

Identification of Species and Pathotypes from Four Cereal Cyst Nematode Populations in Huanghui Wheat Plant Area and Evaluation of Main Wheat Cultivars Resistance to Two Populations

【作者】 孙君伟

【导师】 李洪连; 袁虹霞;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 禾谷胞囊线虫病(Cereal Cyst Nematode,CCN)目前已经在我国小麦产区普遍发生,对小麦生产构成了巨大威胁。种植抗病品种被认为是防治禾谷胞囊线虫病最为经济有效的方法之一,而禾谷胞囊线虫种类及致病型的确定是筛选和培育抗病品种的基础。本文对黄淮麦区四个地区的禾谷胞囊线虫群体的种类及致病型进行了鉴定,并对发病严重的荥阳、许昌两地群体进行了品种抗性研究。主要研究内容和结果如下:对荥阳、保定、许昌、安阳两省4地区的禾谷胞囊线虫群体种类进行了生物形态学鉴定,结果表明,许昌群体胞囊阴门锥部位有发达的下桥,与荥阳、安阳和保定群体明显不属于同一种类。依据胞囊和二龄幼虫的形态和主要测量值,将许昌群体鉴定为菲利普胞囊线虫(Heterodera filipjevi),初步将荥阳、许昌、安阳这3个群体鉴定为燕麦胞囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)。采用国际标准鉴别寄主对禾谷胞囊线虫荥阳、保定、许昌、安阳4地区群体的致病型进行了鉴定。结果表明:3个燕麦胞囊群体的致病型互不相同,且均不同于目前正式命名的13个致病型。荥阳群体与保定、安阳群体差别较大,其致病谱明显较宽,与澳大利亚的优势致病型Ha13较为接近。13个A组鉴别寄主中,有12个寄主对H. avenae荥阳群体和Ha13致病型的抗性反应一致,所不同的是寄主IskamishK-2-light对H. avenae群体荥阳表现为抗病,而对Ha13致病型则表现为感病;保定群体致病型与彭德良等报道的河北定州群体致病型一致,共同所测的19个鉴别寄主对保定和定州群体的抗性反应完全吻合;H. avenae安阳群体致病型与河北保定群体致病型相似,A组13个鉴别寄主对这两个群体的抗性反应有12个一致,只有Kvl191对安阳群体表现为抗病,而对保定群体则表现感病;H. filipjevi许昌群体致病型与Ireholm报道的瑞典“Gotland strain West”致病型较为相似,共同测试的17个寄主抗性反应中,除Psathias明显对许昌群体表现感病而对“Gotland strain West”表现抗病外,其余16个都较为相似。田间病圃和室内接种条件下研究了黄淮麦区主要推广的47个品种对许昌和荥阳两个不同致病群体的抗性。荥阳收获期调查结果显示,47个品种中无免疫品种,太空6号表现为高抗;新麦18、中育6号和新麦11这3个品种达到抗病水平;开麦18等32个品种表现中感或感病;矮抗58、温麦19等11个品种表现高感。对小麦种植前和收获后单位根围土壤内的胞囊量(Pi与Pf)及卵量进行调查,结果表明:太空6号、新麦11、中育6号和新麦18这4个品种Pf与Pi比值小于或等于1,能够抑制小麦禾谷胞囊线虫的增殖,表现为抗病;其余42个品种Pf与Pi比值大于1,能够促进小麦禾谷胞囊线虫的增殖,表现为感病。室内接种鉴定结果表明:供试品种中无免疫和高抗品种,太空6号、新麦11、新麦18和中育6号4个品种表现为抗病;新麦19、周麦20等36个品种表现为中感或者感病;豫麦34、温麦19、泛麦5号、矮抗58等8个品种表现为高感。许昌收获期调查结果显示,在供试的品种中无免疫品种,中育6号和太空6号两个品种达到高抗水平;偃展4110、濮麦9号、豫农201和豫农949这4个品种达到抗病水平;矮抗58、新原958、周麦17等31个品种达到中感或感病水平;温麦19等13个品种表现高感。对其Pf和Pi进行调查及对比,结果表明:太空6号、中育6号、濮麦9号和濮优938这4个品种,Pf与Pi比值小于或等于1,能抑制小麦禾谷胞囊线虫增殖,表现抗病;其余品种Pf与Pi比值大于1,促进小麦禾谷胞囊线虫增殖,表现感病。室内盆栽调查结果显示:47个品种既无免疫品种,也无高抗和抗病品种;太空6号、中育6号、濮优938、濮麦9号四个品种达到中感水平;其余表现为感病和高感。

【Abstract】 The Cereal Cyst Nematode (CCN) has become an important disease in the wheat production and cause serious economic losses at present in China. This article studied the species and pathotypes of four CCN populations in Huanghui wheat plant area and the resistance of 47 domestic cultivars to Xingyang and Xuchang populations in the greenroom and in the field. The main research contents and results as follows:The morphological characteristics of cysts and larvae are observed and measured by 1ight microscope. The results showed that the pououlation in Xuchang has distinct udbridge which was different from the populations in Xingyang、Angyang and Baoding. According to the main morphological measurements of cysts and the second juvenile.The pououlation in xuchang was identified as Heterodera filipjevi, and the other populations were Heterodera avenae.The pathotypes of four populations of CCN in Huanghuai wheat plant area were identified by using the International Host Differentials Set (IHDS). The results showed that the three H. avenae poulations were different from each other and also different from the 13 pathotypes that have been described and nominated.The pathotype of Xingyang population is similar to Ha13 which is the dominant pathotype in Australian. The resistance reactions of the population in Xingyang to 13 cutivars of group A of IHDS which has 12 cultivars aggregately is same to the pathotype Ha13. the population in Xingyang and the pathotype Ha13 have 12 similar resistance reactions aggregately to 13 cutivars of group A of IHDS ,except that the IskamishK-2-light is resistant to Xingyang population and susceptible to the Ha13. The pathotype of Baoding is the same as the pathotype of Dingzhou which is reported 1996 by Pengdeliang. There are the same resistance reactions in the 19 common test host.The pathotype of Anyang is similar to the pathotype of Baoding. Only the KVL191 is resistant to Anyang population but susceptible to the Baoding population in group A .there are also two hosts which have different resistance reactions in group B.The pathotype of Xuchang H. filipjevi population is similar to the“Gotland strain West”which is reported in 1985 by Ireholm in Sweden. Except that Psathias was susceptible to Xuchang population and resistant to the“Gotland strain West”obviously in the17 common test host, the other 16 were relatively similar.The disease resistance of 47 cultivars (lines) which are planted in Huanghuai area to H.avenae Xingyang population and H. filipjevi Xuchang population were identified and evaluated in the greenroom and in the field respectively. The results indicated that most of 47 domestic cultivars are susceptible or high susceptible. Few of them are resistant cultivars. According to the relative resistance index (RRI), the results of the Xingyang population in the field indicated that there were no immune cultivars in all cultivars. Only Taikong 6 was the high range of resistant cultivars. Xinmai 18 ,Zhongyu 6 and Xinmai 11 were the range of resistant cultivars; the 20 cultivars(Kaimai 18 ,Wenmai 4, Xinmai 19 and so on ) were the range of moderately susceptible cultivars;the 12 cultivars(Zhoumai 17,Xinmai 9-998,Yumai 58 and so on ) were the range of susceptible cultivars; the 11 cultivars (Wenmai 19,Aikang 58,Fanmai 5 and so on ) were the range of high susceptible cultivars. Investigated the initial population (PI) and final population (PF) of wheat rhizosphere, the result showed that Taikong 6 ,Xinmai 11, Zhongyu 6 and Xinmai 18 were range of resitance cultivars which PF/PI were≤1.The others cultivars were range of susceptible cultivars which PF/PI were>1. The result in greenroom is similar to the result in the field. In all tested cultivars, there were no immune and high resistant cultivars. 4 cultivars (Taikong 6, Zhongyu 6, Xinmai 11, Xinmai 18) were the range of resistant cultivars: the 22 cultivars (Xinmai 19,Zhoumai 20, Zhoumai 17, Xinmai 208, Yunong 201, Wenmai 4, Yumai 49 and so on) were the range of moderately susceptible cultivars; the 14 cultivars( Huaimai 16, Puyou 938, Zhengmai 9023,Xinyuan 958 and so on) were the range of susceptible cultivars; the 8 cultivars( Zhoumai 18, Yumai 18, Wenmai 19, Yumai 58 and so on) were the range of high susceptible cultivars.The identification result of resistance to H.filipjevi Xuchang population in the field showed that there were also no immune cultivars in all cultivars. Only Taikong 6 and Zhongyu 6 were the range of high resistant cultivars. Yanzhan 4110, Pumai 9, Yunong 202 and Yunong 949 were the range of resistant cultivars. The 31 cultivars (Aikang 58, Xinyuan 958, and Zhoumai 17 and so on) were range of moderately susceptible or susceptible cultivars. The 13 cultivars (Wenmai 19, Lankao 906 and so on) were range of high susceptible cultivars. There was also remarkable difference of PF/PI. The 4 cultivars (Taikong 6, Zhongyu 6, Pumai 9 and Puyou 938) can inhibit the proliferation of cysts because of PF/PI≤1. They were the range of resistance cultivars.The others cultivars were range of susceptible cultivars because of PF/PI>1. The results in greenroom are different from the resuls in the field. There were no immune, high resistant and resistant cultivars. Only 4 culativars (Taikong 6, Zhongyu 6, Pumai 9 and Puyou 938) were the range of moderately susceptible cultivars. The others cultivars were the range of susceptible or high susceptible cultivars.

  • 【分类号】S435.121
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】64

