

【作者】 于瑾

【导师】 张静琦;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在国民经济迅猛发展的今天,中国的房地产一直是敏感而永不过时的话题。在国家用尽调控手段力图影响房价(特别是大城市上升过快的个人住房的房价)而效果不尽如人意时,防范房贷风险就变得尤其重要。在这种背景下,金融机构也希望有专业的担保机构来为其分担风险,降低不良率。近日,为了打击房地产市场的投机行为,国务院连续下达了《国务院办公厅关于促进房地产市场平稳健康发展的通知》和《关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨的通知》,对家庭购房的套数对应的贷款比例及利率做了明文限制。使房市的热点聚焦在房价是否因此出现拐点的问题上。而目前市场上从事住房置业担保贷款的机构良莠不齐,存在着行业定位不清,内部操作不规范的问题。今后,如何规范住房置业担保机构的担保行为,是保证房地产市场和金融机构个贷业务健康发展的重要因素,是关系到国计民生的大事。本文首先阐述了住房置业担保机构的含义,并回顾了我国住房置业担保机构的发展历程。指出目前国内住房置业担保行业定位不清,法规缺失,缺乏准入、监管机制的现状,再用了国内两个城市的真实案例说明目前住房置业担保机构存在的一些问题。第一个案例主要说明住房置业担保的行业问题:担保机构与金融机构地位不对等、担保机构对个贷市场风险的控制能力有限和担保机构本身缺乏资信等级评价系统等。第二个案例着重说明担保机构的内部管理问题:资料收集易出纰漏、财务问题及合同签订不规范等。另外,还根据作者收集到的资料总结出了担保机构的一些其他突出问题:担保费收费标准混乱、担保余额超出规定、资金运用不合理、区域性风险防范得不到有效解决等。针对这些问题,笔者采用了调查法、观察法、文献研究法等进行分析,总结出造成这些问题存在的原因并提出了缓解这些问题的一些思考:一是完善配套法规,建立政策性住房置业担保为主导,其他担保业务为辅的担保体系,对政策性住房置业担保机构给予政策扶持。二是成立全国性的住房置业担保组织,对全国的住房置业担保机构进行统一管理,提供标准化操作模式,实现实时监管,防范区域风险。三是完善担保机构内部管理,加快流程改造和信息化系统建设,加强与相关部门,如国土系统、房管系统、金融机构及公积金中心等相关部门的沟通和衔接。文章提出了一些对住房置业担保机构规范管理的建议,尝试找出一条住房置业担保机构可持续发展的道路,为我国商业银行的个贷业务及房地产业的健康发展提供一定参考,使金融机构与住房置业担保机构在个人住房贷款方面各司其职,携手共进。

【Abstract】 Today, the development of the national economy is so fast, China’s real estate has always been a sensitive and timeless topic. Government has used all means to try to affect the price,but has no significant results,so how to avoid the loans risk has become particularly important.Recently,gavernment issued series policies to against the speculations of real estate.Provides the loan ratio and interest rate of family house.It makes peoples focus on the change of house price.Nowadays,the situation of real estate guaranty companies is mixed and has so many problems.How to deal with these problems is the important thing to the loan of estate guaranty and people’s livelihood.The paper described the means of real estate gurantee agency, reviewed the histroy and the current situation of it, and indicate this industry have some problems such as unclearly position,lacking legislation,lacking access-mechanism and regulatory mechanism.The paper analysis tow case of them. The 1st case points out the problems of this industry:Unequal status with financial institutions,lack of risk control of personal Loans, the 2nd case points out the problems of management:reversing the process, financial vulnerability and defective contract.Finally,the author points out another problem by collecting information:lack of evaluation System of ratings,hard to avoid the regional risk, charge confusion and the unreasonable fanancial operation. To solve these problems,the author used the way of survey, observation and research. Conclude the reasons of these problems and give some methods to solve them:Improve the supporting laws and regulations,build the system of mainly policy-real estate guarantee agency and Supplemented other guarantee agency, manage them unified, real-time monitoring,and another suggestion is regulation of the internal management of these agency.Improving the process,updating the information system. Enhance the communication of land department,real estate department,housing fund center and banks.The paper suggest how to improve the management of the real estate guarantee,it tries to find a continue-developed and gives the reference to the personal loans of banks and the real estate market wich could help their healty development. To make good ralationship between the banks and real estate agencis,and keep the Sustainability of it.

【关键词】 住房置业担保规范管理
【Key words】 housingguaranteespecificationmanagement
  • 【分类号】F293.3;F832.39
  • 【下载频次】69

