

Study on Establishing the Long-term Mechanism for Formula Fertilization by Soil Testing

【作者】 刘芽

【导师】 谭金芳; 郑义;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业资源利用, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 肥料是植物的“粮食”。科学用肥,可以增产增收增效、节能减排、改善生态环境、提高耕地质量、提高农产品质量、促进农业可持续发展,测土配方施肥是科学施肥工作的具体落实形式。本文通过调查、研究,阐述了测土配方施肥的重要作用和意义,科学的总结和分析了国内外尤其是河南省测土配方施肥的现状和存在的问题。文章指出在当前测土配方施肥工作中主要存在的问题有:宣传培训不到位;施肥结构不合理,有机肥施用严重不足;县乡农业专业科技力量薄弱;化肥市场品种多、乱、杂,质量参差不齐,农资价格偏高;土壤采样覆盖面不够,配方肥针对性不强;指标体系不全,应用范围尚有局限性;企业行为少;农田灌排能力弱;测土配方施肥工作长效机制不健全、不完善。针对上述问题,文章提出了解决对策:加强测土配方施肥的宣传培训和推广体系建设,创新推广机制,深化乡镇改革,健全县乡农技服务机构,充实乡镇农技力量,健全服务网络,设立村级农技综合服务站,为农民开展零距离服务,加强技术创新,扩展配方肥应用范围,加强配方肥配制和配送体系建设,严管市场,稳定物价,推优打假护农,加强政府政策扶持力度,加大政府投资,加强县乡测试能力建设,加强农田水利建设,改善农业生产条件,提高肥料利用率。文章认为,测土配方施肥是一项长期的、基础的涉及所有种植户的工作,是直接关系到农业可持续发展,农民稳步增收,农产品质量和生态环境不断改善的日常性工作,建立测土配方施肥长效机制尤为重要。文章就如何利用好国家现行各项政策和资金,建立测土配方施肥长效机制和有效的工作运行模式做了深入探讨:在国家加大政策、资金、法律支持的前提下,提高认识,建立“测、配、产、供、施”一体化模式,完善测土配方施肥技术体系和指标体系,加强技术创新,加大企业参与行为比重,最终建立政府做引导,科研单位技术支撑,以县为单位,企业成为主体的测土配方施肥的长效机制。

【Abstract】 Fertilizer is essential to the plants. Scientific Utilization of Fertilizer can increase the yields, incomes and synergisms of the plants, and be helpful to energy saving ,emission reduction, ecological environment, and the quality of cultivated land and agricultural products, finally lead to the agricultural sustainable development , Formula fertilization by Soil Testing is a the detail practicing form for scientific fertilization.It was described the importance, state of the art and existing problems of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation by investigation and research in Henan, China and abroad. Problems are a low level of the propaganda, fertilizer structure and organic fertilizer application. It is weak in the professional scientific and technological power of agricultural county. There are fertilizer varieties in marker, high price of agricultural means and less enterprise behavior. The soil sampling coverage is not enough and fertilizer formulations targeted is not strong; indicator system was incomplete and limited scope of application; farmland irrigation and drainage capacity is weak; the work of a long-term soil testing Fertilization mechanism is not sound and perfect.To address the above issues, the article suggested a solution approach: strengthening of soil testing and fertilizer formulation of advocacy training and promotion system, promotion of innovative mechanisms to deepen the rural reform, improving the county and township agricultural technology service providers to enrich rural agricultural strength, perfection service network, the establishment of village-level integrated agricultural service stations for farmers to carry out zero distance services, enhancing technological innovation, expanding the scope of formula fertilizer application to enhance fertilizer formula preparation and distribution system construction, strict management market and stable prices, strengthening government policy support efforts to increase government investment and the county and township testing capacity building, improving irrigation and water conservancy construction to improve agricultural production conditions and fertilizer efficiency. According to the article, soil testing and fertilizer recommendation is a long-term basis involving, all the work of farmers is directly related to the sustainable development of agriculture, farmers a steady income, agricultural quality and continuous improvement of ecological environment in the daily work, the establishment of soil testing and fertilizer recommendation is especially important long-term mechanism. Article on how to make good use of existing national policies and funding, the establishment of a long-term soil testing Fertilization mechanisms and effective work done in-depth discussions operation mode: In the national increase in policy, funding, legal support under the premise of raising awareness, the establishment of "measurement, allocation, production, supply, fertilization" integration model, improving soil testing Fertilization system and indicator system, technological innovation and the proportion of enterprises to participate in behavior, the eventual establishment of the Government to do guide the county as a unit, enterprises have become the soil testing and fertilizer recommendation of the main long-term mechanism.

  • 【分类号】S147.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】436

