

Study on Index System of Energy Management of China National Offshore Oil Corp

【作者】 曹延亮

【导师】 丁浩;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球能源日益紧缺,国际间对能源的争夺日益激烈化的今天,节能已经成为一个具有国家高度战略性的问题。而对一个企业来讲,节约能源创造财富,又是使其自身健康发展的重要基础。一个国家、企业要想解决能源问题,节能是关键。而能源管理正是以管理为手段,对能源的分配、能源使用的过程、能源的利用效率、能源的消耗方式等进行分析,最终找到节能潜力的管理模式。而每个企业因为自身条件、现状不同,能源管理的着力点也不尽相同。构建一个企业的能源管理指标体系,对于一个企业节能、提高自身能源管理的水平都意义重大。由于目前我国还没有系统的评价能源管理定性与定量相结合的评价指标体系,所以本文进行了大量的系统分析和比较后研究,参考已有的能源管理、能源消耗指标结合中海油的实际情况,建立了一套中海油的能源管理指标体系。本文从实际出发,把评价分为三个大的方向,分别是设备系统、人力资源和节能技术,进而细分为三十三的具体的指标。运用调查研究与比较分析相结合的方法对能源管理的影响因素进行分析。本文创新之处在于从中海油系统调研及年报中采集的最新的原始数据,按照数学的方法进行无量纲化和标准化,对所构建的能源管理指标体系进一步进行比较准确的定位和客观的评价。最后建立评价模型对中海油的能源管理水平进行综合评价打分。根据评价的结果提出了相关建议,为中海油今后的能源管理工作的开展提供参考。

【Abstract】 Nowdays, as growing global energy shortage in the economy, increasingly international competing for fierce energy, energy conservation has become a highly strategic issue of national. For an enterprise, energy conservation, like the creation of wealth, make it an important foundation for the healthy development of their own. In order to solve energy problems for a state or an enterprise, energy conservation is the key. The energy management is to manage as a means of energy distribution, the process of energy use, energy efficiency, energy consumption analysis methods and ultimately find the energy-saving potential of the management model. Because each company’s own conditions, the status quo is different from the focus of others’energy management.To build an enterprise energy management indicator system for a business energy conservation and energy management, and to improve their own level of significance, our country is currently no systematic evaluation of the energy management, combining qualitative and quantitative evaluation index system, so this article did a great deal of analysis and comparison study with reference to the existing energy management, energy consumption indicators of the actual situation with CNOOC, CNOOC has established a set of index system of energy management. This article from reality, the evaluation is divided into three major directions, namely, equipment, systems, human resources, and energy-saving technologies, thus broken down into 33 specific indicators.Through research and comparative analysis we analysis factors of the energy management. This article’s innovations are that we collect the CNOOC system research and the latest annual report and the raw data collected, and standardize these dates in mathematical methods , build energy management system, further more accurate indicators of the location and objective assessment. Finally we establish an evaluation model of energy management CNOOC comprehensive evaluation of scoring. According to the results of the evaluation, wo could provide with recommendations for CNOOC’s future energy management work .

【关键词】 能源管理指标体系研究
【Key words】 energy managementindicator systemreaserch

