

The Study on Occurring Regularity and Diagnose and Treatment Technology of Cow Endometritis in the Southern of Henan

【作者】 王子恒

【导师】 邓立新; 魏成斌;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 兽医, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 母牛子宫内膜炎是最常见的产科病之一,由于母牛所处的地域和饲养管理条件不同,国内外报道的发病率也不一致。为了弄清豫南地区母牛子宫内膜炎的发病规律与适宜的诊治方案,本研究从2009年1月~2009年12月历时一年,以豫南地区部分牛场的繁殖母牛为对象,做了以下几个重点研究:第一应用以B型超声诊断法为主结合直肠、阴道检查法的综合诊断方案对产后4周的母牛进行子宫内膜炎的诊断;第二、调查统计母牛子宫内膜炎发病的相关因素,调查内容为产犊月份、产犊年龄、胎衣不下及分娩时难产与子宫内膜炎发生的关系。第三、随机抽取60头患子宫内膜炎的母牛,取其子宫内容物进行细菌分离、鉴定、与药敏试验。第四、随机抽取60头患子宫内膜炎的母牛,进行治疗对比试验。经研究发现:1.豫南地区的母牛子宫内膜炎的平均发病率为35.14%,严重子宫内膜炎母牛占18.81%,中度子宫内膜炎35.18%,轻度子宫内膜炎46.02%。2.豫南地区的母牛子宫内膜炎发病相关因素的调查结果如下:7、8月份平均发病率57.47%,与其他月份平均发病率(30.52%)、全年平均发病率35.14%差异均极显著(P<0.01); 2岁产犊母牛的发病率(58.22%)与4岁产犊母牛的发病率(18.41%)差异极显著(P<0.01),与平均发病率(35.14%)比较差异极显著(P<0.01);胎衣不下发生子宫内膜炎(90.99%),与胎衣正常脱落发生子宫内膜炎29.77%相比较差异极显著(p<0.01);难产(74.32%)与顺产(28.64%)感染子宫内膜炎相比较,差异极显著(p<0.01)。3.豫南地区的母牛子宫内膜炎的主要病原菌为葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、化脓放线菌。病原菌大体分布为金色葡萄球菌占15.86%;表皮葡萄球菌占11.01%;大肠杆菌占18.50%;化脓放线菌占14.98%;克雷伯氏杆菌占7.49%;沙门氏菌占5.73%;链球菌占5.29%;蜡样芽孢杆菌占4.85%;变形杆菌占3.08%,厌氧拟杆菌占5.29%;厌氧梭杆菌占2.2%;厌氧消化链球菌占3.08%;厌氧G+无芽孢杆菌占2.64%。4.根据药敏试验筛选出最理想的抗微生物药物是氟苯尼考、多西环素、头孢噻呋、万古霉素,其中以氟苯尼考的抑菌性最强;单味中草药以黄芩、黄连、甘草、鱼腥草的抑菌效果较好,复方组合以(益母草、黄芩、红花为主)的方剂抑菌效果最好。5.经过对比治疗试验后,使用B型超声诊断仪进行的早期妊娠诊断结果表明:西医治疗组受孕率为70%;中医药组受孕率为60%;中西医结合组受孕率为95%,证明中西医结合治疗方案明显优于其他两种治疗方案,中西医治疗方案是子宫灌注抗生素(氟苯尼考、多西环素、头孢噻呋为主),内服中草药(以益母草、黄芩、红花为主)。

【Abstract】 Cow endometritis is one of the most common obstetric diseases ,because the region and the cows’feeding and management conditions is difference.The reports about the incidence rate are not consistent. In order to find the disease regularity and the diagnosis method, , this research targeted Some cattles of the farms in south of Henan Province ,From January 2009 to December 2009 .The key researches are as following :first, diagnose the 4-week cows for endometritis with B-mode ultrasound diagnosis which is basic combined the rectum, vagina comprehensive diagnosis; Second, survey and count the factors related cow endometritis incidence. The factors include calving month, age and parity, the relationship of retention placenta and difficult calving. Third, selected 60 cows randomly suffering from endometritis,distilled the uterine contents for bacteriological isolation, identification, and susceptibility test.Forth, randomly selected 60 cows suffering from endometritis, given contrast test of treatment.The results of study:1. The average incidence rate of cows endometritis is 35.14% in Southen Henan Province,the serious accounted for 18.81%,the moderate accounted for 35.18%,the mild accounted for 46.02%.2.The survey results of factors related cow endometritis in southen Henan:In July and August, the average incidence rate was 57.47% ,which were significantly different (P<0.01) with the rest months (30.52%) and the whole country annual average incidence rate( 35.14%); the difference between first-born cow incidence rate (58.22%) and three-born cow incidence rate (18.41%) was significant (P <0.01), it’s the same with the average incidence rate (35.14%), the difference was significant (P <0.01); The incidence rate(90.99%) because of retention placenta has a significant difference with the occurrence rate (29.77%)resulted from the afterbirth exfoliated normally. The rate (74.32%) of dystocia infected endometritis with the rate(28.64%) of natural delivery infected endometritis, the difference was significant(p<0.01).3. The major pathogens of cow endometritis in southen Henan Province were Staphylococcus, E. coli, purulent actinomycetes. The general distribution of pathogens was that aureus staphylococcus which is accounted for 15.86%; Epidermis staphylococcus 11.01%; escherichia coli 18.50%; purulent actinomycetes 14.98%; Klebsiella 7.49%; Salmonella 5.73%; streptococcus 5.29 %; Bacillus cereus 4.85%; Proteus mirabilis 3.08%, anaerobic Bacteroides 5.29%; anaerobic Fusobacterium, 2.2%; anaerobic digestion of Streptococcus 3.08%; anaerobic G +-free accounts for 2.64% of Bacillus.4. According to drug sensitivity test, the best anti-microbial drugs selected are Florfenicol, Doxycycline, Ceftiofur, Vancomycin, the strongest antibacterial effect is florfenicol. In Chinese herbal medicine the antibacterial effect of baicalin, berberine, liquorice and houttuyniae herba were better.Complex combination the antibacterial effect for(motherwort&scutellaria& safflower)combination were better.5.After the contrast test of western treatment,traditional treatment and tcm wm treatment, the early pregnancy diagnosis results using B-type ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus showed that: the pregnancy rate of western treatment group was 70%; the pregnancy rate of tcm group was 60%; the pregnancy rate of combination of TCM with Western medicine;integrated traditional and western medicine was 95%. It demonstrated that conbined traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treatment is the best.Conbined traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treatment project is hystera dabble antibiotics(florfenicol、Doxy-II、Ceftiofur), usus internus Chinese herbal medicine(motherwort、scutellaria、safflower).

【关键词】 子宫内膜炎发病规律诊断治疗
【Key words】 CowEndometritisOccurrence RegularityDiagnoseTreatment
  • 【分类号】S858.23
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】121

