

Establishment of Dual Task Model of Classical Eyeblink Conditioning in Guinea Pigs and Comparison of Behavioral Parameters

【作者】 尚经轩

【导师】 虞乐华;

【作者基本信息】 重庆医科大学 , 内科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:认知功能障碍是许多中枢神经损害患者不能重返工作岗位或参与正常的社会生活,而导致生活质量下降的重要原因。随着社会的发展,认知功能障碍的康复治疗以及预后评价越来越受到神经科和康复科医生的重视。从上个世纪中期至今,经典的眨眼条件反射(classical eyeblink conditioning,EBC)广泛地用于联合型学习的神经生物学机制研究,是哺乳动物记忆形成和存储的最大信息来源之一。这些对学习和记忆的研究使人们对脑部因损害而产生的认知障碍有了更多认识,为认知功能障碍的康复评定、探索脑功能的机制发挥了重要作用。目前有学者利用豚鼠成功建立了听觉识别训练模型,采用单一的正弦波纯音配对氧气流分别刺激两组豚鼠成功建立痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射的报道,但还未见国内学者在同一动物体上建立痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射的双任务模型。本研究的目的在于对同一动物建立痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射的双任务模型,观察豚鼠在痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射建立过程中各项参数变化,分析两者的习得规律,为研究前额叶在脑认知过程中的准确作用提供模型依据。方法:以经典的眨眼条件反射为基础,选用健康8-10周龄雄性英国种白化豚鼠6只(350g-450g/只),采用1kHz和3kHz正弦波纯音分别配对压强为20kPa的束状氧气流对豚鼠左侧眼角膜进行刺激,训练豚鼠建立痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射,利用肌肉张力换能器采集豚鼠眨眼活动,使用眨眼条件反射行为特征传感器信号分析软件V2.2版分析眨眼数据。对豚鼠在痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射建立过程中各项参数变化进行统计分析,观察豚鼠建立豚鼠在痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射的可行性及规律。结果:经过10天的配对训练后,6只豚鼠均建立了痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射双任务,痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射发生率随着训练天数的增加而提高,第10天CR习得率均在80%。与痕迹性眨眼条件反射相比,豚鼠更容易建立延迟性眨眼条件反射,表现在延迟性眨眼条件反射有较高的习得率,虽然DEBC表现出有较高的峰幅度,但TEBC和DEBC峰幅度间差异不显著;在痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射双任务建立中SR发生率及峰幅度存在差异,表现在痕迹性眨眼条件反射的SR发生率及峰幅度都高于延迟性眨眼条件反射的发生率和峰幅度;在痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射双任务建立中痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射UR的峰幅度间无显著差异性。结论:本研究利用豚鼠成功建立了痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射双行为模型,豚鼠在痕迹性和延迟性眨眼条件反射建立过程中各项参数存在一定变化规律,为研究前额叶在脑认知过程中的准确作用建立了模型依据。

【Abstract】 Objective:Cognitive dysfunction is a central nervous system damage many patients can not return to work or participate in normal social life, and it is an important reason to lead to lower quality of life. With the social development,rehabilitation therapy and the prognosis of cognitive dysfunction are more and more paied attention by neurology and rehabilitation doctors.From the middle of the last century, the classical eyeblink conditioning (EBC) has been widely used in the study of neurobiology mechanism of associative learning, which is one of the largest information sources for the formation and storage of mammal’s memory.The study on learning and memory made the people have more understanding of brain damage with cognitive impairment,and have played an important role in the rehabilitation assessment and rehabilitation training of cognitive dysfunction and the mechanism of brain functionSome scholars successfully established auditory recognition of training by using guinea pigs,and used the single oxygen flow of sine wave pure tone paring to stimulate two groups of guinea pigs established trace and delay eyeblink conditioning respectively,but it is not reported that the same animal is established traces and delay eyeblink conditioning respectively.The purpose of this study is to establish a dual task model of trace and delay eyeblink conditioning in the same guinea pigs, observe the changes of different parameters during the process of building of the eyeblink conditioning and analyze the acquisition rule of the two kinds of conditioning, which offers a model basis for the study of the accurate function that prefrontal cortex has in the process of brain cognition.Methods:On the basis of the classical eyeblink conditioning, six English male albino guinea pigs were chosen for the research. Each guinea pig ages 8 to 10 weeks and weighs 350 to 450 grams. By using 1kHz and 3kHz sine wave pure tone paring sheaf oxygen flow of 20kPa to stimulate the left cornea of the guinea pigs to train them to establish the trace and delay eyeblink conditioning, muscle tension transducer to collect the eye blinks of the guinea pigs, and Eyeblink conditioning behavior feature sensor signal analyzing software V2.2 to analyze the data of eyeblink, this research carries out a statistical analysis of the various parameters during the process of the establishment of the trace and delay eyeblink conditioning and finds the feasibility and principle of the trace and delay eyeblink conditioning.Results:After 10 days’paring training, all 6 guinea pigs have established the dual task model of trace and delay eyeblink conditioning. The acquisition rates increased along with the increase of training time, which reached 80% on the tenth day.Compared to trace eyeblink conditioning, it is easier for the guinea pigs to establish delay eyeblink conditioning.Although DEBC shows a higher peak amplitudes,but there is no significant difference between TEBC and DEBC peak amplitudes.There is difference in the rates and peak amplitudes of SR between trace and delay eyeblink conditioning,and shows the SR rates and peak amplitudes of TEBC are higher than the SR rates and peak amplitudes of DEBC,while there is no significant difference in the UR peak amplitudes.Conclusion:We successfully establish the dual task model of trace and delay eyeblink conditioning in guinea pigs.There are some rules for the change of parameters during the process of establishing the trace and delay eyeblink conditioning,which offers a model basis for the study of the accurate function that prefrontal cortex has in the process of brain cognition.


