

Development and Evaluation of Drag Reducing Agents for Natural Gas Pipeline

【作者】 王铭浩

【导师】 叶天旭;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 化学工程与技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当代世界能源消费结构中,天然气能源占据着越来越重要的地位,天然气工业随之进入了一个高速发展阶段,天然气工业的发展对相应的管道输送技术提出了更高的要求。提高天然气管道的输送能力一方面可以通过兴建新型管道,完善天然气管道网,另一方面可以通过管道内减阻的方式实现。天然气管输减阻剂技术作为相对经济的内减阻手段近年来备受关注。本文根据天然气管输减阻剂的减阻机理设计了四种具有减阻开发潜力的化学品:苯乙酮-甲醛-二正丁胺曼尼希碱,苯乙酮-甲醛-十八胺曼尼希碱,硬脂酸咪唑啉、油酸咪唑啉。通过对苯乙酮-甲醛-二正丁胺曼尼希碱合成工艺的考察优化出曼尼希碱合成的两个工艺参数:pH值2,反应温度95℃;通过对硬脂酸咪唑啉合成工艺的考察优化出咪唑啉合成的两个工艺参数:减压环化温度170℃,减压环化时间3h。利用优化出来的工艺参数合成了这四种备选减阻剂,红外谱图(IR)验证了四种产品的化学结构。对四种备选减阻剂溶液浸泡过的钢片进行电镜分析,可以看出钢片粗糙度明显降低,成膜性能良好,具有潜在的减阻性能;对其中两种样品成膜稳定性的考察也显示了良好效果;通过电化学极化曲线分析可以看出,四种备选减阻剂都有较好的吸附成膜能力,其成膜能力强弱顺序为:苯乙酮-甲醛-十八胺曼尼希碱>硬脂酸咪唑啉>苯乙酮-甲醛-二正丁胺曼尼希碱>油酸咪唑啉。?

【Abstract】 Natural gas is playing a more and more important role in the structure of international energy consumption. As a result, industry of natural gas is stepping into a fast developing stage. The fast developing industry of natural gas needs the transportation technology of pipeline to be greatly enhanced. There are two methods to solve this problem. One is to improve network of gas transportation pipeline, and the other is to decrease the pressure loss in pipeline which is a more economical method. In research area of the second method, Drag Reducing Agent as one of the most efficient technology is widely studied around the world in recent years.In this paper, four DRAs are designed based on the mechanism that has been established before. The four DRAs are: acetophenone-formaldehyde-dibutylamine mannich base, acetophenone-formaldehyde-octadecylamine mannich base, heptadecylimidazoline, oleic imidazoline. Two synthesis conditions of mannich base are optimized by the experiments of synthesis of acetophenone-formaldehyde-dibutylamine mannich base: pH value is 2, reaction temperature is 95℃; two synthesis conditions of imidazoline are optimized by the experiments of synthesis of heptadecylimidazoline: vacuum cyclization temperature is 170℃,vacuum cyclization duration is 3h. Four chemicals are synthesized under such conditions. Their chemical structures are testified by IR spectrum analysis.Four steel straps soaked by corresponding DRAs are analyzed by SEM, and the roughness of these straps is significantly reduced. These DRAs are proved to have good performance at film forming, and they are considered to have the potential of industrial development. Two of these DRAs are testified to have good film forming stability in related experiments. These DRAs are also analyzed by electrochemistry polarization curve method, and their film forming ability is testified again. Their film forming ability’s intensity sequence is: acetophenone-formaldehyde-octadecylamine mannich base > heptadecylimidazoline > acetophenone-formaldehyde-dibutylamine mannich base > oleic imidazoline.


