

Optimized Design and Research on Technology Parameters of Dual-string Steam Injection in Horizontal Well

【作者】 刘洪芹

【导师】 于乐香; 安九泉;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 辽河油田稠油水平井完井以筛管完井方式为主,占总完井方式的93.8%,水平井注汽多采用笼统方式注汽,造成水平井脚跟部分动用较好,据脚尖约1/3部分以后动用程度较差。本文针对辽河油田的中深层稠油油藏,从减少热损失、提高隔热效果方面考虑,对水平井几种注汽管柱进行对比,优选出水平井双管注汽管柱效果最好。由于水平井双管注汽开采工艺技术刚刚起步,与之相关的配套技术还不完善。为进一步推广应用该项技术,本文将以实现水平井双管注汽方式为目标,建立水平井双管注汽井筒压力、温度、干度计算模型及水平井双管注汽井筒热损失计算模型,对水平井双管注汽井注汽参数敏感性进行分析计算,求解物性参数分布规律,进行水平井双管注汽工艺参数优化设计。本文通过辽河油田现场实例,对该模型进行验证,符合度较好。它能计算水平井双管注汽过程中井筒双管内温度、压力、干度分布及套管温度分布;根据油井的地面注汽参数、进行参数敏感性分析;能够计算变注汽管径下井筒内的参数变化规律与传热特性,从而进行水平井双管注汽各种工艺参数的优化设计,以指导现场进行施工方案设计和最佳开采工艺实施。

【Abstract】 Sieve tube completion is the main method for heavy oil horizontal well in Liaohe oilfield, accounting for 93.8% of the total completions. General steam injection is used for the horizontal wells, resulting in better use in horizontal well heel part and worse use in toe part. In this paper ,we compare several steam injection pipes for horizontal wells, then choose the best injection pipe in order to reduce the heat loss and improve the insulation effect. As the dual-string steam injection technology for horizontal wells has just started, the related supporting technology is not enough. In order to promote the use of this technology, we consider achieving horizontal wells dual-string steam injection as main goal in this paper. In order to achieve this goal, we establish several models which can calculate temperature, pressure, dry fraction and the heat loss along the wellbore during the dual-string steam injection for horizontal wells. Then we analyze the sensitivity of several parameters and process the parameters optimization. We consider the results from the calculation model with the data in Liaohe oilfield, there is less errors, which proves that the model is very accurate. The models can play an important role in guiding the construction scheme design and implementation of optimal exploitation technology in oilfield.


