

【作者】 吴素琴

【导师】 陈殿学;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中西医结合基础, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:科学地比较辽宁、吉林和朝鲜三地人参对小鼠淋巴细胞增值活性、血清IL-2含量和NK细胞活性等细胞免疫药效作用的强弱,以明确人参产地与其细胞免疫药效的关系,为人参的临床应用,促进辽宁经济的发展提供可靠的数据。方法:选用健康雌性昆明小鼠80只,随机分成8组,各组分笼常规饲养,其中A1组:正常对照组,A2组:辽宁人参组,A3组:吉林人参组,A4组:朝鲜人参组;B1组:免疫抑制对照组,B2组:免疫抑制辽宁人参组,B3组:免疫抑制吉林人参组,B4组:免疫抑制朝鲜人参组。对B1~4组小鼠采用国际公认的免疫抑制造模方法建立免疫抑制模型,即将小鼠腹腔注射环磷酰胺注射液(80mg/kg),隔日1次,总计给药4次。免疫抑制组造模成功后A2、A3、A4、B2、B3、B4组小鼠按对应产地的人参水煎剂灌胃,A1和B1组以生理盐水灌胃。各组灌胃剂量为0.4ml/只,每日1次,连续12天,并于12天后处死各组小鼠,检测小鼠淋巴细胞增值活性、血清IL-2含量和NK细胞活性等指标。结果:1.三地人参均能提高正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠脾指数(p<0.05),并均能将免疫抑制小鼠脾指数提高到正常水平(p>0.05),三地人参对正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠脾指数的影响的比较无统计学意义(p>0.05)。2.三地人参均能提高正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠淋巴细胞增值活性(p<0.05),三地人参对正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠淋巴细胞增值活性影响的比较无统计学意义(p>0.05),但辽宁人参能将免疫抑制小鼠淋巴细胞增殖活性提高到正常水平(p>0.05)。3.三地人参均能促进正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠血清IL-2含量提高(p<0.05),并均能将免疫抑制小鼠血清IL-2含量提高到正常水平(p>0.05),三地人参相比,辽宁人参对提高正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠血清IL-2含量的作用更显著(p<0.05)。4.三地人参均能提高正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠NK细胞的活性(p<0.05),并均能将免疫抑制小鼠NK细胞活性提高到正常水平(p>0.05),三地人参对正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠NK细胞活性的影响的比较无统计学意义(p>0.05)。结论:1.三地人参可提高正常及免疫抑制小鼠脾指数和NK细胞活性,并能将免疫抑制小鼠脾指数和NK细胞活性提高到正常水平,三地人参间无差异。2.三地人参可提高正常及免疫抑制小鼠淋巴细胞增殖活性,辽宁人参能将免疫抑制小鼠淋巴细胞增殖活性提高到正常水平,三地人参间无差异。3.三地人参可提高正常及免疫抑制小鼠血清IL-2含量,并能将免疫抑制小鼠血清IL-2含量提高到正常水平,辽宁人参对正常小鼠和免疫抑制小鼠血清IL-2含量的作用要强于吉林和朝鲜人参。

【Abstract】 Purpose:To scientifically compare the effect of ginseng from different regions on Cellulate Immunity Medicine Effect, like activity of lymphocyte transformation, content of IL-2 in Seru and Activity of Natural Killer Cell, as to identify the relationship between the origin of ginseng and cellulate immunity medicine effect, which can provide reliable statistics to the development of Liaoning economy and to establish the Brand of“Liaoning Ginseng”.Material and method:Select 80 healthy female rats, which are divided into eight groups. Each group is caged by normal feeding, among which A1: Normal Comparison Group; A2: Liaoning Ginseng Group; A3: Jilin Ginseng Group; A4: Korean Ginseng Group; B1: Inhibited Immunity Comparison Group; B2: Inhibited Immunity Liaoning Ginseng Group; B3: Inhibited Immunity Liaoning Ginseng Group; B4: Inhibited Immunity Korean Ginseng Group. For the rats in Group B, the Inhibited Immunity Model is made by the model-making method which is recognized internationally, i.e. to inject cyclophosphamide to the rats’belly 80 mg/kg, once the other day, four times in total. When model-making is successful for Inhibited Immunity Group, lavage rats stomach who are in A2, A3, A4, B2, B3, B4 using ginseng water; Lavage rats stomach who are in A1 and B1 using Brine, 0.4 ml/one rat, once per day, continuously, twelve days later, examine the index of Activity of lymphocyte transformation, IL-2 content in Seru and Activity of Natural Killer Cell.Results:1 All the ginseng from the three regions can increase the spleen index of normal rats and Inherit Immunity Rats(p<0.05); and increase the spleen index of Inherit Immunity Rats to a normal level(p>0.05).There is no comparing statistics meaning of the impact on spleen index for the normal rats and inherit immunity rats by ginseng from different regions(p>0.05). 2 All the ginseng from the three regions can accelerate the Lymphocyte Transformation Activity for both Normal rats and Inherit Immunity rats(p<0.05),There is no comparing statistics meaning of the impact on Lymphocyte Transformation Activity for the normal rats and inherit immunity rats by ginseng from different regions(p>0.05); Yet Liaoning Ginseng can increase the Lymphocyte Transformation Activity of Inherit Immunity Rats to a normal level(p>0.05).3 All the ginseng from the three regions can accelerate the content increase of IL-2 in Seru for both Normal rats and Inherit Immunity rats(p<0.05); and increase the IL-2 content in seru of Inherit Immunity Rats to a normal level (p>0.05),. Among the ginseng from the three regions, Liaoning ginseng can better increase the IL-2 content in Seru for both Normal Rats and Inherit Immunity Rats (p<0.05).4 All the ginseng from the three regions can accelerate the increase of NK activity for both Normal rats and Inherit Immunity Rats (p<0.05) , and increase the NK cell Activity of Inherit Immunity Rats to a normal level (p>0.05),.There is no comparing statistics meaning of the impact on NK Activity for the normal rats and inherit immunity rats by ginseng from different regions(p>0.05).Conclusion:1 All the ginseng from the three regions can accelerate the spleen index and the NK cell activity for both Normal rats and Inherit Immunity rats, and can increase them to a normal level.2 All the ginseng from the three regions can accelerate the Lymphocyte Transformation Activity for both Normal rats and Inherit Immunity rats, Liaoning ginseng can increase the Lymphocyte Transformation Activity of Inherit Immunity rats to a normal level, with no difference among the ginseng from the three region.3. All the ginseng from the three regions can increase the content of IL-2 in Seru for both Normal rats and Inherit Immunity rats, and can increase the IL-2 in Seru of inherit immunity rats to a normal level. The impact of Liaoning ginseng on IL-2 in Seru of normal rats and inherit immunity rats are stronger than that of Jilin and Korea.

【关键词】 人参辽宁吉林朝鲜细胞免疫
【Key words】 GinsengLiaoningJilinKoreaCellulate Immunity

