

Study on Division of Tobacco Quality in Pan-xi Region

【作者】 王改丽

【导师】 于建军;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为探索科学、准确、全面地评价烟叶质量,并为卷烟工业企业合理选用烟叶原料提供理论依据,本文以攀西产烟区2009年B2F、C3F、X2F 3个等级共161份样品为供试材料,分析了烤烟外观质量、化学成分和感官质量的状况:并从不同部位、不同地点和不同品种三方面对攀西地区的烟叶进行了差异性分析,分别对攀西地区烟叶的外观质量、化学成分和感官质量进行聚类分析,并对烟叶样品进行综合聚类分析,将攀西地区烟叶分别分区。1攀西地区烟叶质量综合评价攀西地区烟叶成熟度较高,油份好,叶片结构为疏松或尚疏松,叶色为橘黄色或柠檬黄,外观质量总体评价较好,部分烤烟的身份和色度比较接近津巴布韦优质烟叶,但其他几项指标与津巴布韦烟叶相比还有一定的差距。攀西地区烤烟样品主要化学成分中的总糖、还原糖含量和糖碱比较高,烟碱、氯、钾氯比、总氮含量和氮碱比基本在适宜范围内,且比较接近津巴布韦优质烟叶,特别是凉山烟区下部叶的烟碱含量(1.74%)甚至优于津巴布韦。氯、钾含量均低于津巴布韦烟叶的含量。攀西地区烟叶样品整体化学成分含量适宜,但与津巴布韦烟叶相比尚有差距。攀西地区烤烟的香气量较充足,香气质较好但烟叶的香型风格不是很明显。三个部位得分的变异系数均较小,且大部分在5%之内,说明攀西地区不同取样点间烟叶样品的感官质量差异较小,基本一致。与津巴布韦烟叶相比,攀西地区烤烟部分样品的香气质、香气量和刺激性得分接近于津巴布韦烤烟;余味和杂气与津巴布韦烤烟相比差距较大,但烤烟的灰色较津巴布韦烤烟稍差。整体上攀西地区烟叶已接近津巴布韦烟叶的质量水平,尤其以中部叶最为接近。2攀西地区烟叶质量差异性分析攀西地区不同部位烟叶的外观质量表现上除了成熟度和色度差异不显著之外,其他指标都表现为差异显著。攀西地区不同品种间外观质量均为显著差异。攀西地区不同部位间烟叶的化学成分除了氯含量的差异不显著外,其他均为差异显著,尤其是总碱、总氮、糖碱比、钾氯比和氮碱比相互之间差异尤为显著。攀西地区不同品种间的化学成分含量除了总碱、糖碱比、钾和氮碱比之间差异显著外,其他化学成分指标显示为差异不显著。攀西地区不同部位之间的感官质量得分差异显著。攀西地区不同品种间感官质量得分大部分差异显著,部分差异不显著,而且在香气量、余味和刺激性方面,云烟85与红大和云烟87的得分均不显著。3攀西地区烟叶质量相似性分析对2009年攀西地区烟叶样品从外观质量、化学成分和感官评吸得分及综合质量得分结果运用DPS(Data Processing System)统计软件对检测数据进行聚类分析[78]。结果显示:其中有固定的几个县点在外观质量、化学成分和感官得分的相似性分析中,均出现在同一组,归纳如下:三次聚类同时出现在第一区为:凉山州布拖县(云烟85 B2F)凉山州布拖县(云烟85 C3F),凉山州布拖县(云烟85 X2F),凉山州德昌县(云烟85 B2F) ,凉山州德昌县(云烟85 C3F),凉山州德昌县(云烟85 X2F),凉山州甘洛县(红大B2F) ,凉山州甘洛县(红大C2F) ,凉山州甘洛县(红大X2F),凉山州会东县(云烟85 B2F),凉山州会东县(云烟85 C3F),凉山州会东县(云烟85 X2F) ,凉山州会理(云烟85 B2F),凉山州会理县(云烟85 X2F),凉山州美姑县(云烟85 X2F)。三次聚类同时出现在第二区的为:凉山州冕宁县(云烟87 C3F),凉山州宁南县(云烟85 X3F),凉山州普格县云烟85 X3F),凉山州西昌市(云烟87 C2F),凉山州西昌市(云烟87X2F),凉山州喜德县(云烟85 X2F)。三次聚类同时出现在第二区的为:凉山州盐源县(云烟85 B2F),凉山州昭觉县(云85B2F),凉山州昭觉县(云烟85X2F),攀枝花米易县(云烟87 B2F),攀枝花米易县(云烟87 C3F) ,攀枝花米易县(云烟87X2F ),攀枝花仁和区(云烟85 B2F),攀枝花仁和区(云烟85 C3F) ,攀枝花仁和区(云烟85 X2F) ,攀枝花市盐边县(云烟87 B2F),攀枝花市盐边县(云烟87C3F),攀枝花市盐边县(云烟87 X2F)通过对攀西地区2009年烟叶样品上、中、下三部位烟叶的外观质量、化学成分和感官评吸得分的相似性分析可以将攀西烟叶从外观质量、化学成分和感官评吸得分三层次上各分为三个区,具体形成他们分在同一个区的内在原因,还需通过对属于一类区的烟叶进行进一步深入分析。

【Abstract】 In this article, in order to evaluate tobacco quality in a scientific, accurate and complete way and provide a theory basis for the cigarette industrial enterprise to selected tobacco material reasonably,the state of appearance quality,chemical composition and sensory quality were analyzed,then otherness analysis of tobacco in Pan-xi region was taken from different part,locale and varieties,the quantitative relation of appearance quality,chemical composition and sensory quality was discussed by methods of principal component analysis and Cluster analysis. Evaluation system of tobacco quality was established focusing on the analysis of quality characteristics of flue-cured tobacco with different aromas. The principal conclusions as follows:1. The comprehensive evaluation of tobacco quality in Panxi tobacco-growing areasThe tobacco leaves in Panxi tobacco-growing areas had good overall evaluation of high appearance quality with good maturity, plenty oil, loosest or looser leaf structure, orange or lemmon color, Part body and chroma of the appearance quality of tobacco leaves was closer to Zimbabwe, but for the other indexes, there was still a gap between Panxi and Zimbabwe tobacco-growing areas.The contents of total sugar, reducing sugar and the ratio of total sugar to nicotine of flue-cured tobacco in Panxi were higher. The contents of nicotine, chlorine, K/CL, total nitrogen and the ratio of total nitrogen to nicotine were closer to Zimbabwe, and were basically in suitable ranges. Especially, the nicotine content (1.74%) of lower leaves in Liangshan was superior to Zimbabwe. The content of chlorine and potassium was lower than Zimbabwe. The whole content of chemical composition for tobacco leaves was suitable, but compared with Zimbabwe, there still has a gap.The flue-cured tobacco leaves in Panxi was with nicer flavor and rich aroma, but the aromas types was not obvious. The variation coefficient of smoking score in different stalk positions was lower and less than 5%, so the sensory quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves in different sampling spots was similar. The score of aroma quality, aroma volume, pungent of part tobacco samples in Panxi was closer to Zimbabwe, but there had a marked difference on taste, and offensive odor, and the ash was worth than Zimbabwe. Overall the tobacco quality in Panxiarea was already close to Zimbabwe especially for cutters.2. Difference analysis of PanXi tobacco qualityAppearant quality of PanXi tobacoo were significant different by stalk position except in maturity and color. Appearant quality between variety were significant different.Chemical compositions were significant different between stalk positon except in chlorine concentration, especially in total alkaloid, total nitrogen, total sugar to alkaloid ratio,potassium to chlorine ratio and nitrogen to alkaloid ratio were significant different. Chemical composition between variety were significant different in total alkaloid, total sugar to alkaloid ratio, chlorine, nitrogen to alkaloid ratio, other chemical composition were not significant with each other. Smoking score between stalk position of PanXi tobacco were significant different. Most of smoking score were significant different, partial smoking score were not significant different, in aroma quantiry, taste and irritation between YunYan85 and YunYan87 were not significant different..3. similarity analysis of Panxi tobacco qualityApparent quality, chemical composition and smoking quality of tobacco samples in 2009 of PanXi area were analyzed by DPS(Data Processing System) analyze software to find the cluster trend of samples78. The results shows that:in the similarity analysis of apparent quality, chemical composition and smoking quality three countys are always in the same group.Through three cluster analysis the county in the first group is :BuTuo county(YunYan85,B2F),BuTuocounty(YunYan85,X2F),DeChangcounty(YunYan85,B2F),DeChangcounty(YunYan85,C3F),DeChangcounty(YunYan85,X2F),GanLuocounty(HongDa,B2F),GanLuocounty(HongDa,C2F),GanLuoconty(HongDa,X2F),HuiDongcounty(YunYan85,B2F),HuiDongcounty(YunYan85,C3F),HuiDongcounty(YunYan85,X2F),HuiLicounty(YunYan85,B2F),HuiLicounty(YunYan85,X2F),MeiGucounty(YunYan85,X2F).Through three cluster analysis the county in the second group is:MianNingcounty(YunYan87,C3F),NingNancounty(YunYan85,X3F),PuGecounty(YunYan85,X3F),XiChangcounty(YunYan87,C2F),XiChangcounty(YunYan87, X2F),XiDe county(YunYan 85 X2F).The places appeared three times in the second area of clustering were: Liangshan city Yanyuan county(yunyan85 B2F), liangshan city zhaojue county(yunyan85 B2F), liangshan city zhaojue county(yunyan85 X2F), Panzhihua city Miyi county(yunyan87 B2F), Panzhihua city Miyi county(yunyan87 C3F), Panzhihua city Miyi county(yunyan87 X2F), Panzhihua city Renhe district(yunyan85 B2F), Panzhihua city Renhe district(yunyan85 C3F), Panzhihua city Renhe district(yunyan85 X2F), Panzhihua city Yanbian county(yunyan87 B2F), Panzhihua city Yanbian county(yunyan87 C3F), Panzhihua city Yanbian county(yunyan87 X2F).The similarity analysis of appearance quality, chemical composition and sensory quality of upper, middle, lower leaves of 2009 tobacco sample in Panxi district could divide three areas in appearance quality, chemical composition and sensory quality, the specific inner reason of division still needed further deep analysis. Totally speaking, most producing areas of Panxi district had a good appearance quality and sensory quality, chemical composition was coordinate, the comprehensive quality of tobacco leaves in Panxi district was good, and had a balanced development between years.

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【下载频次】56

