

The Optimization of Well Pattern for the Complicated Fault-block Reservoirs at High Water Cut Stage

【作者】 刘海成

【导师】 刘显太; 姜瑞忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 复杂断块油藏与常规油藏相比,属于难开发油藏,通常具有特有的地质和开发特点:含油面积较小、多油水界面(油水关系复杂)、开采难度较大。因此针对断块油藏特有的地质及开发特征,讨论各种因素对断块油藏开发效果的影响,对提高断块油藏注水开发水平具有很重要的意义。本文以调研整理、统计分析以及数值模拟技术为基础,对当前处于高含水期的不同类型断块油藏的注采井网和层系的适应性做了科学的评价,得到了复杂断块油藏井网、层系调整的原则和方法。应用数值模拟技术研究了半封闭断块油藏不同油藏参数(油水粘度比、非均质性、边水大小、含油带宽度)、不同开发条件(注水方式、井网密度、注水强度、水驱动用程度、采液速度、能量保持状况以及注水时机)对开发效果的影响;同时研究了不同注水方式下的开发特征,以及剩余油分布特点。基于油藏工程及统计分析,拟合出了半封闭断块油藏井网密度与采收率关系的经验公式,结合经济评价得到了半封闭断块油藏合理的井网密度和极限井网密度的计算方法。应用数值模拟技术评价了含油面积相对较大的封闭断块油藏的井网适应性,立足于小断块油藏主要的几何形状(矩形、平行四边形、三角形、梯形),对封闭型断块油藏的注水方式、断层控油特征及剩余油分布特点进行归纳总结;选取典型破碎断块油藏建立数值模型,结合经济评价,确定破碎断块油藏注水开发的有效厚度及储量丰度界限,为此类油藏的注水开发决策提供依据。应用辛11断块油藏的实际资料,研究了半封闭断块油藏高含水期的合理压力保持水平;结合特征模型的研究结果提出了辛11断块油藏的井网调整方案,预测可提高采收率3.09%,方案经济可行。

【Abstract】 Compared with conventional reservoirs, complicated fault block oil reservoirs are not easy to develop, which have unique geological and development properties, such as, smaller oil area, complicated oil/water contact, uneasy to develop. Therefore, it is essential to study all kinds of factors influenced on water flooding recovery and adopt reasonable development methods in view of unique properties.Based on documents study, statistical analysis and numerical simulation, scientific estimations are made on injection- production system and layer system accommodations of different kinds of fault block reservoirs at high water cut stage. In the practical development, pattern well network is adopted in anticlinal and lithological faults block reservoirs due to relative simple structure; unsealing fault block reservoirs generally have enough natural energy, there are relative fewer problems in injection-production system. For semi-sealing and sealing fault block reservoirs, the recovery depends on water flooding.Applied numerical simulation technology, many influenced factors of semi-sealing fault block reservoirs are studied and analyzed including reservoir parameters(ratio of oil water viscosity, inhomogeneity,edge water,width of oil belt), development conditions(injection/production strategy,well spacing density, water intake per unit thickness, water flooding mobilization degree, liquid withdrawal rate, energy maintenance, water flood timing)and development characteristics and residual oil distribution. Based on methods of reservoir engineering and statistical analysis, a empiric formula about well spacing density and recovery is matched and a calculation method is got to determine reasonable well density and limited well density combining economical assessment.For sealing fault block oil reservoirs, injection strategy, oil control feature and remaining oil distribution feature is summarized, based on small fault block oil reservoir’s usual geometry (rectangle,parallelogram,triangle,trapezoid). By numerical simulation and economic evaluation for typical block reservoir, Effective thickness of water injection development and reserve abundance limits of broken block reservoir are determined, which provides evidence for water flooding program. Based on the actual data of xin 11, pressure maintenance level is studed for semi-sealing fault block reservoirs at high water cut stage; combined with the research result of mechanism model, the injection development well pattern scenario is made, and the feasibility of injection development is determined with the final FOE 3.09% more.

  • 【分类号】TE324
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】739

