

【作者】 罗二芳

【导师】 曾庆均;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 重庆与京、津、沪三个直辖市相比,农村地区广阔,农村人口众多,城乡二元结构是其社会经济的显著特征,而造成重庆城乡二元结构的根本原因是城乡市场的长期分割。一直以来的农产品流通不畅、农产品流通环节过多、农产品流通基础设施建设滞后等问题,使得农民在经济生活的利益遭受严重损失,农民收入增长缓慢,这严重阻碍了重庆市统筹城乡发展的进程。基于此,笔者认为要充分发挥农产品流通业对重庆市统筹城乡改革的促进作用,探讨一条农产品流通业发展的根本路径,积极推动以城带乡、以工促农、以农促商、以商带农、农商联动、农商对接,同时进一步完善农产品流通的配套服务设施,有利于解决小生产与大市场的矛盾,缩小城乡差距,打破城乡二元格局,促进城乡市场协调发展。要充分发挥农产品流通业对重庆市统筹城乡改革的促进作用,首先要对重庆市农产品流通业发展的现状做全面的分析,深入了解其发展的特点和存在的主要问题。随着近年来农产品流通体制的改革和农业产业化的发展,重庆市多渠道流通、多方式经营、多元化竞争的农产品流通格局基本形成,但是从农产品流通的各个环节、农产品流通的基础设施建设以及政府指导农产品流通发展的职能来看,重庆市农产品流通发展还存在一系列的问题。通过选取农业生产条件、农业生产规模、市场需求、信息化程度、交通运输能力等八个指标对农产品流通业发展的影响因素进行因子分析,我们可以发现农业产业规模的扩大为农产品流通的大力发展打下了基础;信息化程度的提高促进了农产品流通产业的发展;交通运输状况的改善为农产品流通产业的发展提供了条件;政府对农产品流通的大力扶持推动了农产品流通的发展;市场对农产品需求的增加和社会经济水平的提高使农产品流通更具发展潜力。在全面掌握重庆市农产品流通发展现状及影响因素的基础上,本选题开始探讨城乡统筹背景下重庆市农产品流通发展的根本路径,总结出一条具有重庆特色的城乡“双向流通”模式,并指出要完善重庆市城乡“双向流通”运行机制,具体表现在通过运用市场机制原理来创新农产品流通购销模式、完善农产品流通终端销售模式、注重农产品品牌的培育实行差异化经营,在此基础上,提出进一步完善重庆市农产品流通发展的配套服务体系。

【Abstract】 Compared with the other Municipalities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing has vast rural areas and large rural population, and Urban-rural dual structure is the salient feature of its socio-economic, and the root causes of urban-rural dual structure resulting from Chongqing is the long-term division of urban and rural markets. Circulation of agricultural products been poor, too much circulation intermediates of agricultural products and the underdeveloped infrastructure of agricultural products circulation and so on make the interests of farmers in the economic life suffer heavy losses. It makes farmers’ income grow slowly, which seriously hindered Chongqing City’ coordinated development of urban and rural areas. Based on this, I believe that it need to give full play to the role of the agricultural product circulation in promoting urban and rural reform of Chongqing, find a basic path of agricultural product circulation, and actively promote the city with rural areas, promote agriculture through industry to promote commercial agriculture, to business with farmers, agribusiness linkage, agribusiness docking, further improve the services and facilities of the agricultural product circulation, while supports to resolve the contradiction of small-scale production and between big market, narrow the urban-rural gap, break the urban-rural dual structure, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural markets.To give full play to the role of the agricultural product circulation in promoting urban and rural reform of Chongqing, first we must do a comprehensive analysis of the status development on the circulation of agricultural products, and in-depth understand of its features and the main problems. With the recent reform of the distribution system of agricultural products and agro-industrial development, Chongqing City, multi-channel distribution, multi-mode operation and diversification of agricultural products circulation pattern shape. But viewed from all aspects of the circulation of agricultural product, infrastructure of agricultural product circulation and the government functions of guiding the development of the circulation of agricultural product, there still exists a series of problems in the development of agricultural product circulation of Chongqing.By selecting eight indicators such as conditions for agricultural production, agricultural production capacity, market demand, the level of information, transportation capacity and so on, do factor analysis about the affecting factors of development of agricultural products circulation.we can find that the expanding of the scale of the agricultural industry will develop foundation of agricultural product circulation;the improvement in the level of information will promote the development of agricultural product circulation industry; the improvement of transport conditions will develop the agricultural products distribution industry conditions; the government’ strong support will promote the development of agricultural product circulation; the increasing market demand for agricultural products and social economic level will make the agricultural product circulation more development potential.In complete control of the development status of Chongqing circulation of agricultural products, the topics began to explore a basic way about agricultural products circulation of Chongqing with the context of urban and rural development, sum up a urban and rural "two-way flow" model with the characteristics of Chongqing, and point out that improve the operating mechanism of circulation of agricultural products in Chongqing City. For example, we can use the market mechanism principle to innovative agricultural products circulation pattern, perfect the terminal sales model of circulation of agricultural products and pay attention to the brand cultivation of agricultural products. On this basis, I propose improve further the service system of circulation of agricultural products


