

The Study of Prescription Form and Drug Laws to Treatment Alzheimer in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 王晓林

【导师】 巴哈尔·哈德尔;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 方剂学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:该课题通过整理明清时期有关老年性痴呆的内服方药,进行统计分析,探索其组方用药规律,以更好的指导临床实践。方法:应用文献学方法,查阅中医学有关老年性痴呆的文献资料,进行原始文献信息辨识、采集、整理;运用频数分析,t检验对数据进行统计学分析,结合方剂计量学研究方法及“方证对应”方法,研究明清时期有关老年性痴呆的用药规律。结果:收集到有关老年性痴呆的内服方剂141首,共用中药167味,药次1180次。在全部方剂中频数超过20次的药物共有14味,依次是:人参、远志、石菖蒲、甘草、茯苓、茯神、麦冬、当归、酸枣仁、熟地、朱砂、白术、半夏、生地。在有关老年性痴呆的方剂中补虚药、安神药、利水渗湿药、清热药、化痰止咳平喘药、开窍药、理气药、解表药、活血化瘀药、温里药十类药物的构成比达到91.7%,补虚药中补气药、补血药的构成比达到71.69%,在临床治疗中起主要的治疗作用;四气以温、平、寒三类为主,占94.57%;五味以甘、辛、苦三味为主,占95.68%;归经中心经、肝经、肺经、脾经、肾经五类药物的构成比达到95.24%;明清时期方剂在功效、四气、五味、归经总体用药方面无明显差异,说明两个时期内服方剂在功效、四气、五味、归经总体用药方面相一致。结论:明清医家认为“虚中夹实”为老年性痴呆发病的共同认识,而气血阴阳亏虚,神机运行失常是老年性痴呆的基础病机,治疗采用补气养血益精法、宁心安神定志法、清热化痰开窍法、理气活血通窍法。从心论治,遣方用药宜甘温为主。

【Abstract】 Objective:To arrange Oral Prescriptions about Alzheimer’s during the Ming and Qing Dynasties to statistical analysis,to explore its group of party drug laws,to better guide clinical practice,providing focus for future research and theory of literature resources data.Methods:Application of philology methods, accesssd to Chinese medicine on Alzheimer’s etiology and pathogenesis of the literature, and identified information collected, sorted about the original document;to use the application frequency analysis, T and inspection of the data were statistically analyzed, and combination prescription metrology research methods and“the prescription corresponds to symptom”method to study the drug laws of Alzheimer’s during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Results:Collected on Alzheimer’s disease Oral prescription 141, and 167 traditional Chinese medicine were used , and were 1180 frequency . in all prescription more than 20 times the number of drugs a total of 14 taste, are followed: Ginseng, Polygala tenuifolia, Shichangpu, licorice root, Poria, Fu Shen, Ophiopogon japonicus, Chinese angelica, Suanzaoren, Shudi, cinnabar, Atractylodes, Pinellia, Shengdi, In the senile dementia in the tonic Prescription drugs, tranquilizer drugs, diuresis and diffusing dampness medicine, heat-clearing drugs, Huatanzhike asthma medicine, resuscitation medicine, qi regulated drugs,herbal drugs, promoting blood circulation and remving blood stasis drugs, warming interior drugs,10 drug-warming The cumulative frequency of drugs 91.7%, qi and xue tonic medicine in drug use frequency of 71.69%, in the clinical treatment of treatment play a major role;four gas to warm, flat, cold categories, accounting for 94.57%;flavors to Gan, Xin, bitter shamisen, accounting for 95.68%;owned by the Center for the classics, the liver, lung, spleen and kidney after five The cumulative frequency of drug 95.24% , in own engage in trade ascept ,owned the heart, the liver, lung, spleen and kidney five engage in trade frequency were 95.24%.Prescription in the efficacy of Ming and Qing Dynasties, four gas, Gomi, owned by no significant difference in overall drug use, indicating the efficacy of prescription oral administration in both effect, four gas, five taste, and own engage in trade were is consisten. Conclusion:The Ming and Qing Dynasties Doctors had a common understanding of Alzheimer’s etiology and pathogenesis that "deficiencfy complication with excess" and the lack of qi xue yin yang and spiritual mechanism running disorder are the basis etiology and pathogenesi for Alzheimer’s .It is treat with benefiting qi and nourishing blood method,calming heart and tranquillization method, heat-clearing and eliminating phlegm for resusicitation method,qi regulated and blood standing for resusicitation method.The treatment from the heart on the rule and use drugs mainly Gan Wen.

【关键词】 明清老年性痴呆方剂用药规律
【Key words】 Ming and Qing DynastiesAlzheimerprescriptionDrug Laws

