

Technical and Economic Analyse of Biomass Power Generation

【作者】 宋艳苹

【导师】 刘圣勇;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界人口的快速增长,各国经济迅速发展,各国工业化进程不断深入,世界各国对于能源的消费和需求不断攀升,为了保证国民经济的快速发展,适应时代的要求,寻找替代能源,开发再生能源势在必行。中国是一个农业大国,生物质能源十分丰富。生物质废弃物的总量,相当于煤炭年开采量的50%,总计约为6.56亿吨标准煤。每年产生的生物质总量有50多亿吨(干重),相当于20多亿吨油当量,约为我国目前一次能源总消耗量的3倍。生物质资源在我国利用前景很好。因此,国家大力发展生物质综合利用技术,而生物质发电技术既有效缓解能源压力,又能缓解电力紧张的局势,所以大小规模不等的秸秆生物质发电厂先后在全国各地建立。这些生物质发电企业主要分为以下几类:气化发电、规模一般小于5MW;直燃规模、一般小于30MW;生物质混燃发电大多由原火电厂改造而成,依附于原有机组参数。相比国外的生物质发电产业,我国发电企业规模较小,效率较低,且会出现运行不稳定,无法达到满发现象,主要原因是我国原料收集困难,引进技术不与我国的燃料特点完全相符等原因。本文从研究以生物质资源中最主要的秸秆资源发电为主。分析了我国生物质资源燃料的特点,发展生物质发电产业的资源优缺点,收集现有生物质发电技术产业的经济数据,对生物质各种发电技术进行分析比较。并以我国北方具有代表性的农业大县为例,通过调查该地区的生物质资源状况,电力负荷、采暖情况,提出发展生物质小型热电联产项目的的可行性,分析该项目的社会综合效益。最后,根据分析结果以及与国外的生物质发电对比,总结我国生物质发电产业化发展的制约因素。提出完善鼓励生物质发电产业的政策方法,展望我国生物质发电的前景。

【Abstract】 With the rapid growth of world population, rapid economic growth in countries, Rapid industrial development, the demand for energy consumption is rising. In order to ensure the rapid development of the national economy, need to find new energy, develop renewable energy.China is a large agricultural country, biomass is rich. in the total amount of biomass waste about half of Coal production, totaling about 656 million tons of Tce. The total biomass are produced each year more than 50 million tons (dry weight), equivalent to more than 20 million tons of oil equivalent。there will be about China’s current total primary energy consumption of 3 times. With the development of technology, biomass power generation technology is the most promising development In recent years, more and more biomass power plants have established.China’s biomass power generation is divided into the following categories: gasificati on power generation, the size generally less than 5MW, direct combustion of straw size generally less than 30MW, Power Generation of Biomass and coal fired power plant Rely on the original. Biomass power generation compared to foreign enterprises, small-scale, low efficiency, unable to achieve full diagnosis.This paper studies the most important resources-straw.That the development of China’s biomass power industry is Superiority. Compared with the conventional energy resources of coal, biomass fuel is scattered, low caloric value. In this paper, I collect the available biomass resources, analysis economic data on biomass fuel resources. Compare Biomass power generation technology at home and abroad.In this paper, Main research a representative of agriculture in north China county, graduate of material resources, and the electric load, heating conditions, Analysis the development of small-scale biomass cogeneration feasibility of the project.According to China’s national conditions, compared to sum of biomass power industry development constraints, and improve various policies to encourage biomass power generation, prospect of biomass power generation prospects.

  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】857

