

Study on Sandbody Distribution and Sedimentary Facies of Neogene in Raoyang Sag

【作者】 刘鹏

【导师】 张立强;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以饶阳凹陷新近系为研究对象,以陆相层序地层学和沉积学理论为指导,依据地质、测井、地震以及试油资料开展了该地区层序地层和沉积相的研究,最后总结了控制油气聚集与分布的主要因素,取得了以下认识。运用井震结合的方法进行层序地层学研究,将馆陶组划分为3个中期旋回(Ng3,Ng2,Ng1)和7个短期旋回(Ng3-3,Ng3-2,Ng3-1,Ng2-2,Ng2-1,Ng1-2,Ng1-1),明下段划分为4个中期旋回(Nm2-4,Nm2-3,Nm2-2,Nm2-1)。通过相标志、相类型以及单井相、剖面相分析,总结出饶阳凹陷新近系主要发育两种沉积相类型。纵向上,馆陶组底部发育辫状河,Ng3上部、Ng2、Ng1以及明下段发育曲流河。以沉积背景分析和砂体展布特征研究为基础,结合重矿物以及碎屑组分含量的变化,指出饶阳凹陷馆陶组主要存在三个物源方向,分别为北北东向、西以及西南向。其中北北东向的物源对饶阳凹陷的沉积面貌影响较大,来自西、西南方向的物源除对蠡县斜坡地区提供沉积物外,还对饶阳凹陷南部杨武寨地区提供部分物源。自下而上,西部以及西南部物源对饶阳凹陷沉积相格局的影响作用增加。结合物源分析,利用砂体展布以及地震属性的研究,对饶阳凹陷各级次旋回沉积相平面展布特征和纵向演化规律进行了分析。分析认为平面上有多条呈北北东向带状展布的河道,河道之间常见分散与聚合现象。以沉积相分析为基础,进行了油气储盖组合的划分,将馆陶组划分为Ng3、Ng2以及Ng1-Nm2-4底部泥岩三套储盖组合。良好的储盖组合和构造条件是控制饶阳凹陷新近系油气聚集与分布的重要因素,留西-留楚构造带、河间-肃宁构造带和马西-南马庄-八里庄构造带为饶阳凹陷新近系有利区带。

【Abstract】 According to the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentlogy, the paper has studied on the sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies of Neogene in Raoyang Sag using slice identification, heavy mineral, well logging, seismic section,well testing,and so on.The paper pointed out the main factors controlling hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in the end.Based on the integrated analysis of cores,well logging,seismic data and other basic data,the sequence stratigraphy of Neogene of Raoyang Sag are studied.The Guantao formation of Neogene is one long-term base-level cycle, and which can be divided into three intermediate-term base-level cycles(Ng3,Ng2,Ng1) and seven short-term cycles (Ng3-3,Ng3-2,Ng3-1,Ng2-2,Ng2-1,Ng1-2,Ng1-1). The lower member of Minghuazhen formation can be divided into four intermediate -term cycles (Nm2-4,Nm2-3,Nm2-2,Nm2-1).According to sedimentary facies signature, facies types, analysis of single-well facies and cross-sectional facies, it is summarized as that there are two types of sedimentary facies of Neogene in Raoyang sag. Vertically, it is braided river in the bottom of Guantao formation, meandering fluvial in upper part of Ng3,Ng2,Ng1,and lower member of Minghuazhen formation.Taking the research of palaeogeomorphology and distribution feature of sand bodies as background, basing on combination of heavy minerals and change of clastics content, it is pointed that the the provenances of Guantao formation in Raoyang sag is mainly derived from three derections with NNE, western and southwestern directions. The provenances of NNE influenced the deposition of Raoyang sag largely, the provenances of west and southwest not only provided deposition for Lixian, but also provided slight deposition for Yangwuzhai area. From the bottom to the top, influence of western and south-western provenances on the sedimentary facies of Raoyang sag increased.Uniting the research of provenances, sandbody distribution and seismic attributes,the paper studied characteristics of distribution and vertical evolution of sedimentary facies that belong to every term cycle in Raoyang sag.It is indicated that there are several river channels with NNE ribbon pattern distribution in the plane, and the phenomenon of divarication and aggregation between the river channels is very common.This paper has studied the reservoir-seal assemblage on the basis of sedimentary facies analysis, divided Guantao formation into three sets of reservoir-seal assemblage(Ng3,Ng2,Ng1-Nm2-4), favorable reservoir-seal assemblage and structural condition were the significant conditions controling hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in Neogene of Raoyang sag. Liuxi-Liuchu structural zone, Hejian- Suning structural zone and Maxi-Nanmazhuang-Balizhuang structural zone are the favorable zones of Neogene in Raoyang sag.


