

Research on Chinese Government Function Transition

【作者】 刘晶晶

【导师】 盛清才;

【作者基本信息】 广东海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 政府职能决定着政府管理的基本方向和主要内容,适时、合理地转变政府职能有利于科学引导政府机构设置和人员配置,有利于建立现代化的行政管理体制,有利于巩固政府机构改革的成果,更有利于科学履行政府职责和促进服务型政府建设。因此,推动政府职能转变一直是我国行政管理体制改革和政府机构改革的一条主线。国务院在1988年至今所进行的五次机构改革中,逐步加大了政府职能转变的力度,取得了可喜的成就。但由于诸多因素的影响,政府职能——这一关键的一环至今未能完全转变到位,致使机构改革难以走出“精简——膨胀——再精简——再膨胀”的怪圈。鉴于此,基于国务院机构改革的视角,积极探讨政府职能转变的对策及其实现路径就显得尤为迫切。本文在前人研究的基础上,将理论研究与实证分析相结合,综合运用历史研究、实证分析和规范分析等方法,首先阐明了国务院机构改革与政府职能转变的相关概念、关系、理论基础,并以此为逻辑起点,对五次国务院机构改革中政府职能转变的背景、内容、目标、成就、经验等诸方面进行了回顾和总结;对存在的问题及其成因进行了较为深入的探讨。在此基础上,借鉴发达国家政府改革的做法和经验,从宏观和微观两个方面,对科学实现国务院机构改革中政府职能转变的对策、路径进行了较为全面、系统的分析,以期为进一步深化政府机构改革提供有益的决策参考。如上所述,经过历次机构改革,国务院职能转变的方向和目标日益明确,也取得了很大的成就。但由于理论、实践等诸多因素的制约,国务院职能并未实现完全的转变——国务院各部门职能交叉问题依然存在;国务院与地方政府的职责尚未完全理顺;公共服务、市场监管和社会管理等领域的职能转变还不能说完全到位。究其原因,职能定位不具体、转变目标不明晰、相关法律法规及保障制度不健全、以及职能转变自身的复杂性和社会承接主体功能完善的艰巨性等因素不能不说是重要原因。为此,就应从宏观和微观两个层面积极推进国务院职能转变:在宏观层面上,科学定位国务院职能转变的目标,明确国务院职能转变的方向、内容与任务,以扎实的作风切实履行国务院各项职能。在微观层面上,一是努力推进国务院内部职能科学、合理配置。在科层制配置方式上,科学划分国务院与地方政府之间的职责范围,适当下放权力;在部门性配置方式上,积极推行和完善大部门制,建立健全部门协调机制,避免职能交叉;在综合性配置方式上,坚持决策权和执行权相对分离,大幅度提升国务院各职能部门的综合管理能力。二是深化改革,不断健全和完善行政审批制度、绩效评估制度、行政问责制度和公务员教育培训制度等,为政府职能转变和国务院各部门科学履职提供可靠的制度保障,实现职能转变,巩固转变成果。

【Abstract】 The government function decides the basic direction and the major contents of the government administration..Transfering the government function timely and reasonablely is propitious to give guide to the sector and people organized,to cement the Government Organization Reform achievement,to establish morden administrative system,to perform government responsibility efficiently and improve service-oriented government construction.Propelling the government function transition has always been a main thread in the Reform of the administrative system and in the Reform of Government Organization.The degree of function transition has gradually strengthened since the State Council Organization Reform in 1988.However, the unfavourable factors and failure exsisted in the government function transition caused that the Government Organization Refrom hasn’t yet jumped out of the slimming-expanding“vicious circle”cycle.Therefore,research on chinese government function transition that based on State Council Insititutes Reform is cruical.This paper which based on the works previously,combines the theoretical analysis with the empirical studies and adopts the methods of historical approach, empirical analysis as well as normative analysis.The article elucidates the related concepts,relationships,theoretical basis of State Council Organization Reform and Government Function Transition firstly.And from this beginning,generally reviews and summaries the background,the contents,the targets,the achievement and the experiences of the five previous State Council Organization Reform and Government Function Transition as well as probes into the problems and reasons.On this basis,the article uses the experience of western developed countries for reference and systematically study the countermeasure to realize the government function transition in State Council Organization from macroscopic and microcosmic aspects, in the purpose of facilitating our thriving research and provide helpful references for future.As mentioned above,with the practise and experiences in the State Council Organization Reform, people has a strong and increasing recognition of the State Council function’s direction and tasks.However, the complexity and uncertainty of theory factors,the condition factors and something else reasons cause that many problems remain need to be solved.Firstly,the sector function of State Council has the problem of overlap.Secondly,the function between State Council and local governments are imprecisely.Thirdly,the function of State Council are deficiency in Public Service,Market Regulation and Society Management.The reasons presents below:firstly,the orientation of function is not detailed and the targets are not identified.Secondly,the relevant laws and regulations are not complete.Thridly,the complexity of function transition and the limition of society self-sevice ability increase the difficulties .Therefore,we should tranfering State Council function in two layers:from macroscopic aspect,we should identify the target,direction and tasks of function transition in detail.From microcosmic aspect,firstly we should propel the government function transition with heart and soul.The methods are as follows:At first,we should devide the function between State Council and local governments scientifically in bureaucracy way.Then we should pursue big department system and build the Coordination Mechanism among institutions in departmental way.Last but not least,We should distinguish decision-making power and execution power in general way. Secondly,we should reinforce the achievement of function transition by reforming the system of Administrative Examination and Approval,the system of Administrative Accountability,the system of Performance Evaluation and the Civil Servant system in order to further adjust the function transition.

【关键词】 国务院职能转变问题成因对策
【Key words】 State CouncilFunction TransitionProblemReasonCountermeasure

