

【作者】 姜兴钰

【导师】 于洪军;

【作者基本信息】 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所 , 海洋地质, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新河镇是青岛市海水入侵最为严重的地区,该地区海水入侵经历了初步发展、加速发展和减缓发展三个阶段。历史上发生的三次海侵,特别是黄骅和献县海侵在该地区形成的古海水成为海水入侵的主要“咸源”,该地区的地貌主要为山前洪积平原、冲积海积平原和海积平原,包括全淡水区、咸淡水多层结构区和全咸水区三个水文地质区,该地区的海水入侵主要以咸(卤)水入侵为主,伴随有现代海水入侵。2007年7月到2009年6月,我们对新河地区的海水入侵进行了为期两年的监测,主要方法是水化学法和高密度电法。水化学法的主要监测指标包括氯离子浓度、矿化度、电导率、PH值和水位等。本文选取了2008年一年的监测数据作为依据,对该地区的海水入侵现状进行了研究,综合水化学法和高密度电法的监测数据显示,新河地区海水入侵严重,且一直处于缓慢持续发展的过程。综合前人的研究以及现场的调查发现,海水入侵严重影响了该地区的工农业发展,并给当地居民的生活带来了诸多不便,同时海水入侵也使得当地的生态平衡失调。本文根据监测数据以及历史研究资料,对新河地区的海水入侵的原因进行了分析,该地区的海水入侵的主要原因是降雨量减少,直接原因是过量开采地下水,同时也有地质地貌、风暴潮以及海水养殖等原因。结合监测数据以及当地的实地考察情况,本文对新河地区的海水入侵提出了相关的防治对策,重点就是要合理开采地下水,同时注意生态防治。

【Abstract】 Xinhe Town is the most seriously seawater intruded area of Qingdao. The seawater intrusion goes through three stages: initial development, accelerated development and decelerated development. Three transgressions in history, especially the Huangha and Xianxian Transgression, formed the paleo-seawater which became the main“salt source”in Xinhe area. The geomorphic types include piedmont pluvial plain, alluvial-and-coast plain, and coast plain. The area also can be divided into three hydro geological areas: completely fresh water area, salt-fresh water multilayer structure area and completely salty water area. The seawater intrusion in this area mainly comes from salty water, partly accompanied by modern seawater intrusion. The seawater intrusion in Xinhe was monitored for 2 years, From July, 2007 to June 2009, mainly by hydrochemistry method and high density resistivity method. The hydrochemistry method was applied to collect data of Cl- concentration, salinity, conductivity, pH, and water lever. Based on the monitoring data of 2008, the water intrusion situation of this area was analyzed: the hydrochemical and high density resistivity data show that the seawater intrusion of Xinhe is serious and has kept in a slowly developing process.Through the previous study and our observation, the seawater intrusion has dramatically influenced the industrial and agricultural development and brought troubles to the local residents. Besides, the water intrusion also disequilibrates local ecological balance.According to the monitoring data and previous study, the decreased rainfall in Xinhe area is the main cause of seawater intrusion, and the direct cause is over-exploration of groundwater. Other factors may also influence the intrusion, such as geology, geomorphology, storm surge and mariculture.Combined monitoring data and field work, this essay proposes control measures and provides suggestions for Xinhe to fight against seawater intrusion. The key solution is to explore groundwater reasonably and pay attention to bionomic control simultaneously.


