

【作者】 王开平

【导师】 张艳;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 充血性心力衰竭是大多数心血管疾病的最终归宿,也是心血管疾病死亡的主要的原因。据美国心脏学会(AHA)2001年的统计报告,全美有500万心衰患者。心力衰竭的年增长数为50万;年死亡率为30万。因此,心力衰竭的治疗就成为医学研究的焦点之一。本文主要利用现代信息技术,通过对古今历代中医医家有关心力衰竭疾病的论述及诊疗文献整理,创建数据仓库,编写查询软件,以帮助人们学习及查询中医关于心力衰竭疾病的相关知识,为中医药的继承和发展开辟一条新路。利用以C#高级程序设计语言及Access数据库技术建立慢性心力衰竭资料查询系统,系统中目前已收录整理了从2002年至2009年的中医关于心力衰竭的相关资料,提供方便快捷的检索功能。本系统参照现今流行的传统查询方法,确定查询关键词为:题目,关键词,作者及出版社。并能对查询到的结果施以打开的功能,方便快捷的对查询人员所需要的参考文献进行查找及阅读。因为本软件的可扩展性高,可以将所有心血管疾病的文献进行整理、录入,成为心血管资料查询系统,为相关的临床研究提供了宝贵的参考资源,也可以为相关的科研工作提供帮助。

【Abstract】 Congestive heart failure is the final result of most cardiovascular diseases,also the main reason of death of many cardiovascular disease. According to the American heart association (AHA) in 2001,there are 500 million hf patients in US every year.The annual growth in heart failure is 50 million,during which 30 million in mortality.Therefore,treatments of HF will become one of the focuses in medical research.This paper, by making use of modern information technology,sorting literature and data of the diagnosis and treatment of relevant hf disease in ancient TCM,creates database and software to help people learn and inquire about the knowledge of hf in TCM, to open a new road of inheritance and development of TCM.The chronic heart failure data query system makes use of c # high-level programming languages and Access database technology which provides many convenient retrieval functions.Currently,the system has included the relevant literature regarding hf in TCM from 2002-2009.The query keywords of the system is title, keywords,author and press.The system referring to the traditional query method which is popular nowadays.And the system imposes opening function on the results of queries which is convenient for the researchers to inquire the references they need to undertake searching and reading.Because of the high expansibility of the software,it will become cardiovascular disease system if all the literature of cardioascular disease sorted in it .Then it will provide valuable reference resources for the related clinical researches which also can provide help for the related scientific research work.


