

Wind Tunnel Test for Wind Load Characteristics on Typical Low-rise Buildings Comblex in the Shore-side Area of South China

【作者】 鄂玉良

【导师】 谢壮宁;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个多风灾的国度,特别是东南沿海台风活动频繁,每年造成数十万间村镇建筑(包括民房和村镇企业的低矮厂房)的损坏和倒塌,造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失。随着经济的发展,台风造成的经济损失也呈逐年增长的趋势,灾后调查表明,风灾中低矮建筑的破坏尤为严重,因此,深入开展对具有一定代表性的低矮建筑风荷载特性及其抗风措施的实验研究对于提高我国沿海地区低矮建筑的抗风能力、提出相应的抗风对策、大大减轻人员伤亡和财产损失,将具有重大的理论和现实意义。.本文首先以广东潮汕地区典型的“下山虎”建筑模型为实验对象,在汕头大学大气边界层风洞(STDX-1)中进行了单体和群体的刚性模型同步测压风洞试验。研究了单体无屋脊无厝头及有屋脊有厝头屋面风压分布规律,同时进行了同一间距(86mm)六种不同位置的群体干扰实验,并对其中三种工况进行了缩小间距(43mm)和扩大间距(129mm)的干扰实验,分析了周围建筑对被包围建筑的屋盖表面的风压分布的影响,并进行了屋面典型测点风压的对比。实验结果表明,屋脊和厝头的存在极大的改变了屋面的风压分布,使平均风压最大值降低了26.7%,峰值风压最大值降低了24.3%;同体型同高度规则排列的低矮建筑群中,处在最外围中间的建筑承受的风压最大,处在中心被包围的建筑由于外围建筑的遮挡承受的风压相对较小。其次针对另一类典型的低矮建筑炮台民居的风荷载特性进行了群体干扰的风洞试验研究,具体工况设置与下山虎群体实验相同,只是间距不同。分析了同一种工况下不同的干扰间距对屋面风压分布及大小的的影响,结果显示,在某些特定风向角下间距的大小对屋面及墙面的分压影响较大,平均风压系数、脉动风压系数和极小风压系数(绝对值)都有随间距的增大而增大的趋势。

【Abstract】 China is a country with many typhoon hazard, especially in the southeast coastal regions of China which typhoon often visits. Hundreds and thousands of buildings are damaged or broken down by typhoon every year. which causes serious casualties and property loss. With the development of economy, economic loss caused by the typhoons has been increasing year by year . Previous wind disaster surveys indicate that the low-rise buildings destroyed in the disaster are particularly serious . Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to investigate the wind-load distribution characteristics of typical low-rise buildings by approach of wind tunnel tests in coastal regions of China,find out the corresponding wind-resistant countermeasure and greatly reduce casualties and property losses.First of all, this paper takes the typical“Down Tiger”building in the Chaozhou-Shantou area of Guangdong province as the experiment object, adopting wind tunnel test with synchronously measured pressure on the single and building complex rigidity model in STDX-1 boundary layer wind tunnel of Shantou University and study the wind pressure distribution under the condintion of with and without ridge and fastigium. Six groups of the same distance (86mm) at different positions interference experiment are carried out ,and three groups of the interference experiment are carried out at the narrow spacing distance (43mm) and the expansion spacing distance (129mm).The impact of wind pressure distribution by the surrounding buildings were analyzed.and the wind pressure of the typical points were compared.The test results indicate that the existence of the ridge and the fastigium significantly change the distributions of the wind pressure on the roof. which cause the maximum mean pressure are reduced by 26.7%and the peak pressure are decreased by 24.3%. Moreover,in the same size and same height of regular arrangement of low-rise building complex,the wind pressure on the building whitch in the middle of most peripheral is maximum,while the wind pressure of building at the center is relatively small due to blocked by the surrounding buildings.Secondly, the wind load characteristics of another typical low-rise complex houses models are studied with wind tunnel test which specific test conditions were the same as the "DownTigers" experiment, but with different spacing distance. The impacts of wind pressure distribution by different interference distance of the same position were analyzed. The results indicate that the spacing distance greatly influenced the wind pressure distribution on the roof and wall and average wind pressure coefficient, fluctuating wind pressure coefficient and the minimum pressure coefficient (absolute value) had a trend of increase as spacing distance increasing in certain wind directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU312.1
  • 【下载频次】122

