

【作者】 肖远航

【导师】 章新蓉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国加入WTO后受全球经济一体化的影响,企业间的并购活动日益增加,如何规范企业并购时产生的商誉就显得愈发重要。商誉作为企业的一项无形资产,对企业的发展和收益均产生巨大影响。研究规范商誉会计有助于各方会计信息使用者了解企业的资产状况及特征,认识商誉在企业中所起的作用。商誉会计的形成虽然有一个相当长的历史,但迄今为止商誉的某些问题还尚未形成一个普遍认同的理论,如商誉的本质,并购商誉的确认和计量等等,2006年我国颁布的会计准则体系中对商誉会计的相关处理做了一系列规定和重大调整,但是国内许多学者对新准则中商誉的有关规定仍有争议,我国企业并购中的商誉本质究竟该如何定位?商誉会计的调整对企业利润会有怎样的影响?都是值得我们研究和关心的问题。本文在对国内外并购商誉的基本理论和体系分析的基础上,以沪深两市共109家上市公司2003年至2008年的财务报表数据为样本,对企业并购后产生的商誉与企业收益的关系进行实证研究。验证了商誉确实可以给企业带来未来的超额收益。并根据实证结果对我国企业并购中产生的商誉进行恰当定位。认为我国企业并购商誉的本质应为“超额盈利观”。但是企业的超额利润和商誉的规模之间并没有明显的相关性。笔者对此详尽地分析了原因。在对我国企业并购商誉本质判定为“超额盈利观”的基础上,对商誉每年由摊销改为减值测试对企业收入和利润的影响做了样本统计分析,并根据国内经济发展现状和统计分析的数据结果,对商誉的计量提出了减值测试与定期价值重估相结合的会计处理办法。减值测试与定期价值重估相结合的方法为:对商誉价值聘请外部机构定期对其进行重新评估,用建立在“超额盈利观”理论基础上的超额收益折现法来重新确定商誉的价值。即用超额收益折现法对企业商誉每5年进行一次价值评估。其余非重估的年度中则按照企业会计准则对商誉价值进行减值测试,计提相应的减值准备。这种会计处理方法较单纯使用减值测试法更为客观和合理,使商誉价值的变动能在不确定的经济环境中及时地反映,而且外部客观的评估能使企业商誉的价值更加真实,减值测试与定期价值重估相结合的方法提高了会计信息的质量。

【Abstract】 Since China have taked part in to the WTO. The economic have rapid development. In the influence of global economic integration, The company mergers and acquisitions increase every day. How to regulate the goodwill in the mergers and acquisitions become more and more important. As an intangible asset, Goodwill have a significant impact on the enterprise development and income. Research the goodwill accounting standards will help the accounting information users to understand the true assets of the enterprises and the role. The form of the goodwill accounting have a long history. So far some problems of goodwill can not form a generally accepted theory, such as the definition of the goodwill, the recognition of the goodwill etc. 2006 China promulgated a series of regulations standards for goodwill accounting system. Many proffessors dispute the goodwill accounting in the new standards. What the nature of the goodwill in mergers and acquisitions activity? How Goodwill accounting adjustments react on the corporate profits? It all worthy our study and concern.On the analysis of theory and system of domestic and foreign mergers and acquisitions, This paper use 109 Shanghai and Shenzhen joint stock companis data from 2003 to 2008 for samples. Research the relationship between the goodwill in mergers and acquisitions and corporate earnings. Verify the goodwill can really bring excess returns in the future. the paper properly position the goodwill. The essence of China’s goodwill should be "excess profits concept." But the company’s excess profits and the scale of goodwill has no obvious correlation. The author analyzes in detail the reasons.Believe that the essence of the goodwill should be“excess profits concept”. Finally did a statistical analysis of the sample of the change. On the basic of the nature of our country goodwill should be "excess profits concept", according to the national economic development and statistical analysis result, advise the measurement of goodwill to use regular value assessment combined with the impairment test. Impairment testing and periodic revaluation of combining methods are: Employ an external agency periodically re-evaluate the value of goodwill. Apply the discounted excess earnings based on the "excess profits concept" theory to re-determine the goodwill value. The discounted excess evaluate the goodwill of the business every 5 years. The rest non-revaluation years according to the Accounting Standards do the value of the goodwill impairment test. Then Accrue the corresponding provision for impairment. This accounting treatment is more objective and reasonable. The movement of the value of goodwill can be reflected timely in the uncertainty economic environment. The external objective assessment of the enterprise make the value of goodwill more real. Improve the quality of the accounting information.

【关键词】 商誉本质超额收益计量
【Key words】 GoodwillEssenceExcess IncomeMeasurement

