

Effects of Water and Nitrogen Interaction on Growth and Devlopment, Yield and Quality of Oriental Tobacco

【作者】 刘秋员

【导师】 符云鹏;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2008-2009年于河南农业大学第三生活区防雨棚中采用盆栽试验,以香料烟品种芸香巴斯玛1号为供试品种,研究了水氮互作对香料烟烟株生长发育、生理生化、产量品质以及植烟土壤养分和土壤酶活性等的影响,旨在为香料烟生产合理供水供氮提供理论参考。主要研究结果如下:1.在各处理中随着土壤水分含量和氮素用量的增加促进了香料烟烟株株高和有效叶片数的增高,处理W1N6烟株株高最高(136.34cm)和有效叶片数最多(34.4片),处理W3N0株高和有效叶片数均最低。2.烟株根冠比却随着土壤水分和施氮量的增加而降低;烟株各器官根、茎、叶及其整株干重均随着土壤水分和氮素的增加而极显著提高,但是增施氮肥降低干物质在根中的分配比例,提高茎、叶的比例,而提高土壤水分则降低叶中的分配比例;降低土壤水分和增施氮肥均能提高根、茎、叶中全氮的含量,但各器官中全氮的累积量却随着土壤水分和氮素的增加而提高,氮素在叶中的分配比例则是随着氮素的升高或土壤水分的降低而提高;提高土壤水分能显著的提高烟株的氮素利用率(P<0.01),施氮量为0.6g/株条件下,土壤相对含水量为65-75%的处理(W1)较土壤相对含水量为35-45%的处理(W3)提高了606.74%,土壤相对含水量为50-60%的处理(W2)较土壤相对含水量为35-45%的处理(W3)提高了230.23%,施氮量为0.3g/ hm2条件下,W1处理较W3提高了460.81%,W2处理较W3提高了351.80%,施氮对烟株的氮素利用率没有显著影响(P>0.05);土壤水分和氮素对烟株株高、根干重、茎叶干重及其分配比例、全氮在根、茎、叶中的含量及在茎、叶中的分配比例、氮素利用率均具有极显著的交互作用(P<0.01)。3.大量元素(K、Ca、Mg、P)在各水氮处理的根、茎、叶中的浓度大小依次为K>Ca>Mg>P;不同水氮处理下,大量元素(K、Ca、Mg、P)在根、茎、叶中的浓度均以土壤水分为W2条件下的处理最高;增加氮用量,可以促进P、K的吸收、抑制Ca、Mg的吸收;微量元素Fe、Mn在根、茎、叶中的浓度以及Cu在根中的浓度随着土壤水分含量的降低而升高,而Zn、B在根、茎、叶中的浓度以及Cu在茎、叶中的浓度随土壤水分含量的降低而升高;各微量元素均随着氮素用量的增加而升高。4.各水氮处理下烟株中部叶(叶位:16-18)叶片叶绿素与类胡萝卜素含量均在叶龄10d时最高,之后随着叶龄的增长逐渐降低。土壤水分与氮素对烟株叶片叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量均有显著的影响,在烟株叶片发育前期(40d前),烟株叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b以及类胡萝卜素含量均随着土壤水分含量的降低而降低,叶龄40d后,各水氮处理烟株叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b以及类胡萝卜素含量均以W2条件下最高;各处理烟株叶片叶绿素含量在整个生育过程中均是随着氮素用量的增加而增加的。5.烟株叶片内源激素在不同水氮处理下变化规律不一致。N3、N6条件下的生长素IAA与细胞分裂素ZR在烟株叶片衰老过程中呈单峰曲线变化规律,N0条件下IAA与ZR以及赤霉素GA在叶片衰老过程中一致降低;各处理脱落酸ABA的含量均逐渐升高。降低土壤水分含量,提高了IAA、ABA,而ZR、GA、ZR/ABA、IAA/ABA、GA/ABA含量显著降低;增加氮素用量,各内源激素IAA、ABA、ZR、GA含量以及ZR/ABA、IAA/ABA、GA/ABA比值均升高。6.旺长期各处理烟株叶片碳代谢关键酶转化酶Inv活性随着土壤水分含量的降低或氮用量的增加而升高,以处理W3N6最高,N0W1最低,氮代谢关键酶谷氨酰胺合成酶Gs活性则是随着土壤水分含量的升高和氮用量的增加而升高,且两个酶活性在W1与W3、N6与N0之间差异显著;土壤水分胁迫促进了Inv调节基因的表达,但Gs调节基因的表达却受到了抑制;增加氮用量均可促进两个基因的表达。7.不同土壤水分含量条件下脯氨酸含量变化规律不一致,W3条件下的各处理,其脯氨酸含量均表现出先升高后降低的趋势,而W2与W1处理下的烟株叶片脯氨酸含量呈一直降低趋势。脯氨酸含量随着土壤水分的降低而升高,氮素用量的增加而增加。各处理丙二醛含量随着生育期的推进或叶龄的增加而一直呈升高趋势,且随着氮素用量的增加而降低;不同土壤水分含量条件下,各氮素处理烟株叶片的丙二醛含量均以W2条件下最低,W1次之,W3最大。细胞保护酶SOD、CAT随着生育期的推进,均表现出先升高后降低的趋势,在烟株生育期前期(50d前),降低土壤水分含量可以提高超氧化物歧化酶SOD与过氧化氢酶CAT的活性,但在生育期后期,各水分处理均以W2条件下最高;在整个生育期SOD、CAT酶活性均随着氮用量的增加而升高。8.增加土壤水分含量和氮用量,可以提高土壤中碱解氮的含量和降低土壤速效钾含量;速效P则是随着土壤水分含量的升高而升高,随氮素用量的增加而降低。增加氮用量,提高了脲酶、蔗糖酶活性,却抑制了磷酸酶的活性;提高土壤水分含量,有利于脲酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖酶的活性,但水分过高会使脲酶活性降低。9.水氮处理下,全氮与烟碱的含量随着土壤水分含量的降低而升高,随着氮素用量的增加而增加;还原糖表现出相反的规律,其是随着土壤含水量的降低而降低,随着氮素用量的增加而降低;钾则是随着土壤水分含量的降低而升高,随氮素用量的变化规律不明显。不同水氮处理下的烟株产量大小顺序依次为W1N6>W1N3>W2N6>W2N3>W1N0>W2N0>W3N6>W3N3>W3N0。10.对不同水氮处理下的产量与品质进行了多目标综合评价,评价结果为W2N6最优,W1N3次之,W3N0最差。

【Abstract】 A pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of water and nitrogen interaction on growth, physiological and biochemical indexes, yield and quality, soil nutrients and the activity of soil enzyme by using a oriental-tobacco cultivar Yunxiang Basma 1in the third living area of Henan Agriculture University in 2008-2009. The main results were as follows:1. Improving soil moisture and nitrogen rate could increase oriental-tobacco plant height and leaf number significantly. The plant height and leaf number of W1N6 were the highest, and were 136.34cm and 34.4 respectively, while that of W3N0 were the lowest.2. The dry weight of root, stem, leaf and per plant were increased significantly , but the root-shoot ratio decreased significantly ; with increase nitrogen rate, the distribution ratio of dry matter in root was decreased, but were increased, the distribution ratio of dry matter in stem leaf was decreased as soil moisture decreased. Total nitrogen of root, stem, leaf were increased by decreased soil moisture or increased nitrogen ratio, while the nitrogen contents of root, stem, leaf were increased with soil moisture and nitrogen rate increased. The distribution ratio of nitrogen in leaf was increased as nitrogen rate increased or soil moisture decreased. With increase soil moisture, was increased significantly , the nitrogen use efficiency of W1 and W2 under N6 conditions was increased by 606.74% and 230.23%, the nitrogen use efficiency of W1 and W2 under N3 conditions was increased by 460.81% and 351.80%, nitrogen rate had no significant effect on the nitrogen use efficiency . Soil moisture and nitrogen rate had a significant interaction effect on plant height, dry matter of root, dry matter of stem and leaf, the distribution ratio of dry matter in stem and leaf, total nitrogen contents of root, stem, leaf and its distribution ratio in stem and leaf, the nitrogen use efficiency.3. The content size order of major element K, Ca, Mg, P in leaves, stem, root of every treatment is K>Ca>Mg>P; the content of major element K, Ca, Mg, P in leaves, stem, root of W2 treatment are the most; Increase the nitrogen rate can promote the tobacco plant absorb P, K and inhibit the tobacco plant absorb Ca, Mg; The content of trace element Fe, Mn in root, leaves, stem and Cu in leaves, stem improved as soil moisture content decreased, but the content of trace element Zn, B in root, leaves, stem and Cu in stem, leaves decreased as soil moisture decreased; all of trace elements improved as nitrogen rate improved.4. At the leaf age 10 d, the content of chl a and carotenoids of all treatment were the highest, but then decreased as the leaf age increased. Soil moisture and nitrogen rate have significant influence on chl a and carotenoids content of leaves, in the leaf early development stage (40d), the content of chl a, chl b, carotenoids decreased as soil moisture decreased, but after 40d, the content of chl a, chl b, carotenoids of the treatments which under the condition of W2 were the highest, the content of chl a, chl b, carotenoids of all treatments were increased as nitrogen rate increased.5. Change trendency of endogenous hormones of different soil moisture and nitrogen rate treatment were different. Under the conditions of N3 and N6, the content of IAA and ZR trendency had a single peak during tobacco leaf senescence, the content of IAA, ZR,GA showed a decreasing trend during tobacco leaf senescence under N0, but the content of ABA showed a increasing trend during tobacco leaf senescence. As decreasing soil moisture, the content of IAA, ABA increased, but the content of ZR, GA and ZR/ABA, IAA/ABA, GA/ABA decreased significantly; As increasing nitrogen rate, the contents of all endogenous hormones and ZR/ABA, IAA/ABA, GA/ABA increased.6. Inv is the key enzyme of carbon metabolism whose enzyme activity increased as soil moisture decreased or nitrogen rate increased in vigorious growth period, the enzyme activity of W3N6 was the highest, but that of N0W1 was the lowest; Gs is the key enzyme of nitrogen metabolism whose enzyme activity increased as soil moisture and nitrogen rate increased. And the two enzyme activity under W1 and W3 or N6 and N0 had a significant difference. Water stress promoted the expression of genes regulating of Inv, but inhibited the expression of Gs genes; increasing nitrogen rate could promoted the expression of Inv and Gs genes.7. Change trendency of Pro under different soil moisture were different. Under W3, the content of Pro had a single peak during tobacco leaf senescence, but under the conditions of W1 and W2, the content of Pro showed a decreased trend. The content of Pro increased as soil moisture decreased or nitrogen rate increased; the content of MDA increased during leaf senescence, but decreased as nitrogen rate increased. Under different soil moisture, the content of MDA ranked as W2>W1>W3. the enzyme activity of protective enzyme (SOD,CAT) showed a single peak during leaf senescence; the enzyme activity of protective enzyme (SOD,CAT) increased as decreased soil moisture in the leaf early development stage (before 50d), but then the enzyme activity of W2 was the highest; the enzyme activity of protective enzyme (SOD,CAT) increased as nitrogen rate increased.8. As increasing the soil moisture, the content of soil available nitrogen, available P and the enzyme activity of soil enzyme (urease, sucrase, phophatase) increased, and if soil moisture was too high to inhibited the activity of urease. Increasing nitrogen rate, the content of soil available nitrogen increased, the content of available P decreased, the activity of urease and sucrase increased, but the activity of phophatase decreased. 9. The content of TN and Nic of middle and upper leaf decreased as soil moisture increased or nitrogen rate decreased; and the content of reducing sugar showed a contrary trend. The content of K in leaves increased as soil moisture decreased. The yield of different soil moisture and nitrogen treatment ranked as W1N6>W1N3>W2N6>W2N3>W1N0>W2N0>W3N6>W3N3>W3N0.10. Multtobjective comprehensive evaluation method was applied to evaluate the yield and quality, the results showed that the treatment W2N6 was the best treatment, W3N0 was worst.

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】3
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