

Study on Technique of Water Shutoff Agent Targeted Delivery

【作者】 陈东明

【导师】 赵修太;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 国内大部分陆上油田已进入注水开发的中后期,由于注入水的冲刷和油层本身的非均质性,储层孔隙结构发生了变化,注入水主要沿各沉积单元的高渗透层突进,导致水洗厚度基本不变,出现了严重的“低效、无效循环”现象。油水井在进行了多次调剖堵水作业之后,常规的调剖堵水作业的堵剂使用量大而且增产效果不明显。针对多轮次调剖堵水堵剂用量大、重叠多、效果不佳的问题,提出并开展了堵剂定点投放研究,在减少堵剂用量的同时,提高调剖堵水的效果和效益。本文在对油藏出水的特点与规律进行分析的基础上,建立了数学模型,并利用油藏数值模拟软件和微观可视化物理模型研究了堵剂投放位置、投放量、投放次数以及堵剂在不同渗透率地层中对堵水效果的影响。研究了四种适应于定点投放的堵剂,对其适应性进行了考查,无机铬冻胶体系的成胶时间可以达到160h,强度达到0.060MPa,适应于中低渗透地层的近井和远井地带调堵,适用温度40℃~70℃;HPAM/酚醛延迟交联冻胶堵剂体系成胶时间长、成胶强度较高,在80℃下体系强度达到0.072MPa,适用于中高渗透地层的远井地带调堵,适用温度50℃-120℃;双基团二次交联冻胶堵剂体系,具有成胶时间长、成胶时间可控、成胶强度高、稳定性好等特点,在60℃下体系成胶时间可以达到400h,适用于中高渗透地层的远井地带调堵;两性预交联堵剂可以与上述堵剂相结合,适用于封堵特高渗地层和裂缝地层。根据地层和调剖堵水剂的特点对堵剂定点投放的位置、用量进行了方案设计。

【Abstract】 Most onshore oilfield of China has entered the water development in the late,because the injected water erosion and reservoir itself heterogeneity,reservoir pore structure changed,the injected water main along the sedimentary units of the high - sudden penetration into the layer. resulting in the thickness of basically unchanged washed,there has been serious inefficient and ineffective cycle. Oil Wells after a profile modification of construction, conventional water shutoff used large plugging agent and the effect is not obvious.For large amount of blocking agent,multiple overlapping and the poor effect of conventional water shut-off,this paper,the characteristics and laws of the water reservoir analysis,a mathematical model,numerical reservoir simulation software and visualization model,plugging agent put in position,put volume,multi-point delivery,as well as blocking agents in different permeability strata of the water shut-off effects;Adapted to study the four kinds of fixed-point delivery of the blocking agent, was examined for its adaptability, inorganic chromium gel into the gel system of time can be achieved 160h, strength reached 0.060MPa, adapted to the low permeability strata near wells and far from the borehole zone plugging, application temperature of 40℃~70℃. HPAM and phenolic delayed crosslinked gel blocking agent system into a gel is a long time into the gel,strength of high strength at 80℃under the system to achieve 0.072MPa, suitable for medium-high permeability strata far wellbore plugging, application temperature of 40℃~120℃. Pairs of groups of secondary cross-linking gel plugging agent system with a long time into the plastic, into a gel time controlled, into a plastic, high strength, good stability characteristics, at 60℃under the system into a gel time can reach 400h, suitable for medium-high permeability formation zone far from the borehole plugging. Gender pre-crosslinking blocking agent blocking agent can be combined with the above apply to block special hypertonic strata and cracks formation. According to the characteristics of formation and plugging agent, this paper designated program design.delivery location and slug.


