

Study on the Main Factors of Natural Gas Accumulation and the Exploration Direction Around the Baxian Sag in Baxian Depression

【作者】 吴峰

【导师】 金强;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 霸县凹陷沙河街组烃源岩生成的油气资源丰富,近几年是华北油田勘探的重点。但该区天然气资源潜力特别是成藏作用均不清楚。本文综合利用石油地质、地球化学和地球物理资料及前人研究成果,对霸县凹陷沙河街组烃源岩分布、演化及天然气生气潜力均作出了评价,同时对油气运聚成藏规律进行了系统研究。霸县凹陷发育多套烃源岩,评价结果得出Es3中-下和Es4上烃源岩为主力烃源,霸县凹陷成熟-高熟油气资源丰富。霸县洼槽是成熟-高熟烃源灶的主要分布区,同时也是霸县凹陷的生烃中心。环霸县洼槽构造带油气均来自霸县洼槽:岔河集-高家堡地区低熟油气来自下伏Es3中-下烃源岩;二台阶地区油气源为牛东断层下降盘Es3烃源岩;文安斜坡油气主要来自洼槽内Es3烃源岩,斜坡外带混有Es1下烃源岩生成的油气。环霸县洼槽不同构造带具有不同断裂和储盖组合特征。针对不同构造带分析其断裂特征及对油气成藏的作用,同时对储集层和储盖组合作出定量的评价。断层泥比率(SGR)是断层封闭性定量评价的有效参数:SGR>0.6封堵油藏,SGR>0.7封堵气藏;储盖层排替压力差(ΔPd)是储盖组合评价参数:ΔPd>3、2~3、1~2、<1分别为好、较好、中、差储盖组合;建立碳酸盐岩储层测井评价的标准。对环霸县洼槽各个构造带典型油气藏进行解剖,分析其成藏主控因素,建立4种油气成藏模式:文安斜坡油气远距离运移差异聚集模式、二台阶早散失晚聚集油气成藏模式、深层断块潜山高成熟油气成藏模式和岔河集-高家堡滚动背斜低熟油气成藏模式。结合成藏模式和各构造带成藏条件指出环霸县洼槽潜山和洼槽区岩性圈闭是下一步勘探的有利区。环霸县洼槽潜山包括二台阶潜山、牛东断阶潜山和文安斜坡内带潜山。对牛东断阶潜山和文安斜坡内带潜山进行优选,分析了洼槽区岩性油气藏的勘探前景。

【Abstract】 Source rock of Shahejie Formation in Baxian Depression generated abundant oil and gas, which is the key point of Huabei Oilfield’s exploration in recent years. But the natural gas resources potential, especially the accumulation effect are not clear in this area. In this thesis, we have studied the occurrence and evolution of Shahejie Formation’s source rock, we also evaluate the oil and gas generation ability, the migration and accumulation rules are studied systematically through the petroleum geology、geochemical and geophysical datas and the previous studies.There are several positions of source rock in Baxian Depression. Through the results of our evaluation, we conclude that the middle and lower Es3 and upper Es4 are the main source rock, and the resource of mature gas and high-mature gas is very rich. Mature and high-mature source rock mainly distribute in Baxian sag where is the center of hydrocarbon generation. All gas and oil in structural belts that around the Baxian sag come from Baxian sag, low-mature gas of Chaheji-Gaojiabao region comes from the underlied middle and lower Es3’s source rock; the source of the low-lift region’s oil and gas is Es3 which belongs to the downthrow block of Niudong fault, hydrocarbon in Wenan slop comes from the source rock of Es3 that inner the sag, hydrocarbon of the upper slop mixs with the oil and gas that come from the lower Es1.Different structural belts around the Baxian sag have different features of faults and associations of reservoir and cap. In view of different structural belts, we analyze the features of the faults and the affection to the accumulation of oil and gas, evaluate the reservoir and associations of reservoir and cap. We find that Shale Gouge Ratio(SGR) is a effective parameter for the evaluation of closure property of faults: SGR>0.6 sealing off the oil reservoir, SGR>0.7 sealing off the gas reservoir; the distinction of displacement pressure(ΔPd) of reservoir and cap:ΔPd>3、2~3、1~2、<1 are good、preferable moderate、bad associations of reservoir and cap respectively; establishing the standards of logging evaluation of carbonate reservoir.Dissecting the typical oil and gas reservoirs on every structural belt around the Baxian sag, analyzing the main factors of accumulation of oil and gas, establishing 4 patterns of accumulation of oil and gas: the pattern of differential oil and gas accumulation lower and upper of the Wenan slope、the pattern of oil and gas lost early and accumulate later accumulation on low-lift、the pattern of high-mature oil and gas accumulation in deep block buried hill and the pattern of low-mature oil and gas accumulation in rolling anticline of Chaheji and Gaojiabao. Combining the patterns of accumulation and the conditions of accumulation in different structural belts, pointing out that the buried hill around the Baxian sag and the lithologic trap in the area of sag are the target areas of next exploration. The buried hill around the Baxian sag consist of low-lift buried hill、Niudong step-fault buried hill and buried hill inside of the Wenan slope. Optimising the Niudong step-fault buried hill and buried hill lower of the Wenan slope, analyzing the exploration prospectives of the lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir in the area of sag.


