

The Study of Textbook Re-use at the Compulsory Education Stage: Now and Future Trend

【作者】 樊力菡

【导师】 巴登尼玛;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 教材是我们教学过程中十分重要的教学工具。我们的传统教材的材质是纸张形成。并且我国多年的教材消耗是以一次性消费为主。同样一本教材的使用寿命,在我国平均只有半年,而在国外一些发达国家中,却可以延续3-5年。众所周知纸张的生产以及书籍的印刷过程中要消耗大量森林资源,并且还会伴随环境的严重污染。我国在发展过程中一直非常注意环境与生态保护。特别最近几年,在构建节约型的和谐社会要求下,教材生产过程中的污染以及使用过程中的浪费逐渐引起人们的关注。在现阶段减缓教材生产以及使用过程中产生的消耗和浪费最有效的途径就是循环使用教材。循环教材有利于节约资源、保护环境、减轻家庭负担、培养学生节约创造的意识等。从减轻学生家庭负担来计算:我国一个中小学生一学期用于教科书的花费可达到17元×9科=153元(取教材科目与价格平均值)。九年义务教育的结果就是人均近三千元的教科书费。而循环使用旧教科书的成本,九年下来可以节约很大一笔开销。从减轻环境压力方面更是不可低估。虽然我国循环教科书在我国已经取得了一定的成绩,大家对此政策也是一片称赞,但是在具体实施中还是有很多问题。也有一些试点学校难以推行开来。这些现象都和我们平日的教学制度、学习习惯、出版业与学校利益勾结等多方面的因素密不可分。目前在循环教材制度推行的过程中,逐渐出现了教材的另一种形式,即立体化的数字教材。这种教材是以网络为载体,以立体化的形态在网络使用者之前传播。它既能有传统教材的作用,又兼备了传统教材不能实现的很多功能,如资源立体化、多媒体的表达和活动设计的可行性、教学功能模块的互动以及教学效果评价平台等。这些都为学习者营造了一个非常趣味、多功能的学习环境。让学习者从“被动学习”转变为“主动学习”,让教师更多转变为教学的引导,达到最佳的学习效果。而且立体化的数字教材是“虚无”的,其生产过程不占有任何物质资源,也不产生任何污染,环保意义重大。是符合节能社会的要求。是教材循环制度今后的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 Textbook is one of the most important tools in the process of passing on knowledge in the educational system. Traditionally, printed material is the primary vehicle, and for many years in the past, our textbooks only would be used by one owner before being disposed. The average usage of one single textbook only lasts half a year in China, meanwhile, it is normally three to five years in developed countries. As we all know, the printing of textbook will take tremendous consumption of trees, along with severe pollution to our environment. Our country has been always taking effort to protect the balance of our environment. Especially in recent years, under the guidance of building an efficient Harmonically Sociality, the pollution and waste that come as by-products of making textbook have been gradually attracting more attention than ever. However, we could cut the quantity of printed textbooks, reduce the consumption and waste when they are in use, and the best way to do it is to set up a Textbook Re-use System.Reusable textbook will contribute to resource saving, environmental protection, it also can relief financial burden for students, families and help to build spirit of creativity with limited resources. Even though we have had significant proven improvement in this field, we still have long way to go. We have had cases where it is hard to promote the concept of reusing textbook at some experimenting schools, which could have been caused by the old system, learning habit, corruption between printing industry and educational institutions. This article will focus on the investigation and analyzing of current situation of textbook reusing, a feasibility proposal, and the future of textbook reusing.Thanks to the development of digital technology, now we can adapt it to form a new way of teaching, Digitalized Teaching Material. This new form of teaching utilizes the benefit of web broadcasting, combines the basic function of traditional teaching material, and uniqueness of multimedia. These new features can create interesting and multifunctional learning atmosphere for the students, and make learning a fun experience that maximize the learning outcome. Most importantly, paperless text material is eco-friendly, it does not require a tangible resource, virtually zero pollution, it is up to the standard of energy efficiency. Digitalized Teaching Material will be the future of Reusable Text Material.

【关键词】 义务教育阶段教科书循环
【Key words】 Compulsory Education StageTextbookRe-use
  • 【分类号】G632
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】258

