区裂缝性储层参数定量计算的目的。在流体性质识别方面,由于苏德尔特地区新技术与测录井资料比较少,因此利用常规测井曲线,横向上分区块,纵向上分油组,建立了适合该区的油水层识别图版,并给出了定量判别的标准,在有新技术时,可以充分发挥核磁共振识别流体的优势,结合裂缝性储层的特点,建立用常规测井与新技术测井等多种方法来综合识别裂缝性储层油水层的方法。文中的方法经在大庆苏德尔特地区的实际应用,证明方法的适用性,通过对裂缝性储层的分析,给出裂缝性储层的研究思路和方法,提供了解释流程,使解释符合率明显提高,达到了预期的目的,为今后其他油田开展裂缝性储层的测井解释研究提供了思路和方法。

【Abstract】 Fractured reservoir has many peculiarities. In terms of their physical - lithological nature and mud filtrate invasion depth of the pore side, there are significant differences and uneven nature of section plane, with the existence of cracks and cavities of different cracks. So the sound and electricity characteristics of rock, has large changes range and uncertainty. Therefore, the identification and development of fractured reservoir possesses a certain degree of difficulty. In-depth study and quantitative evaluation of fractured reservoirs is necessary.Budate Group of Sudeerte area is fractured oil deposit of the metamorphic rocks buried hill. The reservoir has the characteristics of complex lithology, reservoir complex media types, diffeiculty of effective reservoir parameter identification and determination of reserves parameter. Therefore, identifying reservoirs and determining the dual porosity reservoir parameters with well-logging information, is the key technologies of the reservoir evaluation in the study area Budate Group. In order to solve this bottleneck technology, this paper studied the identification of cracks in buried hill and reserve parameters, which also has the great significance of reserves’submission and effective development of Budate Group in Sudeerte oil.The study area for the development of fractured reservoirs and research of its influencing elements summarizes the three kinds of crack logging response pattern: a low angle, high angle and hole logging reservoir response model. On this basis, constructing a crack comprehensive instruction method based on the three-porosity ratio method, the resistivity invasion correction method and the change rate of curve method. The degree of fracture development in the study area have been classified, and with production capacity of the relevant fluid analysis. Drawing upon previous research results of Daqing Exploration and Development Research Institute, based on calculations using conventional curve fractured reservoir parameters of quantitative methods in the study area, the effective porosity, oil saturation and reservoir permeability interpretation methods have been studied, reaching the area of fractured reservoir parameters quantitative calculation purposes.In the fluid nature of the recognition, since the Sudeerte region’s new technology and logging data is relatively small, so the use of conventional logging curves, horizontal sub-blocks, sub-vertical oil group, has established suitable plate for the area of oil-water layer, and gives quantitative standards of discrimination. In the new technology, you can give full play to the advantages of nuclear magnetic resonance identification of fluid, combined with the characteristics of fractured reservoir, establishing the new technology with conventional well-logging and other methods to comprehensive identify oil and water layers of fractured reservoir.The method of the paper has been applied by practical application in Daqing Sudeerte area, proving the applicability of fractured reservoirs. Through the analysis of fractured reservoirs in the study, the paper gives ideas and methods, providing an explanation process, so that interpretation is consistent with the rate of markedly improved, to achieve the expected goal, and providing ideas and methods for the future conduct of other oilfield well logging interpretation of fractured reservoir study.


