

Research on Emergency Response Technique of Fire Accident in High Sulfide Natural Gas Station

【作者】 雷婷

【导师】 陈国明;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国内外正在广泛开发高含硫气田,然而天然气中高浓度的H2S对气田的钻井设备、集输管线等有强烈的腐蚀作用,易导致泄漏从而引发火灾爆炸事故,造成人员伤亡和重大财产损失。集气站是天然气集输系统的重要组成部分,站内设备林立,管道密集,研究站内关键设备火灾事故的发生、发展规律,预测其危险性,提出针对高含硫集气站火灾事故的应急响应技术具有重要意义。本文结合国家科技重大专项——大型油气田及煤层气开发(项目编号2008ZX05017)“高含硫气田集输工艺与安全控制技术”课题的部分相关内容进行研究。通过详细调研我国川东某气田集输工艺流程及设备装置,分析得出该气田集气站存在的主要危险为站内卧式气液分离器、生产汇管泄漏引发的火灾事故。基于大涡模拟(Large Eddy Simulation)数值方法,针对站内分离器、生产汇管内介质成分、相态等参数特殊性,采用火灾动力学模拟软件FDS分别建立集气站卧式气液分离器、生产汇管的喷射火模型,对其典型泄漏孔径下的喷射火进行数值仿真,研究其火焰几何特性、火场温度分布及热辐射变化规律;模拟结果表明分离器及生产汇管的喷射火对乙二醇柱塞泵、生产汇管上方管架以及甲醇撬块具有较大的危险性;同时根据数值模拟结果对集气站火灾探测器优化布置,将集气站工艺装置区划分为5个火灾探测区域并根据设备、管道的构造及内容介质特性合理布置感温探测器;模拟站内消防联动系统的干预效果,在生产汇管雨淋系统及撬块水幕系统保护下,火灾最高温度下降约500℃,甲醇撬块的安全性提高。建立集气站应急资源储备方案,主要为消防联动系统的设计及集气站移动灭火器的配置;提出高含硫集气站灭火技术,并依据事故仿真结果确定消防救援人员的安全距离、估算事故时间及采取的相应措施;根据ESD设计原则设置集气站应急关断系统级别。

【Abstract】 Currently, the high sulfide natural gas fields are broadly exploited both domestically and abroad. However, H2S in natural gas with high concertration cause strong corrosion to the drilling equipments and gathering pipelines. Besides, the flamability and exposibility of the natural gas can easily lead to accidents of jet fire, which can cause serious damage. Gas station is an important part of the natutal gas gathering system in where plenty of equipments and pipelines are exsited. It’s significant to study the occurring and developping rules of the conflagration, evaluate the accident risk and propose the emergency response techniques purposely for high sulfide natural gas station. This dissertation also combined with the sub-topics“Gathering process and safety control techniques in high sulfide gas field”of national science and technology special project“Exploitation in Large-scale oil & gas fields and coal bed gas”(No. 2008ZX05017).After specific indentification for the natural gas property, gathering process and equipments of CHUANDONG natural gas filed, the main risks of the gas station are jet fires of the horizontal gas-liquid separator and production pipelines. Based on Large Eddy Simulation, taking specific characteristics of parameters into consideration such as media components and phase state in separator and production pipelines, jet fire models of a horizontal gas-liquid separator and production pipeline were established by Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). A mixture fraction model is used to account for the evolution of the fuel gas from its surface of origin through the combustion process. The numerical simulations of jet fire with 0.1016m orifice diameter was conducted, then flame geometric dimensions, flame temperature properties and behavior of thermal radiation were analyzed. Calculation results show that jet fires of separator and production pipeline have great risk to the glycol pump, the support of production pipelines and methanol set. Meanwhile, according to the simulation results, the fire detection system was optimized that the equipments zone in natural gas station was divided to be 5 detection zones and the temperature detectors were properly arranged. Considering the intervene effect of fire automatic control system, under the protection of sprinkling system of production pipelines and water curtain system of equipment sets, the highest temperature of flame decreased by 500℃and the safety coefficient of methanol set was improved. The emergency resourse storage scheme was set up mainly foucusing on the designation of fire automatic control system and collocation of portable fire extinguishers. Fire-extinguished techniques of high sulfide natural gas in natual gas station were proposed. Rely on the numeric simulation results, the safety distance between the firemen and the afire equipments was identified. According to ESD designing rules, the emergency shut down system level in natural gas station was identified and coresponding measures for accident prevention were summarized.


