

The Mechanism Study of Chinese Farmers’ Sustained Revenue Growth

【作者】 宫雨虹

【导师】 徐芳;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自1984年农村实行家庭联产承包责任制以来,农村改革已经经历了25个年头。25年中,中央政府以连续六年发布的“中央一号文件”表明了我国发展农业和农村经济,改善农民生活的决心,我国农村社会生产力发生了深刻变革,农民收入不断增长,全国大部分农村解决了温饱,部分农村初步实现小康。但是,随着社会生产力的发展和国民经济水平的提高,农民收入增长缓慢,收入结构也出现变化。本文撰写的出发点正式通过农民收入结构变化和农民收入差距变化的具体数据的对比并进行相应计算,针对数据结果分析农民收入持续增长的影响因素,提出相应解决方案和政策方面的建议。在农民收入结构变化方面,从收入来源看,家庭经营收入在纯收入中比重不断下降,在总收入中的主体地位有所动摇;工资性收入比重不断上升,并且与家庭经营收入逐渐接近,说明农民收入结构日趋合理;而转移性收入和财产性收入随着农民总收入的不断增加在“波动中”增长,但比重变化不大。从农业和非农收入看,非农业收入对农民人均纯收入增长的贡献,除了部分年份由于自然灾害影响农业收入外,大部分年份非农业收入都在纯收入的增量构成中占主要部分。从收入产业结构看,农民第一产业收入年增长率小于第二和第三产业,但其绝对值较大,仍然占家庭经营收入的主体地位;第二和第三产业收入尽管能维持在15%左右的年增长率,但相对于不断增长的家庭经营收入来说,其绝对值还是偏小。从人均收入看,生产性劳务收入即农民的工资收入成为农民收入的第一个重要来源;农业收入在人均纯收入中的比重稳定,但收入增长缓慢,甚至出现负增长;牧业收入是仅次于种植业收入的第三个重要来源;现金收入和实物收入也是反映农民收入产业结构的重要指标。在农民收入差距变化方面,从农户之间纯收入差距看,不同收入组别之间工资性收入和家庭经营收入的差距存在相似趋势,即差异较大并且涨幅绝对值差距较大,高收入组比低收入组的工资性收入增加更快;各组之间财产性收入差距却比工资性收入和家庭经营收入都大;转移性收入表现出收入越低,转移性收入增加越明显的特征。从地区之间农民纯收入差距看,东北地区和东部地区的农村居民收入要高于西部地区和中部地区,我国农民收入地区差异明显。从城乡居民收入差距看,城镇居民收入增长速度明显快过农村居民,这种趋势是由于长期历史和社会原因造成的,尽管政府为缩小城乡收入差距每年都在加大财政投入并且出台了一系列政策措施减轻农民负担,但由于这些措施不具有长期性和稳定性,其改善城乡收入差距的作用并不明显。从世界范围内看,美国的教训值得我们引起重视:化肥、化学农药和除草剂的大量使用,破坏土地肥力,加上使用机械耕作,土壤流失严重;种植品种少,造成遗传多样性减少,一旦病虫害爆发,这种单一品种就有可能全军覆没;现代农业建立在大量消耗能源基础上。日本和法国在农村劳动力转移和农产品补贴方面的成功经验则值得我们借鉴。农民纯收入的提高,不仅取决于农民收入水平的提高,还取决于农民支出水平,因此,要探讨农民收入就要从节支和增收两方面考虑。制约农民增收的因素主要有:过低的农产品价格;我国现阶段土地问题制约农民收入增长;农村劳动力水平影响农民收入持续提高;农业资金缺乏制约。制约农民节支的因素主要有:农业生产资料价格上涨导致农民生产支出增加;农村公共产品供给问题严重不足。面对以上问题,本文主要从以下方面提出解决办法:1、提高农产品价格,从根本上增加务农收入。在今后一段时期里,农产品价格应保持一个合理而稳定的上涨趋势。另一方面,对由于农产品价格上涨而对城镇低收入群体造成的压力,政府应给予高度重视。2、创新土地制度,完善家庭联产承包责任制。明确土地所有权归属,明晰农民土地产权,创新性解决土地流转的问题。3、加大政府投入,积极推进农村税费改革。要加大国家财政对农业的支持,改变农业投入长期不足的现象:创新农村金融制度,深化农村金融体制改革。4、减少流通环节,深化农产品流通体系改革。要拓宽农民的信息渠道,发展农村信息产业,搞好农产品流通,开辟农产品流通渠道,建立新型农村合作组织,现代农资生产企业应该加强生产流程管理,把原材料涨价因素在流程管理过程中消化掉。5、调整和优化农业产业结构。改变产业结构单一的现状,积极发展以农产品加工业为主的多种经营;扩大优质农产品生产规模,倡导立体农业,提高农产品附加价值。6、科教兴农,大规模转移农村剩余劳动力。各级政府应对农业技术推广提供必要的政策和资金支持,各农技部门也要深入农村,探求农户对科学技术的需求,有针对性的为农户提供最实际的服务。7、加强政府财政对农村公共品的投入。加强资金监管,强调专款专用,并派专人监督,定期检查,落实每一笔款项的发放,扩大农村社保覆盖面,加大对农村社保产品的供给,加强农村生态环境建设。

【Abstract】 Since the household contract responsibility system has been held in 1984, it has lasted for 25 years. During the 25 years, for six consecutive years the central government in order " CCP Central Document NO.1 " shows that China’s development of agriculture and the rural economy and improving the lives of farmers in the determination, China’s social productive forces in rural areas have undergone profound changes in income of the farmers is growing, in most rural areas to solve the food and clothing, some of the initial realization of a well-off rural areas. However, with the development of social productivity and raise the level of the national economy, the slow growth of peasant income, the income structure has changed. The starting point of writing the formal adoption of structural changes in the income of peasants and farmers, specific data changes in the income gap and make the appropriate comparison of calculated results for data analysis of the impact of sustained growth in peasant income factors, propose appropriate solutions and policy advices.In the income of the farmers of structural change, from the source of income to see, Family-run income share of net income falling in the dominant position of total income has been shaken; increasing the proportion of wage income, and operating income and the family move closer to illustrate the farmers income structure is becoming more rational; the transferred income and property income with total income of the farmers growing the "fluctuations" growth, but little change in the proportion of the total income. From agricultural and non-agricultural income to see, Of non-agricultural income of farmers per capita net income contribution to the growth, in addition to some of the year due to natural disasters, agricultural income, the majority of non-agricultural income of the year in incremental net income accounts for the main part of the composition of. From the income of industrial structure, Income of farmers in the primary industry annual growth rate of less than the second and tertiary industries, but its absolute value larger, still accounts for the dominant position of operating income families; Although the second and third industry revenue can be maintained at about 15%of the annual growth rate, but compared with operating income growing family, its absolute value is still too small. From the per capita income of view, productive labor income or wage income of farmers to become the first farmers an important source of income; agricultural income per capita net income in the proportion of stable, but income growth is slow or even negative growth; animal husbandry income is second only to planting of the third important source of income; cash income and in-kind income also reflects an important indicator of industrial structure, income of the farmers.Changes in the income gap between farmers, from the farmers gap between the net income to see, different income groups and household income between the wage gap between operating revenue similar trend exists, that is quite different and the absolute value or a big gap between high-income group than in the wage income of low-income groups increased more rapidly; the property, income disparities between groups than wage income and family-run income of large; Transferred income to show the lower income, transfer income increased more obvious features. From the farmers net income disparities between regions of view, Northeast China and eastern regions of the income of rural residents is higher than in the western region and central regions, significant regional differences in income of Chinese farmers. From the income gap between urban and rural residents of view, income of urban residents, the growth rate significantly faster than the rural population, this trend is due to the long-term historical and social causes, although the government to narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas every year for more money, and issued a series of policies and measures to alleviate the burden on peasants, but the Since these measures do not have the long-term nature and stability, its role in improving the urban-rural income gap is not obvious. From around the world to see, Lessons from the United States deserve our attention:chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides and herbicides, heavy use, the destruction of land fertility, coupled with the use of mechanical tillage, soil erosion serious; plant varieties less, resulting in reduced genetic diversity, once the pest and disease outbreaks, a single species is likely to completely annihilated; the establishment of modern agriculture on the basis of a large number of energy consumption. Japan and France in the transfer of rural labor and agricultural subsidies, the successful experience is worth learning from.Increase in net income of the farmers, depends not only on raising the level of income of the farmers, the farmers also depend on the level of expenditures, therefore, to explore the income of peasants from the savings and income should take into account two aspects. The main factors constraining farmers to increase income are:Low prices of agricultural products; China’s land constraints at this stage the income of peasants increased; the level of the rural labor force affect the income of the farmers continue to increase; agriculture, lack of funding constraints. The main factors constraining farmers savings are:prices of agricultural means of production led to increased expenditure on farmers; serious problem of rural public goods supply shortage.In the face of problems, this paper put forward the following solutions:1, Raise agricultural prices, essentially to increase farm incomes. In the coming period, the prices of agricultural products should be kept at a reasonable and stable upward trend. The other hand, the rise in agricultural prices due to low-income groups of urban pressures, the Government should be given high priority.2, Innovative land system, improve the household contract responsibility system. A clear title to land ownership, farmers clear land property rights, innovation to address land transfer issue.3, Increase government investment, promote the reform of rural taxes and charges actively. Increased state financial support to agriculture, changing the long-term shortage of agricultural inputs; innovated in rural financial system, deepen the rural financial system reform.4, Reduction in circulation, deepen the reform of agricultural products circulation system. Channels of information is necessary to expand the farmers, the development of rural information industry, improving circulation of agricultural products, opening up distribution channels for agricultural products, and establish a new rural cooperative organizations, the modern agricultural production enterprises should strengthen the management of production processes to higher raw material costs are absorbed in the process management process out.5, To adjust and optimize the industrial structure of agriculture. To change the status of a single structure, and actively develop a variety of agricultural products processing industry based business; to expand the scale of high-quality agricultural produce, promote three-dimensional agriculture, increase the added value.6, Agriculture through science and education, large-scale transfer of rural surplus labor. Promotion of agricultural technology at all levels of government should provide the necessary policy and financial support, the agricultural departments should also go to rural areas, and explore the needs of farmers of science and technology, targeted for the farmers with the most practical service.7, Strengthen the Government’s financial investment in rural public goods. Strengthening of financial supervision, emphasizing earmarking, and to send staff to monitor regularly checked, the implementation of the issuance of each sum of money to expand social security coverage in rural areas, increase the supply of products for rural social security, strengthening the rural eco-environment construction.


