

Study on the Harmony of Benefit Problems in Constructing the Socialist Harmonious Society

【作者】 刘畅

【导师】 赵万江;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 利益作为社会的本原问题,历来是古今中外哲学家所探讨的重要问题之一。人类一切社会活动的中心是利益,一切社会关系的核心是利益关系。整个人类社会历史发展就是最初包含在利益内部的矛盾所推动起来的自然历史过程。利益作为一个关系范畴,是一个主体与客体相结合的的统一体。利益和谐就是指不同利益主体之间的配合得当,体现为利益主体间的协调一致、稳定发展的状态或过程。表现为利益主体关系的和谐,利益主体和利益客体之间关系的和谐,同一主体的不同利益之间的关系的和谐。马克思主义利益理论是历史唯物主义的一个重要的组成部分,其自身有一个结构完整、逻辑严密的“思想体系”。马克思、恩格斯在总结前人认识的基础上,科学地构筑了利益理论大厦。列宁在实践中,丰富和发展了马克思主义利益理论。中国共产党人继承了马克思主义经典作家的利益理论的相关思想,将其运用到中国革命、建设和改革中,创造性地发展了马克思主义利益理论。社会主义和谐社会必然是一个各种利益关系能相互协调发展的社会,人类社会便是一个由利益不尽和谐到和谐的历史演进过程。利益和谐是社会和谐的基本条件,是构建社会主义和谐社会的实质,和谐的社会有赖于并得益于利益关系的和谐。协调各种利益关系,缓和利益矛盾,实现多元利益的互惠共存,以利益协调促进利益和谐,使整个社会达到一种动态平衡的状态,是社会主义和谐社会的客观要求。新中国成立以来,随着经济体制改革和社会的发展,人民群众的物质文化生活水平不断提高,利益关系也发生了变化,利益矛盾凸显。构建社会主义和谐社会,必须紧紧抓住利益和谐这一关;实现利益和谐必须妥善协调社会各方面利益关系和处理好各种利益矛盾,把实现好、维护好和发展好最广大人民群众的根本利益作为宗旨,推动社会主义和谐社会的构建。

【Abstract】 As the fundamental problem of society, benefit is one of the most important problems discussed by all the philosophers in the history. The core of all the human social activity is benefit and the care of all the social relationship is benefit relation. The historical development of all the whole human society is a natural history process which is pushed by the contradiction covered in the inner benefit firstly. As a relation category, benefit is a unity combined with subject and object. Harmony of benefit is a kind of steady development state or process where different benefit subjects cooperate and coordinate very well. It shows to be a harmony of benefit subject relationship, a harmony of relationship between benefit subject and benefit object and harmony of the same subject with different benefit.The Marxist Benefit Theory is an important part which consists of Historical Materialism. It itself has a well-organized logic-striated ideology. On the basic of forerunners’opinions, Marx and Engel set up a systematic Benefit Ideology with considering practical material life. Lenin enriched and developed the Benefit Ideology in practice. Communist Party of China inherited the theories and relative thoughts of Marxist classical writers and put them into Chinese revolution, construction and reform. They also developed and enriched those great minds in a creative way based on The Marxist Benefit Theory. The Socialist Harmonious Society absolutely the one in which various kinds of benefit relationship develop cooperatively. Our society will experience the historical process where unharmonious benefit would become harmonious. The Harmony of Benefit is the basis of harmonious society which is the foundation of socialism. The society relies on and benefits from the harmony of benefit relationship. It’s a practical demand to coordinate various kinds of benefit relationship, to calm down the beneficial construction, to realize the co-existence of various benefit relationship, making the whole society an active balance through the harmony of benefits which were supported by improving the benefit relationship.Since new China was founded, with the reform of economic system and the development of society, the living level of people’s material culture is improving gradually, benefit relationship have also changed and benefit contradiction have appeared. In order to construct the socialism harmonious society, we must seize on the harmony of benefit tightly, which is realized by coordinating the various benefit relationship of society and dealing with the different benefit contradiction. So as to push the construction of socialist harmonious society, we must see the basic benefit of people as a rule which should be realized, protected and developed very well.


