

Students Study Part-time Labor Rights Protection

【作者】 张凤羽

【导师】 姜玉梅;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生兼职现象已经成为高校中越来越普遍的现象。一方面,兼职有利于促进大学生的社会化进程,分担部分家庭负担,但随之而来的是,在兼职期间,大学生的合法权益总是受到各种各样的侵害。大学生获取劳动报酬的途径是付出劳动,依法大学生兼职劳动权益保障一部分应当属于劳动法意义上的劳动关系,另一部分属于民法意义上的民事雇佣关系,进而分别适用相应的劳动法和民法的相应规定。本文从法律适用角度首先指出大学生兼职劳动权益得不到保障的主要原因在于该问题在我国现有的法律框架面前遇到了巨大的困境。主要体现在以下两个方面:一方面,原劳动部1995年出台的《关于执行<中华人民共和国劳动法>若干问题的意见》作出了在校生利用业余时间勤工助学,不视为就业,未建立劳动关系,可以不签订劳动合同的规定,致使我国司法实践把在校大学生与用人方之间的兼职关系长期毫无区别地排除于《劳动法》的调整范围之外。另一方面,我国有关雇佣关系的法律规范分散于《民法通则》(1986年4月12日)、《合同法》(1999年3月15日)以及《最高人民法院关于贯彻执行<民法通则>若干问题意见》、《最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律问题的解释》等法律渊源中,目前尚缺乏调整雇佣这一重要的法律关系的专门规定,致使人们对民事雇佣关系双方的权利义务缺乏足够的明确认识,不利于保障双方当事人的合法权益,同时也给司法实践带来了极大的不便。而这种状况对于没有正式“身份”的兼职大学生来说更是如此。然后通过对“劳动者”概念的界定分析,得出大学生具有劳动法意义上的劳动者资格这一结论,为大学生相关行为适用劳动法保障提供合理依据。在此基础上进一步对大学生劳动行为的法律属性比较分析,分类别的指出大学生兼职过程中所建立的法律关系,部分为劳动法律关系,由劳动法调整;部分为雇佣关系,由相关民事法律调整。本文最后从完善大学生兼职立法、强化雇佣关系及提高大学生维权能力等方面提出了完善大学生兼职劳动权益保障的合理化建议。

【Abstract】 Phenomenon has become a part-time college students are increasingly common phenomenon. On the one hand, part-time help to promote the process of socialization of university students to share the burden of some families, but the attendant, in part-time during the legitimate rights and interests of university students are always subject to a variety of violations. College students way to obtain payment for labor and to pay the labor law, labor rights and protection of university students should be part of the sense of belonging to labor law labor relations, and the other part of the civil law sense of belonging to the civil employment relationship and thus were applicable to the appropriate labor laws and the corresponding provisions of the civil law.In this paper, application of the law point of view of labor rights and interests of students at the outset that the main reason for lack of protection is that the problem in front of the existing legal framework in China faced a huge dilemma. Is mainly reflected in the following two aspects:on the one hand, the former Ministry of Labor in 1995 issued "on the implementation of The People’s Republic of China Labor Law "a number of views on the issue, " made in the work-study students in their spare time, not as an employment, no the establishment of labor relations, you can not sign the labor contract provisions, resulting in the judicial practice of China’s college students and part-time employment relationship between the parties without distinction, exclusion of the long-term "Labor Law" outside the scope of adjustment. On the other hand, China’s laws and regulations relating to the employment relationship spread in the "Civil Law" (April 12,1986), "Contract Law" (March 15,1999) and "Supreme People’s Court on the implementation of Civil Code "opinions on some issues", "Supreme People’s Court hearing personal injury compensation cases on the law applicable to the interpretation of the problem "and other sources of law, the current lack of employment adjustment of the legal relationship of this important special provisions, leading people to the civil rights of both the employment relationship lack a clear understanding of the obligation is not conducive to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both parties, but also to the judicial practice has brought about tremendous inconvenience. Condition for which there is no official "identity" is especially true of part-time college students. And then the "worker" definition of the concept of analysis, come to college students with a sense of workers labor law qualification to this conclusion, the relevant act was college students to provide a reasonable basis for labor law protection. On this basis, further labor practices of college students a comparative analysis of the legal attributes, classification level that the part-time college students in the process of establishing the legal relationship, in part for labor-law relationships, by the labor law adjustments; portion of the employment relationship, adjusted by the relevant civil law. End of this article from the perfect full-time employment, and strengthen the employment relationship and to enhance the ability of university students and other activists put forward a comprehensive protection of labor rights and interests of university students rationalization proposals.

  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1811

