

Effect of Different Agronomic Measures on Basal Aroma Components and Related Character in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf

【作者】 王新发

【导师】 杨铁钊;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为探索烟草品种间香味物质差异的原因以及最佳的调控措施,本文以高香气烤烟新品系8306、H892,栽培品种K326、中烟100为材料,采用不同氮用量和水杨酸处理两种调控措施,研究对致香物质含量及其组成等方面的影响,初步结论如下:1、烟草叶片的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量随叶龄增加上升,在20d或30d时达到最高值,而后逐步下降、各基因型表现一致。基因型间叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量存在显著差异。相同叶龄的叶绿素含量H892、8306显著高于K326、中烟100。不同品种相同叶龄中的类胡萝卜素含量以H892最高,中烟100最低。氮用量间叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量存在显著差异。氮用量的增加有利于提高叶绿素含量,四个基因型在各个叶龄的叶绿素含量表现为高氮>中氮>低氮,差异达到显著。氮素处理间类胡萝卜素含量差异显著,中氮最高,高氮次之,低氮最低,适宜的氮用量能提高类胡萝卜素的含量。外源SA(水杨酸)处理烟草的最佳浓度为1.5mmol·L-1。喷施后及对照的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量变化随时间呈现先上升然后下降的单峰曲线,但变化趋势不同。喷施SA在3d-6d之间叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量开始高于对照,喷施后第6d达到最高。到15d时,叶绿素含量是对照含量的1.13倍,类胡萝卜素含量是对照含量的1.10倍,均显著高于对照。2、腺毛密度随着叶龄的增加均表现为下降趋势,20d最高,60d最低。基因型之间表现差异显著,各叶龄均为8306的腺毛密度高于K326。氮素处理对腺毛密度的影响显著,腺毛密度表现为中氮处理>高氮处理>低氮处理,3、叶面分泌物含量随叶龄的增加各基因型总体呈现单峰曲线,20d-40d含量逐渐增加,40d达到顶峰后逐渐下降,50d-60d的含量下降缓慢。40d时基因型间含量差异显著,8306>H892>中烟100>K326。60d时基因型间含量差异显著,8306>H892> K326 >中烟100。8306的含量在各个叶龄期均高于其他三个基因型。中烟100的含量除了50d叶龄外,其他各个叶龄均最低。随着叶龄的增加,三个氮用量处理的叶面分泌物含量呈现单峰曲线,20d-40d增加,40d时达顶峰后下降,60d时降到最低。氮用量处理间叶面分泌物含量差异显著。中氮处理含量在各个叶龄期均高于低氮处理和高氮处理。低氮处理和高氮处理叶面分泌物含量在大部分叶龄差异不显著。喷施SA后,叶面分泌物含量三个基因型(8306、H892、中烟100)呈现相同单峰曲线,0d-6d含量上升,6d达到峰值,6d-15d含量下降。0d-3d喷施处理的叶面分泌物含量低于对照,第3d时各基因型喷施SA的叶面分泌物含量显著低于对照。第3d-6d,喷施处理的含量逐渐高于对照,第6d时,喷施SA处理的含量显著高于对照。但是到15d时,除8306外其他两个品种喷施处理的含量没有显著高于对照。4、8306基因型烟叶中性香气基础物质总量、苯丙氨酸类降解产物、茄酮、类胡萝卜素降解产物、美拉德反应产物、叶绿素降解产物等香气物质含量均高于K326,尤其是茄酮含量,比K326高41.16%。随氮用量的增加,8306的中性香气基础物质总含量增加,而K326的中性香气基础物质的总含量呈现下降趋势。5、不同氮用量间的石油醚提取物含量差异显著,高氮处理的含量显著高于低氮处理的含量;基因型间石油醚提取物含量差异也达到显著水平, 8306>H892>K326>中烟100。8306的含量极显著高于其他三个基因型,中烟100的含量显著低于其他三个基因型。各基因型喷施SA后比对照含量稍高,但差异不显著。6、总氮含量变化总体呈现单峰曲线变化,10d-30d含量增加,30d时达到最大值,30d-40d急剧下降,40d后缓慢下降, 60d时下降到最小值。随氮用量增加,烟叶中总氮含量上升,高氮处理的烟叶总氮含量显著高于低氮处理的含量。基因型间的总氮含量差异显著, 8306含量10d-30d上升期是四个基因型中幅度最小的, 30d高峰时总氮含量处于中等水平,30d后下降幅度最小,60d总氮含量显著高于其他三个基因型。H892的变化和8306相反。60d的总氮含量和叶片衰老期氮消耗关系较大。基因型不同氮素的代谢积累消耗特点不同,要根据氮素利用特点制定氮素调控措施。

【Abstract】 Our research aimed to explore the reasons of the impact of tobacco flavor material produced for the differences among varieties and the best control measures ,we have studied the new variety of the flue-cured 8306 and H892, and conventional cultivars K326 and ZY 100. the impact was resear -ched on the content of aroma and composition by two control measures of nitrogen levels and the outer of the salicylaldehyde acid treatment, the preliminary conclusions are as follows:1 Chlorophyll and carotenoid content in the tobacco leaf increased with growing flue-cured tobacco leaf, it reached the highest value at 20d or 30d , then gradually decreased, all genotypes showed the same tendency. chlorophyll content and carotenoid content were significantly different among the genotypes. On the same leaf age Chlorophyll content of H892 and 8306 were significantly higher than K326 and ZY100 ,carotenoid content of H892 was significantly higher than the other three genotypes, carotenoid content of 100 lower than the other three genotypes. Among nitrogen levels content of chlorophyll and carotenoid content were significantly different. Increase of the amount of nitrogen will help improve the chlorophyll content, the chlorophyll content of the four genotypes in various ages showed: high nitrogen treatment > ordinary nitrogen treatment > low nitrogen treatment, differences were significant. Carotenoid content of nitrogen treatments was significantly different, ordinary nitrogen treatments > the highest nitrogen treatment > low nitrogen treatment, the appropriate amount of nitrogen can improve the content of carotenoids.The difference of the chlorophyll and carotenoid content among nitrogen treatments and genotypes showed that the control to the right of chlorophyll and carotenoid content is feasible by change of genotypes or nitrogen regulation.The results show that:On the tobacco leaf the best concentration of salicylic acid treatment was 1.5mmol·L-1. The change of spraying salicylic acid treatment and CK of chlorophyll content and carotenoid content was a single peak curve, but different variation between spraying salicylic acid treatment and CK . At the 3d-6d chlorophyll and carotenoid content of spraying SA treatment has been higher than CK, after spraying 6d chlorophyll and carotenoid content reached the top.At 15d, the chlorophyll content was 1.13 times than CK, carotenoid content was 1.10 times than CK.2 Glandular hairs density showed a downward trend with growing flue-cured tobacco leaf, it reached the highest at 20d, and lowest at 60d. A significant difference among genotypes, glandular hairs of 8306 are denser than K326’s. Nitrogen treatment on the glandular density was significantly difference, glandular hairs showed the density of ordinary nitrogen treatment> high nitrogen> low nitrogen treatment.3 The change of overall genotypes tobacco leaf surface trichome exudate showed single peak with growing flue-cured tobacco leaf, increased in 20d-40d, peaked at 40d and then decreased, decreased slowly in 50d-60d. At 40d content were significant differences among genotypes, 8306> H892> ZY100> K326. At 60d contents were significant differences among genotypes, 8306> H892> K326>ZY100. The content of 8306 was highest than the other three genotypes at every leaf stage. In addition to 50d leaf age , the content of ZY100 was lowest at other various ages. with growing flue-cured tobacco leaf, the three nitrogen treatment content showed a single peak discharge curve, 20d-40d increased, 40d then decreased and reached its peak, 60d reached the minimum. Among nitrogen treatments leaf surface trichome exudate content were significantly difference. Nitrogen treatment of content in each leaf stage were higher than the other two nitrogen treatmentce. Low-nitrogen treatment and high nitrogen content was not significant difference in most of the leaf age leaf secretion.After spraying SA, the overall content of leaf surface trichome exudate of three genotypes(8306、H892、中烟100) of secretion showed the same single peak, 0d-6d content increased, 6d peaked, 6d-15d decreased. 0d-3d spraying treatment were lower than CK, at 3d spraying treatment was significantly lower than CK,at 3d-6d, spraying treatment levels were higher than CK, at 6d, the spraying treatment was significantly higher than CK. But at 15d, in addition to 8306, the other two species of spraying treatment were not significant higher CK.4 In 8306 tobacco leaf total neutral aroma substances, degradation products of phenylalanine class, solanone, carotenoid degradation products, Maillard reaction products, neophytadiene were higher than K326, particularly solanone content was 41.16% higher than the K326. With the increase of the nitrogen level, 8306’s total neutra material aromatic content increased, while the K326 was contrary to 8306.5 Significant analysis of petroleum ether extracts of the changes showde that the same genotype of petroleum ether extract was significantly difference among different nitrogen content, high N treatment was significantly higher than the low N treatment; petroleum ether extract content were significant differences among genotypes ,in the level of the whole, from high N treatment to low N treatment for the 8306> H892> K326> ZY100. 8306’s content was significantly higher than the other three genotypes, ZY100 was significantly lower than the other three genotypes.All genotype’s spraying treatment content slightly higher than CK, but the difference was not significant. Petroleum ether extract was significantly different levels among genotypes, from high N treatment to low N treatment for the 8306> H892>ZY100.6 Total nitrogen content in general showed a single peak curve, 10d-30d increased, 30d reached the maximum, 30d-40d decreased sharply, after 40d the slow decline, 60d decreased to minimum. With the increased of nitrogen, total nitrogen content of leaves was increased, total nitrogen of high nitrogen treatment was significantly higher than the low nitrogen treatment.Total nitrogen content of different genotype was significantly differences, 10d-30d increased rate of the 8306 is the smallest in the four genotypes, 30d peak at a medium level of total nitrogen content, after 30d it was the smallest declined rate, at 60d total nitrogen content was significantly higher than the other three genotypes. H892 and 8306 changes in the opposite. At 60d the total nitrogen content and nitrogen consumption senescence had a greater correlation. The different genotypes had differect nitrogen metabolism and consumed characteristics, control measures was Formulated according to the characteristics of nitrogen utilization.

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】99

