

Anatomic and Histological Observations and a Preliminary Study on Physiologic Function from the Digestive Tract of Africa Ostrich

【作者】 喻道友

【导师】 梁宏德; 闫若潜;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 非洲鸵鸟(Africa ostrich)属鸟纲,鸵形目,鸵鸟科,是世界上现存个体最大的鸟类,它生长快、耐粗饲,是一种大型的草食性鸟类。随着人们对非洲鸵鸟认识的增加,其养殖规模也逐渐扩大,鸵鸟的疾病防治对于提高其生产性能都是至关重要的。在加强非洲鸵鸟的疾病防治及提高其生产性能的同时,研究其消化管的形态学和组织学特点,可为非洲鸵鸟的生活习性、生理机能、病理学、生态学以及人工饲养和繁殖提供一些形态学依据。从而为非洲鸵鸟的大规模养殖与疾病防治提供有参考价值的理论基础。本实验首先通过对非洲鸵鸟食管、胃、小肠和大肠进行了眼观和大体解剖学观察,旨在了解非洲鸵鸟消化器官的形态位置和结构特征。其食管较长,起始于咽后向后下方延伸于腺胃贲门,与气管伴行。胃由发达的腺胃和肌胃构成,胃的前端为腺胃,后端为肌胃。肌胃与腺胃直接相连,位于腺胃的左侧。小肠明显地分为十二指肠、空肠和回肠,十二指肠起自肌胃的幽门,然后弯向右侧至腹中部形成一弯曲即十二指肠盘曲成“U”字形的肠袢,前行至右肾弯向背内前方,腺胃的后方移行为空肠。回肠位于十二指肠的右下方,与两侧盲肠以回盲韧带相连。非洲鸵鸟大肠包括盲肠、结肠和直肠,盲肠有两条,起自于回肠与结肠接合部的两侧,回盲韧带附着于回肠的两侧,结肠较长,由结肠系膜悬吊在腰椎的下方,直肠以短的背系膜悬吊在腹腔后部的背侧。为了给非洲鸵鸟(Africa ostrich)雏鸟的饲养管理、生理机能研究和疾病防治提供可靠的形态学依据,本研究采用石蜡切片技术,对5只非洲鸵鸟消化管的组织学结构进行了观察。结果显示,其消化管具有一般的4层结构。食管有粗大的皱襞,肌层发达,有发达的食管腺;无嗉囊;腺胃的腺体由位于固有膜的单管状腺和位于黏膜下层发达的复管状腺组成;肌胃的黏膜肌层较明显,由内纵肌和外环肌组成;小肠绒毛较长,有分支现象,未见中央乳糜管结构;十二指肠的固有膜中有发达的腺体和集合淋巴小结,黏膜下层内无十二指肠腺;从十二指肠到回肠,肠绒毛的汇合及分支现象更加明显,固有膜内集合淋巴小结的数量逐渐减少,并且空肠的绒毛弯曲呈“S”型;具有一对发达的盲肠;结肠异常发达,黏膜上皮为复层柱状上皮,其间夹有杯状细胞,有黏膜皱襞,绒毛短且发达。非洲鸵鸟雏鸟消化管的特点可能与其食性有关,这决定了非洲鸵鸟具有较强的消化吸收能力。

【Abstract】 Africa ostrich belong to Aves, Ratitae, Struthioniforme, Struthionidae, Struthio, Struthio camelus and are the largest and strongest birds in the world. They grow fast, resistant to crude feed, and is a kind of large herbivorous birds. With the increasing awareness of the African ostrich, the size of their culture have gradually expanded, it is vital that the disease control and prevention for the ostrich to improve their performance. In strengthening the disease control and prevention of the African Ostrich to improve the performance of their production, at the same time, to study its digestive tract morphology and histological features, to provide some morphological evidence for the behavior, physiology, pathology, ecology, as well as artificial feeding and reproduction of the African ostrich. And then provide the valuable theoretical basis for the large-scale breeding and disease control and prevention of African ostriches.At first we observe the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine African ostrich through the eyes and the general anatomical observation in this experiment, aiming to understand the digestive location and structural features of the African ostrich. The esophagus is longer, starting in the retropharyngeal and then extend to the cardia in the glandular stomach, and trachea accompanied. Stomach is consisted of well-developed glandular stomach and muscular stomach consists, and front-end is the glandular stomach, the back-end is the stomach muscles. Muscular stomach is directly linked with the glandular stomach, and is located in the left side of the glandular stomach. The small intestine is obviously divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum, duodenum from the pylorus from the muscular stomach, and then to the right side of abdomen to form a duodenal twisting or bend into "U"-shaped loop of intestine, when to the right kidney turn back to the front of the rear, behind the glandular stomach is jejunum. Ileum is located at the lower right corner of the duodenum, and link with the both sides of the cecum associated by ileocecal ligament. The large intestine includs the two caecums, colon and rectum, the caecum starts from the both sides of the weld between ileum and colon, ileocecal ligament attached to both sides of ileum, colon is longer and suspend from the mesenteric node of the bottom of the lumbar spine, rectum suspend in the dorsal of abdominal cavity by a short dorsal mesangial.The histological structures of digestive system were studied by paraffin sectioning and H.E staining. It is indicated that African Ostrich’s digestive tract is composed of four conventional layers. The grossus plica, developed muscularis, and developed esophageal glands exist in the esophagus. Ingluvies is not observed. The glandular glands in glandular stomach consist of simple tubular glands in the lamina propria and compound tubular glands in the submucosa. The muscularis mucosa of the muscular stomach is obvious, and it is composed of internal-longitudinal and externa-ring smooth muscles. The villi in small intestine are long and branchy, but they contain no central chyle vessels. There are developed intestinal glands and many aggregated lymphoid nodule in the lamina proper of the duodenum. There is no duodenal gland in the submucosa. From duodenum to ileum, intestinal villi have more evident confluences and branches; the intestinal villi in jejumum are crook and "S" shaped, and the number of aggregated lymphoid nodule gradually decreases. African ostrich has a pair of developed cecum and very developed colon, where the epithelium mucosae is stratified columnar epithelium with many goblet cells, and where there are mucosa plica and short and developed villi. These features of the digestive tract are possibly related food habit, and determine the fact that African Ostrich has a strong ability to digest and absorb food.

  • 【分类号】S839
  • 【下载频次】108

