

The Study on Regionalization of the Adaptability of Soil Fertility and Flue-cured Tobacc Cemical Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco-growing Areas in Pinglu

【作者】 王付锋

【导师】 赵铭钦;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 平陆县是山西省主要烟草种植区,也是吉林烟草工业的主要原料基地之一,该地区烟草的可持续发展对其自身及吉林烟草工业的发展有重要意义。本研究通过对该县主要植烟土壤的肥力适宜性及烤烟化学品质进行评价,并利用GIS技术对土壤肥力适宜性和烤烟化学品质进行区划,主要研究结论如下:(1)平陆植烟土壤中有60.0%的土壤属于微碱性,35.7%土壤属于中性,在适宜范围的占19.6%;有机质平均含量为16.20mg/kg,在适宜范围的占63.0%;碱解氮的含量变幅为17.14 mg/kg~124.52mg/kg,处在适宜范围的占67.4%;速效钾的平均含量为217.17mg/kg,整体上是丰富的;速效磷含量小于10 mg/kg的植烟土壤占26.1%,说明有一部分地区速效磷含量偏低;水溶性氯的含量在适宜范围的占47.8%,而大于45mg/kg的植烟土壤占26.1%,这一部分土壤水溶性氯偏高;4种有效微量元素中,只有有效铁的平均含量(2.66mg/kg)在缺乏临界含量(4.50mg/kg)以下。有效微量元素的变异系数都比较大,总体呈现有效铜(84.15%)>有效锰(77.24%)>有效铁(63.91%)>有效锌(43.55%)。因此该县的有效微量元素分布极不均匀,其中,有效铁比较缺乏。(2)8个乡镇中,三门镇和郭原的pH值在中性土壤范围,而其它乡镇的均值在微碱性范围内,其中部官的最高,三门的最低;部官的土壤有机质含量最高,常乐的含量最低;土壤碱解氮含量最高的是三门,含量最低的是常乐;速效钾含量最高的是曹川,其次是下坪;郭原的水溶性氯含量偏高,其它乡镇的平均含量均在适宜范围;8个乡镇的有效铁平均含量均低于适宜范围,张店的土壤有效锰含量最高(13.65mg/kg),下坪最低(2.15mg/kg),而各乡镇的有效铜含量均在适宜范围,以部官的最高,常乐、下坪、郭原的有效锌含量低于适宜范围。(3)对8个植烟乡镇土壤IFI研究表明,土壤肥力适宜性指数的为0.24~0.77,变异系数为25.53%,有28.30%土壤的IFI较差,一般水平的占30.30%,而IFI较好的土壤只占41.40%,平均值为0.47,整体肥力适宜性处于一般水平。8个植烟乡镇中,以三门镇的IFI最高,张店次之,而常乐的最低。(4)总糖方面,以三门的含量最高,曹川次之,张店最低;而还原糖以三门的最高;烟碱以郭原最高,晴岚最低;糖碱比曹川最大(13.49)、部官最小(9.21);总氮以三门最高,部官与郭原次之,常乐最低;8个乡镇的氮碱比均值均小于1,其中以曹川最大;对于钾、氯含量以及钾氯比方面,曹川的钾含量、钾氯比最大(分别为1.58%、5.61)、部官最低(分别为0.92%、2.51),郭原的氯含量最高(0.56%),晴岚的氯含量最低(0.35%)。(5) 8个乡镇的烤烟化学成分协调性指数,以部官的较高,张店次之,处于一般水平的是常乐、晴岚和郭原;其它乡镇都处于尚好水平。(6)平陆烟区,烤烟新植二烯的含量大小关系为:部官>张店>曹川>晴岚>三门>下坪>郭原>常乐;中性致香物质总量方面,以部官的最高,张店次之,常乐最低。而最终的感官质量得分的大小关系为:部官>张店>三门>曹川>下坪>晴岚>郭原>常乐,(7)土壤有机质和碱解氮与烤烟的总糖和还原糖呈显著负相关,与烟碱和总氮呈显著正相关,土壤水溶性氯与烤烟烟叶中氯含量呈极显著正相关,水溶性氯与钾氯比呈显著负相关,土壤有机质与烤烟新植二烯及其中性致香物质总量呈显著正相关。(8)土壤肥力适宜性状况水平,(好):三门、张店、部官和曹川;(一般):郭原和晴岚;(差):下坪和常乐。化学成分协调性状况水平,(好):部官;(尚好):曹川、张店、部官和下坪;(一般):晴岚、郭原;(差):常乐。高香气区:部官、张店和曹川。感官质量状况水平,(好):三门、张店、部官;(一般):下坪、曹川、晴岚、郭原;(差):常乐。

【Abstract】 Ping Lu county of ShanXi province is the main tobacco growing area, and one of the main raw material base of the Jilin tobacco industry company.It is important significance for its own tobacco planting and tobacco industries of Jilin.This study on the county’s major tobacco was to evaluate suitability of the soil fertility and chemical quality of flue-cured tobacco, and used the GIS technology on soil fertility and chemical quality of flue-cured tobacco for division, the main conclusions:(1) 60.0% of the soil was slightly alkaline in Ping Lu county, 35.7% of the soil was neutral, in the appropriate range of 19.6%; the average organic matter content of 16.20mg/kg in the appropriate accounting for 63.0% range; available nitrogen content ranged from 17.14 ~ 124.52mg/kg, in a suitable range of 67.4%; the average content of the soil available potassium was 217.17mg/kg, as a whole was rich; available phosphorus content less than 10mg/kg of tobacco soil 26.1%, indicating a low content of available phosphorus in some areas; water-soluble chloride content in the appropriate range of 47.8%, while greater than 45mg/kg of tobacco soil 26.1%, this part of the high soil water-soluble chloride ; four kinds of available microelements, only the effective average content of iron (2.66mg/kg) under the absence of critical levels (4.50mg/kg). The coefficient of variation of trace elements was larger, the overall presentation of available Cu (84.15%)> available Mn (77.24%)> available Fe (63.91%)> available Zn (43.55%). Therefore, the county was very uneven distribution of micronutrients, among them was lack of available iron.(2) In the eight townships, the pH value of the neutral soil in the Sanmen and Guoyuan towns , while others mean the township in the slightly alkaline range, which the Buguan’s highest officials, Sanmen of the lowest; the Buguan of the highest officials of the soil organic matter content often the lowest content of Changle; soil nitrogen content was highest in Sanmen, the lowest concentration was Changle; the soil available potassium content of the highest Caochuan, followed the Xiaping; Guoyuan, high levels of water-soluble chlorine, other the average concentration of rural areas, where appropriate; eight townships average content of available iron were lower than the suitable range of content, soil available manganese of Zhangdian was highest (13.65 mg / kg), Xiaping was the lowest (2.15 mg / kg) , and the township of effective copper content in the appropriate range, the highest official to the Buguan, Changle, Xiaping, Guoyuan original zinc content was lower than the effective range suitable.(3) The soil IFI of the eight townships were studied show that soil fertility suitability index was 0.24 ~ 0.77, the coefficient of variation was 25.53%, with 28.30% of IFI poor soil, the general level of accounting for 30.30%, while the good soil IFI only 41.40 percent, an average of 0.47, the overall fertility and suitability at a general level. The highest IFI town was Sanmen, Zhangdian second, and Changle lowest in the eight townships(4) On total sugar, the highest levels to Sanmen, followed by Caochuan, Zhangdian minimum; But on reducing sugar, Sanmen was the highest; nicotine to the original highest Guoyuan, Qinglan was minimum; on RS/N, Caochuan was maximum (13.49), Buguan was minimum (9.21); the highest total nitrogen to Sanmen, followed by Buguan and former Guoyuan, Changle was minimum; eight townships than the average TN/N base was less than 1, in which the largest was Caochuan; for potassium and chlorine content and the ratio of potassium and chloride, the Caochuan potassium and K/Cl than the maximum (respectively, 1.58%, 5.61), the Buguan was minimum (respectively, 0.92%, 2.51), the chlorine content of Guoyuan was the highest (0.56%), Qinglan was low chlorine content (0.35%).(5) In eight townships, the coordination index of chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco of Buguan was the highest , Zhangdian was the second, Changle, Qing lan and Guoyuan were lower , the index of other towns were in reasonably level.(6) In tobacco planting area of Ping Lu, the content of neophytadiene in flue-cured showed : Buguan> Zhangdian> Caochuan> Qinglan>Sanmen> Xiaping> Guoyuan> Changle; the total aroma of tobacco in Buguan was the highest、Zhangdian was lower and Changle were the lowest. The final score of the sensory quality showed: Buguan> Zhangdian> Sanmen> Caochuan> Xiaping> Qinglan> Guoyuan> Changle.(7) The soil organic matter and nitrogen were significantly negatively correlated with total sugar and reducing sugar in tobacco. The soil organic matter and nitrogen were positively correlated with nicotine and total nitrogen. The soil water-soluble chloride was significantly correlated with the content of chlorine in tobacco leaves, the water-soluble chloride positively correlated with K/Cl. The soil organic matter was positively correlated with neophytadiene and neutral aroma constituents in flue-cured tobacco. (8) The level of soil fertility status were, (fine): Sanmen, Zhangdian, Buguan and Chaochuan, (general): Guoyuan and Qinglan, (poor) Xiaping and Changle.The level of chemical coordination status was, (fine) Buguan; (good): Caochuan, Zhangdian, Buguan and Xiaping; (general): Qinglan, Guoyuan; (poor): Changle.High aroma area: Buguan, Zhangdian and Caochuan. The level of apparent status was, (fine): Sanmen, Zhangdian and Caochuan; (general): Xiaping, Caochuan,Qinglan and Guoyuan; (poor): Changle

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】72

